The Junk Drawer

Good man Biden.

Biden administration overrules Trump policy on Palestinians (

Fuck you Israel, your so fucking wise & prosperous


PolitiFact | Yes, the U.S. gives billions to Israel every year – but Detroit receives federal aid, too

Just think about that

Over $3 FUCKING BILLION a year & more for the next 10 fucking years

What the fuck is that about?

But childcare/pre-K/clean energy programs/the entire Build Back America Bill/Universal Health Care, those minor issues are too costly, right?

Two leaches are buying the votes needed to pull they're bullshit on the American citizen

The fucking NRA & Israel.

Two fucking curses.
New Canadian regulations would put a warning on each cigarette, not just packaging
Canada is poised to become the first country in the world to require that a warning be printed on every cigarette.

Addictions Minister Carolyn Bennett said the measure is meant to reach more people — including young people, who often share cigarettes and don't encounter the packaging.

A 75-day consultation period is to begin Saturday.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada welcomed the new requirements and said that there is strong evidence to suggest that messages on tobacco products have had an impact on curbing consumption.

"Canada will now have the strongest health warning regime for cigarettes in the world," said the foundation's CEO, Doug Roth, in a statement.

"These are deadly products, and these measures will help to further reduce their appeal to youth and non-smokers, as well as to support current smokers in their efforts to quit."

Bennett also revealed expanded warnings for cigarette packages that include a longer list of smoking's health effects.

Canada has required the photo warnings since the turn of the millennium, but the images haven't been updated in a decade.

Rob Cunningham, senior policy analyst with the Canadian Cancer Society, noted that Canada also set a precedent by requiring the photo warnings, with other countries following suit.

He said he hopes the warnings printed on cigarettes themselves take off internationally as well.
Monday had me working for the 3rd time in four years - a favour to my neighbour's brother with maple syrup in return - sitting on a modified tobacco planter, planting sweet potato slips (cuttings). We started at stupid o'clock - 7am - yeah, I love sleeping in and that's early for me. It'd been arranged since Friday prior, with the condition that there'd be no tobacco consumption onboard. 8 people (2 right & 2 left handed) planting 4 rows, alternating placement of slips into rubber fingers on a wheel constantly turning towards you and planting the slips into the ground - hypnotic and nerve wracking to a degree.

Another employee had a religious holiday on Monday, Pentecost, something to with baptism I was told. Perhaps they're not held under long enough I quipped, and we began. Dust in the air in the morning and rain in the afternoon - finishing at 5:30 with only one lightning strike/thunder.

Great conversation, lots of laughs and an all out fantastic time. I'll be back at harvest time. :D
Monday had me working for the 3rd time in four years
I'm curious as to why you haven't worked that much in the last 3 years.

I retired 4 years ago & just recently went back to work to earn some cash.
I used to sell herb to supplement my retirement fund, but I basically stopped last year due to the fact pot is legal in the state next to mine, Massachusetts, & I live around 50 miles from the state line (I live in Connecticut) so since that, combined with the covid virus & me getting it, I wasn't selling that much anymore & I was sick so I had to let my wife finish that crop & she fucked it up She didn't know what a hermie looked like & I had one in that grow & it pollinated my entire crop (did get a lot of seeds though & my wife has like 8 decent plants going in her garden at least (hope their female :) )

So, I said fuck it, I'm not growing anymore.

Just tired of all the effort it takes to grow a lot of plants (I ran 27 in a perpetual)

Nah, my growing days are over :(

Plus, I can get a gram of oil for $135 for the good shit in Mass & that will last me for 10 days or so.

So Oz (Too many letters to type so I'll simply call you Oz)

Why so few work days, if you don't mind me asking?
Got my primary ballot, kind of odd they bothered...there's only one choice listed for each office. Made me laugh though.

Fuck you Michael Bennet, I would have liked to see a primary challenger. Not sure why, he just rubs me the wrong way.

There's five offices the dems aren't running anyone for. I wish I would have signed up to run for county treasurer, they were all sort of specialized like sheriff or surveyor and that's the only one I could make an argument for. Would run a crazy smashmouth mean ass campaign, challenge whoever it is to a fight, yadda yadda. I've learned a few things watching the trump era.
Got my primary ballot, kind of odd they bothered...there's only one choice listed for each office. Made me laugh though.

Fuck you Michael Bennet, I would have liked to see a primary challenger. Not sure why, he just rubs me the wrong way.

There's five offices the dems aren't running anyone for. I wish I would have signed up to run for county treasurer, they were all sort of specialized like sheriff or surveyor and that's the only one I could make an argument for. Would run a crazy smashmouth mean ass campaign, challenge whoever it is to a fight, yadda yadda. I've learned a few things watching the trump era.

Ahhhhhhhh so we're in the same district how exciting!:hug::wink:

I want to call that fucker up and tell him to end the filibuster.

He talks like a stoner when you have to work corporate..he's still a stoner.

There are a few positions of authority that literally requires no prior experience or knowledge.

Bennett may rub you the wrong way but he has a 'D' after his there's that.
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To @physicsguy.. @printer or @Budley Doright ...i forget which of you is..Q: if you had a linear particle accelerator to split atoms there would be no possible way that you wouldn't be vaporized if you were in the device area where it's splitting atoms? Correct?
i think it's much more likely that you would be irradiated fatally pretty quickly, and if you were in line with the particle, the "wave" of radiation that comes with it would probably burn a hole through you...
To @physicsguy.. @printer or @Budley Doright ...i forget which of you is..Q: if you had a linear particle accelerator to split atoms there would be no possible way that you wouldn't be vaporized if you were in the device area where it's splitting atoms? Correct?
Neutrons and radiation would get ya, lighter elements are used so there is not much residual radiation, they are smashing atoms together at near the speed of light, not creating a chain reaction in heavy unstable elements that produce a lot of radioactive isotopes. The idea is to smash the shit out of them and take a picture of what pops out of the explosion.
those devices are well-shielded, and during a run there are no people in the tunnel.
You all should have a tunnel into the tunnel with a sign saying “you too can suck Donald’s mushroom penis… for free, only enter when red light is flashing …. MAGA”. Like a live trap but different.