The Junk Drawer

Neutrons and radiation would get ya, lighter elements are used so there is not much residual radiation, they are smashing atoms together at near the speed of light, not creating a chain reaction in heavy unstable elements that produce a lot of radioactive isotopes. The idea is to smash the shit out of them and take a picture of what pops out of the explosion.

Something from another dimension?
Anyone ever do this?

I would love to know & if anyone knows where I can score some, let me know & I will make it economically worthwhile for you.

Plus, my friendship forever, & that is a rare commodity :)

I'm on a mission now to find some/eat some before I die.

It sounds like it's my kind of drug.

Who else loves tripping?

I love acid, it really connected with me with understanding that connection between all things living in the world

We are all connected, thru electrons, that every living organism creates/has/emits electricity.

Sorta like feeling a negative energy when your next to an asshole, a person that gives you the creeps/ & really emits a negative energy.

Maybe that's why I love growing plants, that I actually become connected to, which I credit LSD showing me ( that & me Mum)

Anyone else have a favorite plant that you must harvest/kill & actually feel an emotion over it, a thought of sadness because you actually liked that particular plant.

I have

Anyway, this guy explains tripping very well

Yea, these guys definitely tripped :)

One more by the greatest band/songwriters in the 20th century.

Dispute it

Anyone ever do this?

I would love to know & if anyone knows where I can score some, let me know & I will make it economically worthwhile for you.

Plus, my friendship forever, & that is a rare commodity :)

I'm on a mission now to find some/eat some before I die.

It sounds like it's my kind of drug.

Who else loves tripping?

I love acid, it really connected with me with understanding that connection between all things living in the world

We are all connected, thru electrons, that every living organism creates/has/emits electricity.

Sorta like feeling a negative energy when your next to an asshole, a person that gives you the creeps/ & really emits a negative energy.

Maybe that's why I love growing plants, that I actually become connected to, which I credit LSD showing me ( that & me Mum)

Anyone else have a favorite plant that you must harvest/kill & actually feel an emotion over it, a thought of sadness because you actually liked that particular plant.

I have

Anyway, this guy explains tripping very well

Yea, these guys definitely tripped :)

One more by the greatest band/songwriters in the 20th century.

Dispute it

I was just approved for Lexapro brand after they denied me I asked my Doctor to go back and remind them of my current life span trajectory and why would you make someone suffer the generic when I'm here.

There's a big ingredient namely.

They're keeping us sick and it's pathetic.
"Oh, I can't prescribe that, you have an addictive personality"
You know how many times I heard that?
Too many fucking times
So what is my reaction to the pain I was going through, instead of being prescribed a med & being monitored?
Go see Fred for some Oxy & buy a bottle of Jameson on the way home.
Much more effective

Side note,
Fred was cheaper than a pharm :)
Anyone ever do this?

I would love to know & if anyone knows where I can score some, let me know & I will make it economically worthwhile for you.

Plus, my friendship forever, & that is a rare commodity :)

I'm on a mission now to find some/eat some before I die.

It sounds like it's my kind of drug.

Who else loves tripping?

I love acid, it really connected with me with understanding that connection between all things living in the world

We are all connected, thru electrons, that every living organism creates/has/emits electricity.

Sorta like feeling a negative energy when your next to an asshole, a person that gives you the creeps/ & really emits a negative energy.

Maybe that's why I love growing plants, that I actually become connected to, which I credit LSD showing me ( that & me Mum)

Anyone else have a favorite plant that you must harvest/kill & actually feel an emotion over it, a thought of sadness because you actually liked that particular plant.

I have

Anyway, this guy explains tripping very well

Yea, these guys definitely tripped :)

One more by the greatest band/songwriters in the 20th century.

Dispute it

Yes I hate the chop you develop a relationship and I agree everything is connected. I've never done this though.
"Oh, I can't prescribe that, you have an addictive personality"
You know how many times I heard that?
Too many fucking times
So what is my reaction to the pain I was going through, instead of being prescribed a med & being monitored?
Go see Fred for some Oxy & buy a bottle of Jameson on the way home.
Much more effective

Side note,
Fred was cheaper than a pharm :)

I deleted that post how do you get it so quickly?:lol:
You should look into making ayahuasca Jim, I believe you can order all the stuff off Amazon. It's just a tea basically, you aren't doing complex extractions.

No clue how it works anymore, but I would assume you can still get legit dmt off whatever version of the silkroad is out there now. You used to be able to order all sorts of shit from shady labs in asia/Russia, but that was long ago.