The problem with libs/dems

Totally fine with my hypocritical excerpt there. The fact remains not a single liberal or democrat has acknowledged that contraceptives should be the primary go to for preventing pregnancy and that women share equal responsibility to practice this due diligence. By liberal logic no one should be able to tell someone not to get hammered then get in a car and drive wherever because it’s their body their choice. Who cares if an innocent life is lost due to the neglect of responsibility by the individual? Instead we practice due diligence and leave our vehicle at home, call a cab, have a designated driver, all things that prevent the unnecessary loss of life from a poor decision but you want to absolve women of that same responsibility when it comes to sex and unwanted pregnancy when just like my metaphor there are numerous options available to prevent the accident from occurring altogether. This is why you’re all so fucking idiotic but the difference in me telling you this and what I said to cunning is that not once has he been able to refute my logic but just hurls insults because that’s what the left does when they’re caught baffled without any possible means of rebuttal. Everything I’ve said is accurate, the fact you’re unable to negate it means it’s the obvious solution
Totally fine with my hypocritical excerpt there. The fact remains not a single liberal or democrat has acknowledged that contraceptives should be the primary go to for preventing pregnancy and that women share equal responsibility to practice this due diligence. By liberal logic no one should be able to tell someone not to get hammered then get in a car and drive wherever because it’s their body their choice. Who cares if an innocent life is lost due to the neglect of responsibility by the individual? Instead we practice due diligence and leave our vehicle at home, call a cab, have a designated driver, all things that prevent the unnecessary loss of life from a poor decision but you want to absolve women of that same responsibility when it comes to sex and unwanted pregnancy when just like my metaphor there are numerous options available to prevent the accident from occurring altogether. This is why you’re all so fucking idiotic but the difference in me telling you this and what I said to cunning is that not once has he been able to refute my logic but just hurls insults because that’s what the left does when they’re caught baffled without any possible means of rebuttal. Everything I’ve said is accurate, the fact you’re unable to negate it means it’s the obvious solution

Contraceptive use doesn't need to be acknowledged. It's been hammered into us for decades FFS. You're convoluting safe sex practice with a medical procedure that most people will attempt to avoid at any and all costs. Including practicing safe sex. Why are you attempting to portray this scenario as though people will just start throwing out their condoms and pills and practically fucking in the streets because abortion is legally available and safe for those that require it? Do you seriously believe people will change their sexual habits because the law designates a VERY serious procedure as illegal in many States? There are a number of reasons woman have abortions and it's certainly not confined to "safe sex practice".

Open your eyes man. Your rights are being taken away by the courts piece by piece as we speak.
Totally fine with my hypocritical excerpt there. The fact remains not a single liberal or democrat has acknowledged that contraceptives should be the primary go to for preventing pregnancy and that women share equal responsibility to practice this due diligence. By liberal logic no one should be able to tell someone not to get hammered then get in a car and drive wherever because it’s their body their choice. Who cares if an innocent life is lost due to the neglect of responsibility by the individual? Instead we practice due diligence and leave our vehicle at home, call a cab, have a designated driver, all things that prevent the unnecessary loss of life from a poor decision but you want to absolve women of that same responsibility when it comes to sex and unwanted pregnancy when just like my metaphor there are numerous options available to prevent the accident from occurring altogether. This is why you’re all so fucking idiotic but the difference in me telling you this and what I said to cunning is that not once has he been able to refute my logic but just hurls insults because that’s what the left does when they’re caught baffled without any possible means of rebuttal. Everything I’ve said is accurate, the fact you’re unable to negate it means it’s the obvious solution
The problem is your logic for normal people
The end
Do you ever have any critically thought out logical rebuttal in anyway or are you solely reserved to it’s my way or the highway. That’s the prob with libtards, you see something that makes sense like if you don’t want a kid use protection so you don’t have one and you go rabble rabble rabble you should have been an abortion, you’re absolutely making sense but everything my womens studies teacher said tells me you’re wrong so I’ll ignore the perfect logic behind your statement and hurl insults because I can’t win this argument with intellect
Is libtard a term of endearment then? Seems that may classify as a hurled insult no? Too funny, hahaha. smh again.
Contraceptive use doesn't need to be acknowledged. It's been hammered into us for decades FFS. You're convoluting safe sex practice with a medical procedure that most people will attempt to avoid at any and all costs. Including practicing safe sex. Why are you attempting to portray this scenario as though people will just start throwing out their condoms and pills and practically fucking in the streets because abortion is legally available and safe for those that require it? Do you seriously believe people will change their sexual habits because the law designates a VERY serious procedure as illegal in many States? There are a number of reasons woman have abortions and it's certainly not confined to "safe sex practice".

Open your eyes man. Your rights are being taken away by the courts piece by piece as we speak.
Acceptable practice is if the fetus has life altering deformations or the mothers life is jeopardized from foreseeable complications. Unfortunately there’s a ton of women that use it because I got drunk I don’t know who the dad is and I don’t want to raise a kid alone on my own dime without support. I agree with aspects of it but it’s abused by morons who have had 2-3, hell even 1 and say they would do it again cause fuck kids. Those people should have no access to the procedure because they’re shit people but it’s readily available and used by those shit people instead of them being responsible. That’s where the issue is.
Acceptable practice is if the fetus has life altering deformations or the mothers life is jeopardized from foreseeable complications. Unfortunately there’s a ton of women that use it because I got drunk I don’t know who the dad is and I don’t want to raise a kid alone on my own dime without support. I agree with aspects of it but it’s abused by morons who have had 2-3, hell even 1 and say they would do it again cause fuck kids. Those people should have no access to the procedure because they’re shit people but it’s readily available and used by those shit people instead of them being responsible. That’s where the issue is.

Is that the majority who use the procedure? And what are your thoughts on the States that wish to make emergency contraception (morning after pill) illegal as well?
Is that the majority who use the procedure? And what are your thoughts on the States that wish to make emergency contraception (morning after pill) illegal as well?
Should be readily available. Crushing skulls and tearing apart limbs with forceps ripping a body apart shouldn’t be necessary unless that life will suffer traumatically from medical problems or endangers the mothers existence. If they’re aborting because they weren’t being smart and being on the pill and letting dudes nut in them and not getting plan b just rolling the dice saying I’ll be fine it’s all good then they are irresponsible losers who should have to live with the consequences of their actions. it was a get out of jail free card pay a fee and go back out and party and don’t learn from your mistakes. All you gotta do is watch YouTube clips of interviews with the women who are all for it and you’ll see how scummy they are.
Is that the majority who use the procedure? And what are your thoughts on the States that wish to make emergency contraception (morning after pill) illegal as well?
You can look at it the same as drunk drivers who hit a pedestrian or another car and seriously injure or kill them, we don’t give them a free pass for doing something idiotic, why should we give irresponsible women a free pass to kill an innocent life because they wanted to get off
You can look at it the same as drunk drivers who hit a pedestrian or another car and seriously injure or kill them, we don’t give them a free pass for doing something idiotic, why should we give irresponsible women a free pass to kill an innocent life because they wanted to get off

What if the condom had a malfunction at the junction? What if the pill she was taken didn't work as it should? You cannot conflate something like drinking and driving with this ruling by the highest court in a country. It's making you sound naive, misinformed, and extremely narrow minded. IMHO.
What if the condom had a malfunction at the junction? What if the pill she was taken didn't work as it should? You cannot conflate something like drinking and driving with this ruling by the highest court in a country. It's making you sound naive, misinformed, and extremely narrow minded. IMHO.
Odds of both a condom and bc failing simultaneously is an extremely thin margin. Not to say it’s not possible but if both sides are playing defence then there’s not much chance of scoring a goal
Meh, you can argue minutia if you like. It's her body and her choice. The SCOTUS ruling doesn't change that.
Yeah, just saying being responsible means she won’t have that choice to make and she gets to have all the fun she wants by being smart instead of rolling the dice like an idiot
Yeah, just saying being responsible means she won’t have that choice to make and she gets to have all the fun she wants by being smart instead of rolling the dice like an idiot

Meh, you can argue minutia if you like. It's her body and her choice. The SCOTUS ruling doesn't change that.
It’s the old adage, play stupid games win stupid prizes, in this case an unplanned pregnancy cause sally lets dudes nut in her but she won’t use birth control and she doesn’t want kids. Sally shouldn’t get a free pass to play that game again, sally should learn responsibility. Also my dickhead prime ministers gonna say our doors are open to women from the states to get procedures done here so I’m gonna wind up paying for your Sally’s to fix their mistakes instead of my own people getting better health care. Your Sally’s can just get on the pill or the patch or an iud etc
Should be readily available. Crushing skulls and tearing apart limbs with forceps ripping a body apart shouldn’t be necessary unless that life will suffer traumatically from medical problems or endangers the mothers existence. If they’re aborting because they weren’t being smart and being on the pill and letting dudes nut in them and not getting plan b just rolling the dice saying I’ll be fine it’s all good then they are irresponsible losers who should have to live with the consequences of their actions. it was a get out of jail free card pay a fee and go back out and party and don’t learn from your mistakes. All you gotta do is watch YouTube clips of interviews with the women who are all for it and you’ll see how scummy they are.
Yeah YouTube
The right wing bastion of truth :wall:
Not really, there’s vids of conferences of abortion doctors where they are joking about eyeballs falling onto their laps and shit. It’s a daily occurrence
Must be next to the "stop the steal" and Q-anon videos? Please post a link. I do research topics on the internet worth looking into. If so common, there must be some credible sources, eh?