
It's just not smart to piss them off or arouse them, volunteers would increase for the army and opposition to the war, such that it is, would be harder. That's aside from it being a war crime and we are trying to enforce international law. It's easy and natural to be pissed about this shit, but anger while useful for motivation is poor for planning and execution, despite the movies. Vlad does shit for emotional reasons, like being pissed his bridge got blown up on his birthday and wasting diminishing ammo over it. This shit won't help him where it counts, on the battlefield and it won't keep his army from collapsing either.
just give the weapons to Ukraine they will know what to do with them...
He is between a rock and a hard place and if Belarussian officers on the border start talking to Ukrainian officers who knows what could happen? The army will revolt, and the Russian internal security forces would be fucked. if they decided a change of government was the solution to their problems. Blowing the rail bridges into Belarus would do much to stop the Russian army, what will be left of it. Ukraine Poland and the Baltic states would immediately recognize a new government in Belarus and support it militarily if required. If the Belarus army was ordered to invade and followed orders, they would be committing suicide, if they talked it over with Ukraine, they might head in the opposite direction with the Ukrainians and Poles behind them.
If I were Belarus, I’d be saying ‘good riddance’….

It occurs to me that with the Russian bear shown to be both drunk and unable to dance, we may start to see uprisings in every ‘Russian’ territory from Georgia to Khazakhstan to Moldova to Kaliningrad. They know the bear is brutal & dangerous, but they also know they have a real chance to take it down while it’s hurt and distracted, and get rid of it. This could be the moment generations of soviet subjects and their children have dreamed of.
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If your waiting for Germany, or any western European country to save Ukraine I wouldn't hold my breath...
View attachment 5210827
The Baltic states ladies and EU queen are quite fisty and have an attitude. The Russian minister of defense is the King of corruption, where did those 1.5 million winter uniforms go? He's been an abject failure and threat to his county's national security. He's Putin's lackey and partner in crime, an incompetent fool. Policy is determined by cabinets, defense ministers recommend and execute policy, they don't make it any more than the secretary of defense does.
1 of 4 to be delivered.....lol......4?! hahahaha
In some respects, the situation has come to resemble an arms-industry Olympics…tech & tactics & effective trends are on display more and more, and what we’re seeing is the battlemap of the future in live-action role-play
If I were Belarus, I’d be saying ‘good riddance’..
It occurs to me that with the Russian bear shown to be both drunk and unable to dance, we may start to see uprisings in every ‘Russian’ territory from Georgia to Kazakhstan to Moldova to Kaniningrad(sp?). They know the bear is brutal, but they also know they have a real chance to take it down while it’s hurt and distracted. This could be the moment generations of soviet subjects and their children have dreamed of.
All the former Soviet republics and former satellites know the score with Putin, and all are waiting for his army and economy to be destroyed while strengthening relations with either China, the EU or America. Kazakhstan has security assurances from China has lots of oil and borders on China, Georgia is friendly with NATO and recently had high level American visits. Vlad has many enemies and no friends.
The Baltic states ladies and EU queen are quite fisty and have an attitude. The Russian minister of defense is the King of corruption, where did those 1.5 million winter uniforms go? He's been an abject failure and threat to his county's national security. He's Putin's lackey and partner in crime, an incompetent fool. Policy is determined by cabinets, defense ministers recommend and execute policy, they don't make it any more than the secretary of defense does.
If he's putin's incompetent fool then the time to strike is now....why wait until he finds somebody competent?
In some respects, the situation has come to resemble an arms-industry Olympics…tech & tactics & effective trends are on display more and more, and what we’re seeing is the battlemap of the future in live-action role-play
Putin vs Zelensky
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If he's putin's incompetent fool then the time to strike is now....why wait until he finds somebody competent?
Strike how and with what?
The problems in Russia are systemic and until they are addressed the army will have systemic problems and won't be reformed and that will take a decade or more. A more competent asshole won't help, the problems are too deep, and Vlad is their source.
Strike how and with what?
The problems in Russia are systemic and until they are addressed the army will have systemic problems and won't be reformed and that will take a decade or more. A more competent asshole won't help, the problems are too deep, and Vlad is their source.
Ukraine had the worlds 3rd largest Nuclear arsenal until we (US & Russia) talk them out of them. Do you think Putler would be doing this if Ukraine still had 1,900 nuclear warheads?..
every battle in combat is a war crime to the opposition...
Targeting civilians is a crime against humanity, as well as a war crime, as outlined by the geneva convention.
