

Well-Known Member
That's a risk those making the decisions decided to take, and it's been worth it so far. If the Ukrainians deploy a weapon or piece of equipment, and things go wrong,there is a chance russia could get their hands on something we don't want them to...but it appears the watchers that were set in place to stop that from happening did their jobs.
And really, are the russians in a position to exploit new technology? They're having trouble keeping the shit they have now running.
They had that problem in Soviet times, they could steal it, but with few exceptions and a lot of national effort, couldn't produce it with their shit economic system. The economic system has changed from communism to a mismanaged kleptocracy with even less domestic competition. When they opened up to the globe in 1990 a lot of things were cheaper to import than to make in the old state enterprises, even for those things they could make. Nothing but imports filled the vacuum, a western liberal democracy would have developed a domestic manufacturing base and a lot of other things for Russia, considering the vast fortune pouring in from energy and the rich vastness of the land. Instead, money was stolen from the country and kept abroad, there being few places to invest it and most being illegal anyway, oligarchs and the connected ran and benefited from the economy.

Vlad still thinks in terms of Soviet autarky in a global economic system that is linked to the rules based system of international law. He supposedly has a PhD in global economics, which I'm sure he intimidated or bribed his way into from a lower earned degree. He doesn't act like someone with such an education, or if he has one, he must be pretty fucking dense!


Well-Known Member
yeah it's time to take out that other section

As soon as the car traffic out of Crimea stops, the less Russians there the better, taking out just the railway section would fuck the Russians and still allow civilians to leave. They wanna win the peace and these assholes might decide to stay when the realize they won't be killed on sight, too late when they are gone, and Ukraine owns Crimea. If their houses and apartments are still standing, they will be filled by de-housed refugees from other parts of Ukraine. If the Kerch rail bridge is destroyed and the Ukrainians drive to the sea of Azov, it will make it impossible for the Russians to hold southern Ukraine or Crimea. It will be game over and with only cars able to cross, most of the equipment would be left behind out of fuel and ammo.


Well-Known Member
White House says Iranian troops on the ground in Crimea aiding Russian drone strikes
The White House on Thursday confirmed that Russia is attacking Ukraine with Iranian drones launched from the occupied Crimean Peninsula with on-the-ground assistance from military trainers from Iran.
National Security spokesperson John Kirby further raised concern that Russia will seek to acquire advanced conventional weapons from Tehran as it faces military supply shortages under pressure from Western sanctions.

“We can confirm that Russia’s military personnel that are based in Crimea have been piloting Iranian UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles], using them to conduct strikes across Ukraine, including strikes against Kyiv in just recent days. We assess that Iranian military personnel on the ground in Crimea assisted Russia in these operations,” Kirby said.

“There’s extensive proof of their use by Russia against both military and civilian targets [in Ukraine], yet both Iran and Russia continue to lie about it.”
Kirby said that the U.S. cannot offer exact numbers on how many Iranians are in Crimea, adding that it’s a “relatively small number” but that they are providing tech support while the Russians pilot the UAVs for attacks.

“Russia has received dozens of UAVs so far, and will likely continue to receive additional shipments in the future,” he said.
He added that the administration is exploring “new sanctions” and that the Department of Defense is “looking actively” at potential air defense solutions for the Ukrainians.

Russian attacks with Iranian so-called kamikaze drones have terrorized Ukraine over the past two weeks, with civilian casualties and civilian infrastructure, including residential buildings, energy and water supplies, destroyed by the explosive-laden drones.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has pleaded for supporting countries to send more air defense systems immediately.
The U.S. and NATO said they are working to quickly send more air defenses and anti-drone technology to Ukraine, while other air defense systems from Spain and Germany are said to have recently arrived.

But the Ukrainians have pleaded for more, in particular to Israel for its Iron Dome missile defense system, which is considered one of the most successful air defense systems at targeting indiscriminate fire.

Israel has rejected sharing the Iron Dome, a decision that Kirby said was their “sovereign” right.
He said the Pentagon is “looking hard at what what’s in the realm of the possible,” for air defenses for Ukraine, “including, as I said earlier, what could be possible from allies and partners.”


Well-Known Member
UA needs to get to that dam, and ck for explosives devices and the such
They need to get within tube artillery range and start using drones to obliterate and Russian positions around or on the dam, and perhaps insert special forces by water and or air to protect it. Blowing it presents problems for the Russians too, which is one reason why the Ukrainians might prevent their escape around Kherson until the dam is secured. It is already under fire from the mobile long range 155mm stuff I believe. They may use human shields though which is why they could move more than their lackeys, but it should be hard for them to get anything across soon. They would surround a tank with civilians on a barge for instance, they are real assholes. So, make sure they have fuck all to cross the river with, pontoon bridges, barges, boats and tugs are all sunk on sight. It will also close off one of their two evacuation routes back into Crimea if they blew the dam and trap or drown their own units in the area.


Well-Known Member
Then halt all Russian evacuation from Kherson by artillery and HIMARS fire, trap them there between the rising river and the Ukrainians. Don't let the Russians out until they secure the dam, if they blow it, they will blow it anyway once they evacuate, so stop the evacuation and drive for the dam while using special forces to capture it in advance. They will fuck themselves and abandon those on the other side of the river or drown those downstream. In the meantime, obliterate anything on or near it with long range artillery and HIMARS. Clear a path to the place with a tungsten rain of HIMARS and manned tactical aviation if they've got to. Get within regular artillery range and use drones to kill anything that moves on or near it with airburst antipersonnel rounds.



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How NATO Solves Its Abandonment Problem

NATO is the most powerful alliance ever created. But the combined strength of its individual countries is meaningless if no one will actually help a member in need. In alliance politics, this is known as the "abandonment" problem. NATO is well aware of the issue, and it goes to great lengths to find solutions. This video explains them, with special attention to issues that will arise once Sweden and Finland join the alliance.