
Welcome to NATO, where a fascist stab in the back is just an election away! Europe will make adjustments and with the new reality concerning the Russian threat, might feel more secure in dealing with it themselves soon enough. A second time around the block with the republicans kissing the Russians ass should do the trick. Vlad or whatever scum floats to the top will be increasingly concerned with Europe and their neighbors, who happen to hate their guts and might have little concern for America, Xi might though.

Russia has been shown to be weak and soon it will be militarily, Europe and their central Asian neighbors have seen this, so has China and central Asia is rich in resources and oil and is up for grabs. Kazakhstan is the richest prize for China with a common border and a lot of oil and gas that it has trouble exporting, already they gave them security assurances. If China is horking down their oil and gas, it means less demand globally and it wouldn't surprise me if they built a pipeline to India. The Americans and Europeans are moving into the region too and there could be a pipeline there too moving Caspian oil and gas to western markets.

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Sometimes the things you don't hear much about can make the biggest difference on the battlefield, there are more ways of killing Russian guns than spotting them with drones, but drone and antibattery radars working together with highly accurate western artillery can be quite effective at killing Russian guns and crews and making sure they are hit. Wiping out Russian artillery helps a lot, especially with offensive operations and the fact that the Russians depend heavily on artillery on the battlefield, like they depend on the railways for logistics.

Wasn’t it Robert Frost who said good sensors make good neighbors?
About a week or two from being dragged off the street in Moscow to dead in Ukraine will be about average, as quick as they can deliver them to the slaughterhouse. Blow the rail bridges on lines running into Ukraine from Russia and end this carnage, cut off the Russians in Ukraine from resupply and trap these poor bastards 100km inside Russia at least. Maybe the idea won't work, but it should slow the Russian logistics to a trickle, or maybe they want the destruction of the Russian army to continue and be final. Perhaps they think the mass death will cause political change in Russia and keep their oil off global markets long enough to crash their economy.

I think there might be better ways to fight this war, if ya want to just win and if the Ukrainians had the means they would deploy them. ATACMS, cruise missiles, manned aircraft or drones with a heavy payload would be required to strike these targets 100km or so inside Russia. The Russians cannot project power beyond the old soviet gauge rail network and can only operate in a meaningful offensive operation no more than about 25km from their railheads.

In the meantime, people like this and Ukrainians to a lesser degree get tossed in the meat grinder. At least this Russian would have to go the last hundred or two kilometers marching or by bus, with no supplies or support and more opportunities to escape enroute.


Putin is at war with his own people | Joel Rubin

3,665 views Oct 20, 2022 “It’s clear that Vladimir Putin is feeling desperate.” Joel Rubin, former deputy assistant secretary of state under President Obama, explains the significance of Russian president Putin declaring martial law in four regions of annexed Ukraine, speaking to Carole Walker on #TimesRadio.
Definitely a change in the EU and especially the German attitude and policy, no more excuses and delays, arms and more support are on the way to Ukraine. Looks like they made up their minds about Vlad leaving all of Ukraine including Crimea, it is in their long term interests to do so for several very good reasons. Now that the Ukrainians are not just winning but demonstrating they can defeat and eject the Russians from their country while destroying their military power for a decade The Russian energy has been cut off and Ukraine's NG and oil beckons, they are finally resolved to end it.

It also sends a message to Vlad; it doesn't matter what happens with the US election, yer fucked! :lol: Squirm, squeal, do stupid shit and maneuver all ya want, the off ramp is the Ukrainian exit, or continue on the highway to Hell, downhill at ever increasing speed.

Imagine a few of them hitting a train full of newly arrived conscripts at the station, welcome to Ukraine. I can see it happening, unless they can stop the trains inside Russia, or the carnage would be unimaginable with a thousand or two dead Russians torn to pieces and burning passenger carriages. These things are designed to kill a lot of people over a large area in one shot and why wait for them to get to the trenches at the front.
$400 billion from the Saudis and $100 Billion from these guys with more to come from others in the region most likely. Those shitty Iranian drones and the missiles coming are worth a cool half a trillion to Ukraine! Israel might also act, despite the public stance, there is a lot of internal and external heat on them to do more about defensive arms with Iran in the game.

Should be millions, not billions, but still a substantial chunk of change
That's a risk those making the decisions decided to take, and it's been worth it so far. If the Ukrainians deploy a weapon or piece of equipment, and things go wrong,there is a chance russia could get their hands on something we don't want them to...but it appears the watchers that were set in place to stop that from happening did their jobs.
And really, are the russians in a position to exploit new technology? They're having trouble keeping the shit they have now running.