
They will be getting squeezed after the election and Donald will be howling and dancing, until indicted and a DC judge slaps him with a gag order muzzling him until trial.

Hope so, with all the mudslinging down here the election is up in the air, fingers crossed, ol,orange avenger isn't muzzled as it were, he was down here doing his propaganda fest somewhere in the north a couple of days ago spewing his shit, fingers crossed on the gag order, that azzhole needs to burn
Sometimes the things you don't hear much about can make the biggest difference on the battlefield, there are more ways of killing Russian guns than spotting them with drones, but drone and antibattery radars working together with highly accurate western artillery can be quite effective at killing Russian guns and crews and making sure they are hit. Wiping out Russian artillery helps a lot, especially with offensive operations and the fact that the Russians depend heavily on artillery on the battlefield, like they depend on the railways for logistics.

Hope so, with all the mudslinging down here the election is up in the air, fingers crossed, ol,orange avenger isn't muzzled as it were, he was down here doing his propaganda fest somewhere in the north a couple of days ago spewing his shit, fingers crossed on the gag order, that azzhole needs to burn
He will run wild until he's indicted and will be spooked by events before he is, the hits keep coming, sometimes several a week now as Donald's day of doom approaches. I figure it will be at least a couple of weeks after the election, no matter how it turns out and he will be indicted over the documents in DC and the judge will muzzle him then, or right after he shoots his mouth off.

Retired general says this is the reason for Putin's martial law

371,775 views Oct 19, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin declared martial law in four Ukrainian regions the Kremlin claims to have annexed. Retired Maj. Gen. James "Spider" Marks joins CNN’s Victor Blackwell and Erica Hill to discuss the motivation behind Putin’s latest move.
$400 billion from the Saudis and $100 Billion from these guys with more to come from others in the region most likely. Those shitty Iranian drones and the missiles coming are worth a cool half a trillion to Ukraine! Israel might also act, despite the public stance, there is a lot of internal and external heat on them to do more about defensive arms with Iran in the game.

It isn't just M777s they are getting, there are other very effective artillery systems that NATO uses, several countries have donated these and there might be more of them than M777s in Ukraine now. These can scoot on their own while the truck is getting more ammo, or it can be towed by the truck.

Old NATO Howitzers Are A New Weapon For Ukrainian Artillerists

765,775 views Oct 19, 2022 The FH70 155-millimeter howitzer has been used by NATO countries for over 40 years. The letters and number actually stand for Field Howitzer for the 1970s. Ukrainian forces first got their hands on them courtesy of Italy in May and received training in Estonia.
They call shells mines. 300 dead Russians a day apparently with over a 6:1 casualty ratio for the Ukrainians and 50% of their seiously wounded die from lack of medical care. That ratio should increase with the number of untrained Russians in the line and more western weapons being used by the Ukrainians, captured troops count as causalities too. The Russians are losing men, equipment and entire units, while the Ukrainians are getting better, gaining experience, new troops and arms.

The Ukrainians will gladly huddle around their DIY wood stoves burning ruble with intermittent power this winter in exchange for beating the Russians and driving them from the land. The attacks on the power systems were by missiles mostly, the cheap drones aren't accurate enough, carry a big enough warhead or can get through to defended targets to damage the power grid enough and they are running low on missiles. Dunno if the Iranian ballistic missiles are accurate enough either and they can be shot down too using anti-ballistic missile systems.

'Mines are falling like on schedule': MineDay in Ukraine for russian occupiers

129,757 views Oct 19, 2022 #inetrcepted phone calls are like reading your ex’s messages. All bad, all gonna die. Operation of partial utilization is going on.