Police Interactions.

I grew up in Boston in the 80’s early 90’s and i can tell you with certainty that the Boston police force was the most racist corrupt bastards around. It wasn’t uncommon for someone we knew to be picked up slapped up and dropped off at what they considered to be the worst parts of the city. It didn’t matter our race
I can't believe those 5 guys are even trained police officers,complete lack of professionalism,dialogue on body cams is basically a gang of thugs rapping,a joint manipulation hold or wristlock is the way to handcuff,not punching in the face and kicking in the head. Once cuffed these guys continue the beatdown.When they are finally done no one offers any aid including other "officers" who show up and medical assistance takes an eternity to show up.I didn't see ONE superior officer(seargent) present to reign these idiots in. This is what happens when poorly trained thugs are employed as police officers an absolute discrace to Memphis that those guys ever passed the police academy,let alone a "elite unit",these clowns pepper sprayed each other, condolences to the Nichol's family for your tragic loss,can't say I'd blame you if you are forever jaded by this.

The 'dogs' were on hunt that night. They refer to themselves by that moniker on purpose.
I agree just not that it wouldn’t couldn’t doesn’t happen to anyone but American minorities. I not justifying these cocksuckers . I think we as a country need to come together to crush them but all this bs is keeping us focused on each other and too busy to notice the real enemies of our citizens/country and they are in the wide open to boot

But who falls for it?


Someone here said they tried National News (CNN) and it wasn't quite the boogeyman it's being made to be- it's cable news.
But who falls for it?

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Someone here said they tried National News (CNN) and it wasn't quite the boogeyman it's being made to be- it's cable news.
ALL news has some bias...but you can draw useful information from the most biased newscasts, if you're aware of and compensate for that bias.
i read some stories from fox. i can't make myself watch any of their video, there isn't one of them i can listen to for more than a minute or two without getting upset...and i can't afford to keep replacing monitors with fist holes in them.
but i do read some of their horseshit stories, mostly just to keep up with what kind of lies they're spreading at the moment. If you apply some fairly strong filters to fox, you still get horrible horseshit, but it's horrible horseshit that contains information, usually just not the information people are looking for. It tells you the state of desperation of the republican party. it tells you the fake talking points they're pushing right now. it tells you how they're trying to subvert justice and democracy. it also, unfortunately, tells you just how eager the administration is to do a fucking thing about having a fascist propaganda machine operating within our borders...
I grew up in Boston in the 80’s early 90’s and i can tell you with certainty that the Boston police force was the most racist corrupt bastards around. It wasn’t uncommon for someone we knew to be picked up slapped up and dropped off at what they considered to be the worst parts of the city. It didn’t matter our race
Abandoned mill properties is where beatings were meted out in my city,also in MA,pre-cell cameras.
So this post changed for me after the second video, I don't really have a point to it now other than how scary it is when you give people power over others. I have no ill will towards the police, but they do scare the crap out of me, always have. I have never been in any altercation with one, and as soon as it is obvious I am going to be pulled over, I pull over get everything out on the dash, and put my hands on the steering wheel. I did once have to talk to a cop who pulled my neighbors teenage kid over and ended up with him being in back of the car outside his house because of a expired plate, which sucked that the kid was put through that.


This guy must feel like a real man.


I was going to make the post about that, but then this video popped up. It is nuts.

They are having a mass clearout of Narcissistic police officers in England right now, they need to because Institutional Narcissism is a recipe for an actual civil war. It is incredibly cowardly, and not at all patriotic to abuse people from behind a job role, all safe and protected. Police Officers should be able to police the towns they actually live in, with the full force of their local communities behind them.
The 'dogs' were on hunt that night. They refer to themselves by that moniker on purpose.
I don't claim to know the % of good/bad,professional/unprofessional,humane/inhumane ratios nationwide of police,I'd bet that those committing repulsive atrocities via the public are in the minority.Those individuals who take pride and try hard to plant seeds of goodwill in their respective communities and give respect to get respect are back at square one every time this shit happens. It takes special people to witness the ugly side of humanity on a daily basis and maintain impartiality,professional standards,and humanity all while experiencing things on the dark side day in and day out. Obviously there are not enough of them to fully staff police depts. across the country.
I don't claim to know the % of good/bad,professional/unprofessional,humane/inhumane ratios nationwide of police,I'd bet that those committing repulsive atrocities via the public are in the minority.Those individuals who take pride and try hard to plant seeds of goodwill in their respective communities and give respect to get respect are back at square one every time this shit happens. It takes special people to witness the ugly side of humanity on a daily basis and maintain impartiality,professional standards,and humanity all while experiencing things on the dark side day in and day out. Obviously there are not enough of them to fully staff police depts. across the country.
On the principle that one bad apple will spoil the barrel, it only takes a tiny minority of bad actors to besmirch the profession.
What compounds it is the institutional practice of protecting their bad actors from legal consequence, ramrodded by the police unions.

Our prosecutors and judges need to draw a very hard line on abusers of police power. Place the convicts in prison g-pop as a way to encourage the others. Another platitude is handy here: you reap what you sow.

Oh, and make it a prison felony to fail to have body cams on for every second of duty*, or to interfere with their function in any way. That includes anyone who loses or degrades the recorded data.

*no bathroom exemption
you would think if they keep using the same place to do the shit, some local activist would go out and hide some cameras, catch them in the act with irrefutable proof.
In that time kodak disc was new technology and if dad heard the cops kicked the shit out of you there was a fifty fifty you got one from him too
In that time kodak disc was new technology and if dad heard the cops kicked the shit out of you there was a fifty fifty you got one from him too
The days of standing as one to protect wankers is over. We have all been young and done stupid badly thought out things we can't change, but would if we could, this is full grown men who are old enough to know better, typically. The past is not always an indicator of the future, unless you want it to be.
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I don't claim to know the % of good/bad,professional/unprofessional,humane/inhumane ratios nationwide of police,I'd bet that those committing repulsive atrocities via the public are in the minority.Those individuals who take pride and try hard to plant seeds of goodwill in their respective communities and give respect to get respect are back at square one every time this shit happens. It takes special people to witness the ugly side of humanity on a daily basis and maintain impartiality,professional standards,and humanity all while experiencing things on the dark side day in and day out. Obviously there are not enough of them to fully staff police depts. across the country.

My husband loved the 3rd shift- extra pay + prime hunting time and as his wife I was privy to it all..they don't go to shrinks..this police wife got to carry it around.
who was talking about the police? you gonna go to the arsonist league when your house is on fire?
did you ever even bother to look?
quick google search,
anyone with the nerve to walk away can keep on walking.

Did I look for a solution, Roger? Give me a break.

Thanks for the link, it was 1996.

I gave you a sad face for not knowing reality.