
Robert Gates,a respected former Sec. of Defense,in a interview w/Wash. Post's David Ignatious says Putin would end up being replaced w/a more hard line anti-West leader were he to be shit canned or die,I find that sobering for myself and those hoping for a Navalny or someone of a similar ideology.

If they had a true election Navalny would be elected in a landslide- they wouldn't want to come to America for a better life and Democracy..they'd have it in Navalny. He is a Faithful and a leader like Zelensky. His heart true to the people and country he serves.
If they had a true election Navalny would be elected in a landslide- they wouldn't want to come to America for a better life and Democracy..they'd have it in Navalny. He is a Faithful and a leader like Zelensky. His heart true to the people and country he serves.
Surely,I know little about him, but I like what I have seen,seems like reasonable leader more interested in the living standards of reg. Russians than confronting the west over historical issues,but Gates claims the radical right has the ear of and the pull in Moscow, issues that sound familiar.
Robert Gates,a respected former Sec. of Defense,in a interview w/Wash. Post's David Ignatious says Putin would end up being replaced w/a more hard line anti-West leader were he to be shit canned or die,I find that sobering for myself and those hoping for a Navalny or someone of a similar ideology.
Some months ago, I mentioned the fable of the old woman of Syracuse. Those not familiar are invited to look it up. It applies here.

i use the emojis as a reaction to the content, not the poster...sometimes i have the same reaction for both, sometimes the content makes me angry, or sad, but not the poster. when someone is being a dick, i usually feel compelled to at least point it out, usually in non complimentary terms...Never ignore or condone shitty behavior, Always call people out on being a douche...Otherwise you keep getting more republicans.

I refuse the troll it's meal..but that's me..I'll starve it to death. Nothing can make me respond unless I choose it.
The point is we'd never know.
We would never know, but putin would...
But it'll never even come up, those directly under putin more than likely already have a plan in place, and support secured, for if and when the shit hits the fan. They already know who will take over if putin checks out, and it sure as shit isn't Navalny.
The best we can hope for is someone who realizes Ukraine is a losing proposition and withdraws all forces, looking to negotiate...Something putin doesn't seem capable of grasping.
Some months ago, I mentioned the fable of the old woman of Syracuse. Those not familiar are invited to look it up. It applies here.

True however we have a system that St. Thomas of Aquinas didn't have- voting, rights. However, since we are reminder mode..DeSantis is Trump on steroids..I have to start early like Trump does to make it stick in the Rural mind.

Let's talk about an Indian power play....

Ummmmm really glad he clarified that this is the country India rather than Native American populace for the less than 100..this may sound stupid but talking about 'carrier groups' East and West air carriers for the Navy they don't have?

I would've preferred more introduction on carrier groups because there was none..therefore speaking nonsense. I gleaned very little which is not Beau's usual.
We would never know, but putin would...
But it'll never even come up, those directly under putin more than likely already have a plan in place, and support secured, for if and when the shit hits the fan. They already know who will take over if putin checks out, and it sure as shit isn't Navalny.
The best we can hope for is someone who realizes Ukraine is a losing proposition and withdraws all forces, looking to negotiate...Something putin doesn't seem capable of grasping.
it has to be another hardliner. Otherwise too many policymaker asses will be in a sling.
Ummmmm really glad he clarified that this is the country India rather than Native American populace for the less than 100..this may sound stupid but talking about 'carrier groups' East and West air carriers for the Navy they don't have?

I would've preferred more introduction on carrier groups because there was none..therefore speaking nonsense. I gleaned very little which is not Beau's usual.
Carriers go nowhere without entourage

We would never know, but putin would...
But it'll never even come up, those directly under putin more than likely already have a plan in place, and support secured, for if and when the shit hits the fan. They already know who will take over if putin checks out, and it sure as shit isn't Navalny.
The best we can hope for is someone who realizes Ukraine is a losing proposition and withdraws all forces, looking to negotiate...Something putin doesn't seem capable of grasping.

Trying to go out in a blaze of glory? His legacy? Think about everyone's life that has been disrupted; all the death. He wanted to change the world by attacking a Sovereign Nation..he did, now he needs to go. The next may be more cruel but will be easier to assassinate.
Thoughts and prayers but we're not getting involved..right?

i've been watching that....we are send teams to help find the lost etc etc.....i watched most of it unfold at the USGS site yesterday....the initial start was in the Hyat provice and went north from there........there are some weird clips on twitter like collapse of building, tsunami at the coast line.....the damage is emense to say the least....