Gun control is coming

Pretty much the same here. My boys won't want mine but none of mine belonged to a family member so have no real sentimental value. I don't need longer range than the .303 and I've hit targets out past 300yds so I'm sure it's more than adequate for any hunting I might do in future. It just has a flip-up rear sight stamped 300 and 600 which I take to be yards as Britain wasn't doing metric in 1942. #1 son gets all my fishing tackle when I go and there is lots of my dad's and his dads stuff in there I should label so he knows what's what. He'll love the fly rod as I have all my life and take great joy in catching a nice trout in his great grandfather's name.

I think about the only gun I would like to get is a double barrelled shotgun. I had a Wingmaster 12G pump but had cut the barrel off and reduced the stock to a pistol grip. I called it "The Toy" and had it stashed at the family cabin for years but a rebuild was going to happen so went there on my 50th b-day and brought it home. Got pulled over by a cop for speeding on the way back who asked to search the car but I refused and he let it go. Never even gave me a ticket either. As soon as he left I had to change my skivvies tho. :D

Maybe what you have has some value to collectors and you could get some decent coin for them. If you should pass unexpectedly they would probably end up in the hands of the authorities and be destroyed and that's a crying shame.

In 50 years I doubt having any firearm at home won't be legal unless for sustenance hunters. Everyone else will have to rent a secure locker at a range and only be able to use it there. Here in Canada at least tho I'm sure Americans will hang on to the wild west mentality much longer than us. :)


to you kids, "that gun belonged to my dad". So, yeah, if they want it, it has sentimental value.
Gun control has been coming for decades. It will continue to be coming for decades. The right to bear arms in the United States of America will continue for decades more. All the measures, local laws, etc... wil all eventually be struck down by the Supreme Court if they make it that far as they have been in the past.

As long as the people that are pushing gun reform are people that lack any actual knowledge of firearms and keep trying to put silly things like magazine capacity and other silly stuff the laws will be blocked in the courts.
I think you meant to say, Why are most serial killers white men? The vast majority of us are not violent in the least.

I think too many of us are brought up in households that push antiquated religious propaganda down our throats from an early age messing with our minds. Luckily my parents left choosing a religion up to us when we got older so weren't brainwashed in that manner.

I'm amazed in this day and age people are as screwed up as we ever were and violence is still such a big thing with so many. When will the age of enlightenment finally be here so all humans can have the safety and security we all deserve.

I mean look at all the wars still going on all over the planet. Frankly its sickening and very depressing at times.

Some day.

yes i worded it funny, my apologies
Goddamn, man. You are just trying to do your effing job and you get that kind of blowback? You are taking it like a pro but there is plenty of information out there that shows being subjected to trauma, and those kinds of posts you describe sound pretty traumatic, they add up and can affect you in ways that aren't healthy. Maybe a filter is needed to protect you? Something is needed. You are an employee and that shit should cross the line beyond what's expected in terms of employment.

And you are seeing it in advertisers. :!: What happens there is a refection of the character of the business owner.

This is worse than I thought it was.
it is pretty shitty, very shitty,

to you kids, "that gun belonged to my dad". So, yeah, if they want it, it has sentimental value.
I’ve put them in my Will but if they don’t want them I want the money ;). Honestly I’m just assuming they don’t, but should have the “talk” to discuss a whole bunch of stuff ……. :(. No firearms allowed where the one lives and amazing how safe everyone is when there are no guns. Go figure!!! I thought I was invincible for a long time, now it seems I’m falling apart like a Walmart shirt lol.
I’ve put them in my Will but if they don’t want them I want the money ;). Honestly I’m just assuming they don’t, but should have the “talk” to discuss a whole bunch of stuff ……. :(. No firearms allowed where the one lives and amazing how safe everyone is when there are no guns. Go figure!!! I thought I was invincible for a long time, now it seems I’m falling apart like a Walmart shirt lol.
No firearms are allowed in Mexico either. Unless you're a politician a police officer or a security guard. Mexico has almost a third of the population of the United States of America with double to three times amount of firearms used to kill people on a daily basis
Average citizens are not able to defend themselves because they have been disarmed. What they have in Mexico now is an elitist system. Only the wealthy who can afford to pay for security have security.
We're the reason they have it that way...We support the criminals that hold that country hostage. If we stopped doing any kind of business with them, they wouldn't have any income. American Criminals enabling Mexican criminals, and you're blaming gun laws.
That's either ignorant or just plain fucking evil, care to clarify which for me?
We're the reason they have it that way...We support the criminals that hold that country hostage. If we stopped doing any kind of business with them, they wouldn't have any income. American Criminals enabling Mexican criminals, and you're blaming gun laws.
That's either ignorant or just plain fucking evil, care to clarify which for me?
I think the cartels moved onto meth and fentanyl after California legalized weed. They had to make up for lost profits with pure poison.
yes i worded it funny, my apologies

No apologies needed as after all we're both Canadians and it's in our genes to hand them out willy-nilly. :)

I used to be a bit of a grammar and spelling nazi but in this day and age that would be an unpaid full time job. lol

Everything has truly gone to shit since tRump got in and let the a-holes feel justified in their ignorance, anger, misogyny and bigotry.

Since micro-dosin magic 'shrooms pulled me out of over 40 years of depression and freed me from alcoholism I actually feel cheerful and even a bit joyful every freakin' day now. Almost two years without the booze and my brain is still healing and I can feel it.

I can't imagine how much stress you must feel with all the crap thrown at you but the lady that was Admin at CC before me left because of it and she'd been there for years.

Hang in there. I'm pulling for ya! (Red Green) ;)

Since micro-dosin magic 'shrooms pulled me out of over 40 years of depression and freed me from alcoholism I actually feel cheerful and even a bit joyful every freakin' day now. Almost two years without the booze and my brain is still healing and I can feel it.
Let’s go Joe! Are you saying that once Biden was elected you were freed from your alcoholism? :lol:

In all seriousness congrats on dropping alcohol. I have never been a drinker but I’ve seen it ruin a lot of lives.