Gun control is coming

It's easy to look up, and you're wrong.
I'm not going to argue the fact with you I've looked it up. Only the elite or allowed to own guns in Mexico. Elected officials May qualify for a permit military police say obviously have guns and security Personnel that are protecting those who can afford it may also have a permit for a gun. The average citizen is not allowed to own a weapon. This is the kind of gun control many on this site thank the United States should have
I'm not going to argue the fact with you I've looked it up. Only the elite or allowed to own guns in Mexico. Elected officials May qualify for a permit military police say obviously have guns and security Personnel that are protecting those who can afford it may also have a permit for a gun. The average citizen is not allowed to own a weapon. This is the kind of gun control many on this site thank the United States should have
So, you're saying, the fact that they can own guns in their home for personal protection isn't in their constitution?
I'm not going to argue the fact with you I've looked it up. Only the elite or allowed to own guns in Mexico. Elected officials May qualify for a permit military police say obviously have guns and security Personnel that are protecting those who can afford it may also have a permit for a gun. The average citizen is not allowed to own a weapon. This is the kind of gun control many on this site thank the United States should have
Ummm wrong “again” I’m sorry to say! Not to mention you seem to be moving the old goal post just a tad lol.
I'm not going to argue the fact with you I've looked it up. Only the elite or allowed to own guns in Mexico. Elected officials May qualify for a permit military police say obviously have guns and security Personnel that are protecting those who can afford it may also have a permit for a gun. The average citizen is not allowed to own a weapon. This is the kind of gun control many on this site thank the United States should have
if the United States had those kinds of laws, Mexico wouldn't have it's current problem, since smuggled American guns are a major part of the cause of it...
I'm not going to argue the fact with you I've looked it up.
Did you though?

Like the USA, Mexico’s constitution grants its natives and citizens the democratic right to keep arms while complying with the federal legislation’s limits. According to Article 10 of the Mexican constitution, citizens can possess arms and guns in their homes for security and self-defense purposes.
Maybe if the post read something like this…… Mexico has gun laws that are far more restrictive than the US and other Countries including Canada. Yet they have a very high gun crime problem! Something in the Country is broken. It is far easier to smuggle in and purchase illegal guns than a legally registered weapon.
I'm not going to argue the fact with you I've looked it up. Only the elite or allowed to own guns in Mexico. Elected officials May qualify for a permit military police say obviously have guns and security Personnel that are protecting those who can afford it may also have a permit for a gun. The average citizen is not allowed to own a weapon. This is the kind of gun control many on this site thank the United States should have
It's nonsense to say that an unenforced gun law confirms your belief that gun laws are not effective. The key issue in Mexico is guns are easily purchased by criminals.

There is plenty of evidence showing that gun homicides are often committed by people with prior criminal convictions. I mean, duh. Your posts make other people less informed.
You are correct and I was wrong.
If you really think that, Then apologize to Budley Doright for this:

It's easy enough to look up. I agree it's stupid they outlawed guns in Mexico.

Because, he never said that. You put your own words into his mouth and not only did you cast a strawman argument but we all knew you were wrong.

This is where you get all upset and make another grievance post about how rude we are to you when it's you who is being the jerk.
back when factories knew how to polish and blue a gun.

Astra used "rust bluing" until 1959 IIRC

I've spoken by phone with Dr. Leo Antaris. an opthalmologist from Iowa who wrote the definitive book on Astra pistols

I had a NIB Constable, but I sold it a few years back

The thumbrest on the grip was used on US imports as it made the gun a "target" model rather than a "Saturday Night Special"

Also, the ".380 Walther" bought by Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver is actually an Astra Constable
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