Gun control is coming


to you kids, "that gun belonged to my dad". So, yeah, if they want it, it has sentimental value.

I've already asked and #1 son doesn't want them. He's got dibs on my fishing tackle tho and there's lots. #2 son sadly is an addict living on the streets and any cash he's entitled to in my will is mostly going to his two kids that were taken into gov't care as babies. They've had the same foster parents all along who are close to finishing jumping thru all the gov't hoops to adopt them so they have a forever family. She 11 and he 13 so I met them for the first time at dinner there almost two years ago and have lots of Xmas' and b-days to catch up on. The parents are originally from Croatia and have been foster parents since getting here many years ago and have 3 grown kids of their own. Not a lot of material goods but I could feel the love there. A tad religious too but don't seem cultish.

I think I'll eventually just end up leaving the guns up at the cabin stashed and just let my sister, son and nephew know where they are. They'll be in the cabin in case of a nasty bear or moose. Lots there.

Dinner bell!

No firearms are allowed in Mexico either. Unless you're a politician a police officer or a security guard. Mexico has almost a third of the population of the United States of America with double to three times amount of firearms used to kill people on a daily basis
Toquoque . You do it too, or they do it too. It's a rhetorical fallacy. Just because too many people die from guns exported from the US into Mexico does not make the gun carnage in the US anywhere near acceptable. Rhetorical fallacies are used by people who have no good reason for supporting their argument.
Let me preface this with, I think gun control should only mean using both hands, lol! But I don't think the threat of gun control is the issue, the biggest problem is why do we still live in a society where defensive firearms are necessary?
Let me preface this with, I think gun control should only mean using both hands, lol! But I don't think the threat of gun control is the issue, the biggest problem is why do we still live in a society where defensive firearms are necessary?
I'd put it a little differently but basically agree.

There is no serious discussion about taking guns away from people who think they need one for self defense. There is legislation being fought over in the courts today that are intended to save lives and won't affect a coward from owing and using a gun in self defense in the extremely unlikely event that a home intrusion occurs. Though he's most likely just going to hurt himself with that gun than ever successfully defend himself with it.

When people like you and hotrod say that kind of thing, this is who comes to my mind.

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No firearms are allowed in Mexico either. Unless you're a politician a police officer or a security guard. Mexico has almost a third of the population of the United States of America with double to three times amount of firearms used to kill people on a daily basis
Huh??? Show me the “guns are not allowed in Mexico” laws you speak of. What a stupid argument. I’m sure the US gun industry is very happy with the money made on the backs of the Mexican people.