The Junk Drawer

Back in the less technologically advanced days, before everyone became either a youtuber or a life coach or an onlyfans model (actually that last one I see temporarily as a positive development, independent women...), that tulip inspection job was actually not a terrible job. Many predicted robots will take over jobs from humans, but so far I see a lot of jobs being done by robots for which there are no longer people available. Labor that requires putting away the smartphone.

Crawling tulip and potato fields, harvesting out of the soil by hand, was most of my summer holiday as a teenager. Farm towns allowed tents on their local soccer club's fields temporarily. Work 3-4 weeks, meet new people girls, then spend it all in a week. For some kids, it was how they afforded the books and other tuition costs. Others worked all summer vacation to buy their first car. Nowadays... stupid ass kid whine about whatever the fuck social media tells them is important. Spoiled snowflakes they are.

I oppose free government/tax-payer sponsored access (to universities and colleges) as long as anyone student can easily get a job to pay for it all. Restaurants and bars are going out of business cause students are too spoiled to serve my beer for 15 bucks an hour. That's like 4 times what I got digging up tulip bulbs and there's hasn't been 300% inflation since... except on the price of beer! In a social democracy with lazy spoiled kids, neo-liberal capitalism suddenly doesn't look that bad anymore.

Things sure have changed. There's autonomous drones flying in greenhouses hunting and killing moths, robots scanning and harvesting tomatoes and bell peppers at the ideal time, asparagus-harvesting robots that can look in the ground. Most of them don't reduce the costs, it's more often than not not about replacing expensive humans, but about surviving.

If you really wanted to make good money fast, milk cows. Hard work, horrible hours, but good pay. Nowadays...


Best summer job I had was watering plants in a greenhouse. Hot summer days, shorts and t-shirt, and just my thumb to control the water coming from the hose. That job too, no longer exists.
Those doors opening up on the Chèvrenetic 6900 and those milkerators swiveling into battery is at once funny and damned creepy.


While all EU member states support the country’s accession in principle, some - such as Denmark and the Netherlands - had expressed concerns that there were still loose ends in the constitutional and electoral reforms Bosnia was expected to complete before it was considered ready for accession talks.

In the Dutch parliament, a motion tabled by the centre-right New Social Contract (NSC) party calling for the talks to be postponed was narrowly voted down on Wednesday. “We will support the Commission’s proposal to open negotiations,” Rutte confirmed upon arriving at the summit. “But it is crucial that Bosnia does a lot more.”

They can thank Putin. The area is a major target for Russian propaganda. EU closing the gates. As I pointed out in the rightwing nuts thread, it’s a messy area.

For a second, I thought this was the War thread. This could be casus belli for some fans. Those folks are serious about their footy/Fußball/le foot.
The simulation is running out of memory again and causing synchronicity... I might be the one to blame. I was just discussing Israel-Gaza with Hugo De Groot, more known as Hugo Grotius. Author of De iure belli ac pacis (On the Law of War and Peace), one of the founding fathers of international law, quite possible the greatest dutch man ever alive, living up to his name (Groot means Great).

Asked him about the switch from Adidas to Nike and fans' feelings. After some initial confusion involving the the goddess of victory:

"Consider the true nature of casus belli – it's a serious matter, reserved for grave injustices and threats to a nation's security. A decision about sports team sponsorship, while significant in the commercial sphere, does not come close to these weighty concerns. It's a matter of business, not of state or public safety. Suggesting war over such a change is not only disproportionate but also goes against the principles of rational statecraft and international law. Let's save the concept of casus belli for issues that genuinely threaten peace and justice, and resolve commercial disagreements through negotiation and dialogue, not conflict."
On Wednesday the NOVA program on PBS is all about how AI is going to make telling the difference a hell of a lot harder than it already is.

Interesting times.


A study has shown youngsters are quite a bit better at recognizing AI content than older people, and with more exposure that is only expected to improve. I'm somewhat hopeful it will lead to a more critical thinking and skeptic civilization. Sometimes you got to overload the system in order to address its flaws.
Largest beer exporters in the world:
1st Mexico
2nd Netherlands
3rd and closing in: Belgium

Fun fact: Most Dutch beer is exported to the United States, while Belgian beer is exported primarily to France and the Netherlands.

Such a good trade, export Heineken piss, import proper beer.
If you're going to drink Guinness, try:

I see they got it in Canada too. I walked into an Australian bar in a small rural mining town once upon some years ago, and this gorgeous red head with perfect features behind the bar walked up to me, noticed I had all my teeth and clean clothes, and asked me 'what can I do ya for doll?' in ozzie accent. Without hesitation I ordered a Kilkenny from the tap. That stuff foams so much it requires pouring in 3-5 stages, like let it settle, poor some more, let it settle, poor some more. All the while she kept her gaze on me. Drank the beer and left, back to the hotel, where my wife was sleeping. I'm loyal like a dog, but that was a good day.

Good stuff, I got blue/pink Delirium Santa hat somewhere.
