we don't really go /down/ constantly. I mean, we're going down right now, but that's only temporary. for the most part humans have made consistent progress since their evolution (yes I believe in that.)
I think most of darwins theory's are correct as they can be singularly applied to most any situations involving evolution. most arguments I've seen here as far as 'darwin's wrong' ended abruptly at 'wrong'.
so pretty much if you want to say he's wrong I'd like to hear a better theory, not just a different theory about aliens or some nonsense that has a .04% chance of being reality.
do remember, humans are ridiculously creative and we have a habit of believing EVERYTHING we create. isn't it far more likely, religion was one of those creations blown out of proportion?
regardless of that, there are some consistency's here, we are conscious, we are creative. with the two of these combined, you get many different belief's and ideology's that may sway the masses of whoever invests in them.
there are so many diversity's in mental habits and thinking that so many people are just /built/ to follow, and so many people are just /built/ to lead. add creativity to the mix, and you have tyrants and insane rulers who have large armies of followers.
I mean, this is a sort of a ranting of course, but truly with these sorts of consistency's in history, its pretty easy to conclude that religion was created by man. where we started is a mystery, but I think physics is getting closer and closer to solving such problems, maybe in the future religion will be proved to be untrue . . . for now, I'm going to enjoy my life without all the fake lines.