NooB Advice


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had to go back and reread page 36 (and another 5-6 pages besides) to remember which post you meant. I'm still in the learning to read my plants stage, because things keep being contradictory (like the soil being dry but the plants showing no sign they are thirsty). I'm also trying to learn when they want nutes since they hadn't been given any until a four days ago. I know my lack of experience is probably making me worry more then i should, but i don't want to kill any of them by not being worried enough either. Try to bear with me- i do learn quickly, but the information from you and ub is scattered over so many pages that i can't always find what it when i want to. :)

my logic on the nutes went sort of like this. Nine days ago i gave the girls a shower, and they reponded about the way you said to expect and put on a big growth spurt. But, they are still relatively small to wick it up fast and the soil 2+ inches down still felt a bit moist 4 days later (though the top 2 inches were bone dry). I waited an extra day (4 days ago) and gave them a decent drink with 1/2 strength nutes at that time. Now, since the half strength nutes didn't burn them and it looks like the plants are developing a deficiency it seemed logical to me that the my girls needed more then 1/2 strength, which is why i was talking about full strength last night.

Frankly, i'm still not sure i understand exactly how you're timing your feedings and rain showers. It seems like you are making it rain, letting things dry out a bit, then feeding, waiting for it to dry out a bit, making it rain, etc, and you're doing a step every couple of days. I understand your plant is bigger then mine and drinks more/wicks faster, but how can you be sure you don't have more moisture down deep then you think you do? So far the only time my plants have started to show any signs of being thirsty was when i let them go 5 days without a drink (that was the day i made it rain), so i still haven't gotten an exact feel for how long their cycle will be. I was thinking about making it rain today, but with them showing nute problems i figured it was better to give them a few cups of water with nutes before i made it rain again. Btw, my girls are still vegging (day 19 since they were transplanted). I know you said doing this to plants that were vegging would create trees, but since thats my goal anyway it made sense to go ahead and get started.
listen bro start nutes about 30 days from sprout or u will nute burn and if u feed and plant respond in neg way dont feed more it will cause more damage or kill it.just feed every other water or so u will learn to read ur plants over time young jedi!!!peace


Well-Known Member
Indy, thanks for the advice, but these plants weren't that young. They were clones that had been transplanted 3 weeks earlier and that were all close to a foot tall. Because I gave them a shower I ended up washing a lot of the base soil nutes out, so I needed to replace at least some of what went down the drain. In the last week they've each been given about 1/2 a gallon worth of water with nutes, and they haven't showed any signs of burning at all. Instead they decided to put on another growth spurt.


Active Member
hey ITS A GIRL!!! one of them is at least.........i tried to take a pic but i guess my camera isnt good enough, there are little sprouts with curly hairs comming off them, it is the taller thinner looking one............ the other short fatter one i think is a male....... there are little ball looking things in the corners, but, i dont know if they are just new leaves comming out, you need a magnafying glass right now..........

how long can they be safe together ( if the one is a male)?

will they still pollenate in veg mode? or just in floweriung..?


Well-Known Member
hey ITS A GIRL!!! one of them is at least.........i tried to take a pic but i guess my camera isnt good enough, there are little sprouts with curly hairs comming off them, it is the taller thinner looking one............ the other short fatter one i think is a male....... there are little ball looking things in the corners, but, i dont know if they are just new leaves comming out, you need a magnafying glass right now..........

how long can they be safe together ( if the one is a male)?

will they still pollenate in veg mode? or just in floweriung..?
they wont pollinate in veg mode, but the pollen that the male may release can easily pollinate your lady after she flowers, pollen is very light and floats very easily.. i would move the male if i were is rare but sometimes males pre-release some pollen.


Well-Known Member
Riddle, since we're talking about males, do you have any idea how far the pollen can carry indoors? I may just decide to do some crossbreeding of my own one day, but I'd have to figure out where to keep the males so that I didn't have to worry about the pollen carrying to the rooms my females are in.


Well-Known Member
Riddle, since we're talking about males, do you have any idea how far the pollen can carry indoors? I may just decide to do some crossbreeding of my own one day, but I'd have to figure out where to keep the males so that I didn't have to worry about the pollen carrying to the rooms my females are in.
really depends on air currents within the house, it can ride an air current pretty far, If your gonna keep one I would have it in a sealed area. I would collect pollen and kill the plant as soon as possible. Then once you have one breeded your gonna want to wash everything down real good before starting a new grow.


Active Member
Riddle, since we're talking about males, do you have any idea how far the pollen can carry indoors? I may just decide to do some crossbreeding of my own one day, but I'd have to figure out where to keep the males so that I didn't have to worry about the pollen carrying to the rooms my females are in.

I know honey bees have a 3 - 5 mile radiouse.....if you are near farm land youll have SEVERAL overlapping colonies..... if there is a male plant within 3-5 miles chances are high the pollen will reach,

THIS IS A FACT , Ive been around farming my whole life..........Dont ragg my info not here to piss,( i do that in a toilet):weed:


Active Member
keep your male at one end of your house ( away from your intake ) and you other female at the other end ( away freom the intake) keep all doors shut


Well-Known Member
pollen will travel as far as an air current.. or a ride(i.e.: you, a pet) carries it. be very careful when dealing with pollen.


Active Member
pretty sure it only pollenates in flower when the bannas open found this on my chemD 7 weeks into flower =/

the things I am seeing are not looking like that, I know for sure the one is a girl..... they look like ear hairs real fine and squggly from reddish to whitinsh in color.........the other one doesnt have these hairs yet,..................


I want to start topping and clonning, and let veg for annother couple weeks, by then I will be full of questions about the flowering process and when to chop and dry and how to cure

1 cut = 2 new sprouts?????:weed::weed::weed:


Active Member
yeah this is late into flower not sure how it all works do the nutts have pollen to or just the banna flowers kinda hopeing i get some seeds if they have a chance of being good this is from a female that hermed from stress so maybe ill have fem seeds but they might also have the herm gene i was reading but not sure all i know is if the pollens good and my bubbas got some ill be growing some pre98bubba kush x chemdawg D at some point :D


Well-Known Member
the things I am seeing are not looking like that, I know for sure the one is a girl..... they look like ear hairs real fine and squggly from reddish to whitinsh in color.........the other one doesnt have these hairs yet,..................


I want to start topping and clonning, and let veg for annother couple weeks, by then I will be full of questions about the flowering process and when to chop and dry and how to cure

1 cut = 2 new sprouts?????:weed::weed::weed:
they'll be fine together.
they may have not shown sex for a few reasons..
are they the same strain or pheno?
u can top or clone whenever u please now, are u topping for as many tops as u can get, or are u going for 2tops 4tops type deal.. if your gong to be cloning i would top first so you can get more lower growth and then clone.


Well-Known Member
i told u, i wasnt in dissagreeane with the thread.. just some things said.. but yea im here.. more point of views cant be too bad..


Active Member
good genetics in the hands of a noob the chemD and 91chem really shouldnt be alive got them from clone i fried drowned and suffocated them the first week then got the bubbas which had a faded start as well they started to bounce back and i got pm so i flipped them the bubbas were only about 2.5 weeks in veg at that time and the chems 3.5 but the first week was torture chemd had all her roots melted off up to the small rockwool they came in but here they are almost 8 weeks into flower they were flushed they day before this so they are a bit droopy its been cold but they should pick back up when they wake up in 1.5hrs still havent figured out how to post my thread as a link in the bottom of my post but i have a crappy journal as well lol next grow will be much more orginized



Active Member
thanks man im hoping i get some seeds not sure if they will be fully formed or not but it would be awesome to have made a new strain will still be pretty much kush but still id like that + theyd be free seeds that might be feminzed either way im gonna try it if there are any


Well-Known Member
Any of you familiar with DJ Shorts unreal blueberry strain? I can add a few of them to my next grow, but I'd like to hear from someone that's grown them and see how well the grow indoors and if they have any unusual traits that I should be aware of.

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
thanks man im hoping i get some seeds not sure if they will be fully formed or not but it would be awesome to have made a new strain will still be pretty much kush but still id like that + theyd be free seeds that might be feminzed either way im gonna try it if there are any
i kno youll get sum fire with those genetics. when i bred my ddsb and my ssd together i felt like a proud parent