Third grow/ unknown strains


Well-Known Member
That's beatiful man. Keep us posted on dry weight.
i dont have a scale and i am not about to buy one but if i borrow on ei will let u guys know. i am however a very good eyeballer i can come close to with in a .5 gram on estimating the weight of weed almost every time if i have the weed in front of me and can feel the density and all the weight at once. i used to sell but have not for awhile. but i am very almost positive i got 4 oz dry, i will hoever still try for a scale to be sure

Man.Got the flashplayer finally. That video does give you better perspective. Flippin sweet.
thank you another one to come today of the room now that the big girl is gone

grats on the harvest man! Lookin hella fine! I LOVE outdoors pix, thats the only TRUE way to look at your bud, under the SUNlight! Nice shity dog, very nice!
thanks hooked and ya the sun made her look so much more beutiful its like a pretty girl put on some makup and turned hot more pics to come of my other plants in flower:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok now my big girl is out i have some room but still not enough so i tossed out my smallest shishkaberry sad but i need the room to enure all plants reach maximum maturity.

the pics are of the shishka that have been in flower for 14 days now and the buds are forming fast along with some trichs, it seems this plant grows fast and has tight nodes which i like. also the tiny plant is a clone that went into flower as sooon as it rooted it has smll hairs poppin out i think i will get a nice small bowl off her just for fun. also chek out the video the shishka are the ones in the back the purple indica is in the front

video willl be here in a min



Well-Known Member
Hell yea man! thats cool that your shishka has been flowering for 14 days! My bagseed plants have been flowering for 10 days as of today. I know they aren't the same strain as yours or anything, but it'll be fun to watch the bud production of yours compared to mine. Sine your using HPS and I've got cfl's. I already know your gonna have a way larger yeild probably, but I'm interested to see how much faster your buds 'show up' and 'fatten up' on your plants compared to mine. Because my bagseeds look almost identical to your shishka's with the amount of hairs and whatnot at the moment.


Well-Known Member
ya it will be interesting to see the differnce im sure it will be a pretty big one though. and my shishkas have barely any hairs but alot of bud production


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just jarred up my last plant harvested and i got around 3 ozs not four. i to am dissapointed about my yeild but its ok it should last me about a month, im not going to take pics of the harvest cuz it looks just like the other stuff but bigger nugs and more crystaly. also i dont have the good cam anymore.


Well-Known Member
im not really mad about what i got i still got quite a bit about 6 ozs all together give or take a few grams.


Well-Known Member
Loving the videos McPurple, your plants look really happy bru!!! a little tip on shooting the video, do everything slowly and purposefully.
Nice harvest as well with plenty more to come, sweet!

Have a good day bru.



Well-Known Member
Loving the videos McPurple, your plants look really happy bru!!! a little tip on shooting the video, do everything slowly and purposefully.
Nice harvest as well with plenty more to come, sweet!

Have a good day bru.


thanks for stoppin by DST. and ya i was kinda ruching the video wont have one for awhile though or decent pics cuz my buddy took his cam back so im back to camera phone


Well-Known Member
made some hash today i used 1 oz of trim and got 5 gs of dank hash. and i kept the trim to make oil with so i get every last thing out of the plants.

crappy pics sorry:weed:



Well-Known Member
ya i love hash to i usallymake oil using alcohol, but that is a longer process but it insures u get every thing out of the trim. i like the taste of the stuff i just made better also


Active Member
I'm hopin to get the bubble bags on my next regular check. Gotta couple homies up the hill that have bags of trimmings waitin for me. Should be a fu n weekend.


Well-Known Member
ya i love hash to i usallymake oil using alcohol, but that is a longer process but it insures u get every thing out of the trim. i like the taste of the stuff i just made better also
What process are you using Purps? Isopropyl oil or something else? 99%? I am asking because I put some in a jar yesterday with some alcohol.