Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
The "greatest" scientific mind on earth suggest two theories. In case you were unaware those are the big bang & ice Ateroid/Comet whatever you want to call it theory.
So you won't provide evidence, figures.

There is no doubt that asteroids brought/bring water to Earth but that does not make it the primary source of primordial water and since you won't provide a link to back up your claim, I will just say you are talking out of your ass.

The BB is well supported whether you like it or not. The BB has nothing to do with the formation of our solar system or Earth. You are discussing two different theories attempting to explain two different phenomena. Your confusion is evidence of your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
I wish you could put sound effects on a page or post, I hear the jeopardy game show background music going while he tries to think of what was wrong with his answer.



Well-Known Member
420 makes perfect sense. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the greatest scientific mind has another two theories: evolution and plate tectonics. I wonder which one will win out. (420 - you seem to have very little understanding of science, so I'll point out that I'm joking; the two things have nothing to do with each other, like your two theories).

BTW, I also wonder who the greatest scientific mind is? Is he talking about me? And, who is the atheist that he started the whole thread about?


Well-Known Member
Maybe if Noah really liked VW's and went and got one in a time machine, stopped somewhere for ski clothes, and got a shrink ray from even further in the future with it too to shrink the animals to fit in the little VW, then came back and pulled off the ark bit and got stuck because he didn't listen to the wife and get a truck big enough so they could bring the time machine along.

Then yes it could be Noah, and it's not his day.


Active Member
Really? You know nothing of the bible or you woudent disregaurd it over some hocus pocus science that admits the possibiltities of theyre theories are astronomical.