Attention Atheist

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
do you see what i mean? there's no way to argue with assholes like this. the whole basis of his belief is on propaganda designed to keep you from asking questions. if this retard spent 5 minutes on wikipedia he'd realize he is doubting ABSOLUTE TRUTHS for BLIND FAITH.

and tell me why its expected that the "blind pity the strong"? that doesnt even make sense you fucking retard. you speak without thinking, making judgments before perceptions. your trying to sound condescending, but on top of having no knowledge of modern science (which began between 1175-1500A.D. making you a RETARD) you also speak only to hear your voice and not to make sense.

someone should take your iPhone and Macbook away and let jesus handle your electronic communication... maybe you'd actually get a prayer answered.

"Can you hear me now, Jesus?...Good"


Active Member
lol well you know, were in the "Information Age", anything you could want to know is basically now at the touch of a few fingertips yet so many people choose not to use it...for most people freak when they hear talks of whats goin on in the here and the now, and wonder why theyve never heard of it before...that, is a by-product of mixin school and religion...most high schools and under around the country are not allowed to teach it!

so yea, if uve been to college or took some fundamental physics, you would know that figurin out these "holes" in the logic is like buyin a jigsaw know what the motherfuckin end product looks like, its just puttin the pieces in the right order to get that product...

because even a retard knows that even in the fundamentals of math, one slight miscalculation with a wrong zero or decimal point could change the answer to somethin totally outta whack..and if you've ever seen those long ass damn theories written out in numbers, you'd know that yeah, its gunna take a fuckin long time to get the shit right! there has been nothing but PROGRESSION in science, which is why ur able to log on the internet every day and blab your whackadoo bible

the seedman

Active Member
how can any of you dumb fuck believers be on this site dont you realize smoking dope dis-communicates you from your precious god. by being a smoker or grower, your saying fuck you god im on the devils team (he's got better weed). As you cant believe in one without the other.

Unless your living on a mountain eating crickets for food and praying to a burning bush, your most likely to be a sinner and going to hell..... any way... rollitup


New Member
atheist remind me of the smug people who drive the prius cars from that episode of south park, there so full of themselfs that they like the smell of there own farts.

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
atheist remind me of the smug people who drive the prius cars from that episode of south park, there so full of themselfs that they like the smell of there own farts.
then why dont you add something to the conversation fucktard, or leave. thank you for your additions but i think they'd be more appropriate for when you play Modern Warfare 2. leave the intelligent talk to the big kids, or at least use your big-boy voice and have something to contribute. seems appropriate that YOU'RE the one sounding like the animal.

McGreen, me thinks the god zeus knows their weed use has to do with the "holes" you were speaking of.


Active Member
You cannot prove god exists and we cannot prove he doesn't. You can't argue with someone of faith, believe me I have tried countless times. You have your opinion and we have ours.

This thread is just a waste.

the seedman

Active Member
you see, if more straight arsed christians got off their high horse, and let people make their own choices, instead of trying to make choices for the majority in the form of morals and political beliefs. we'ed all be better off. all ya ll christen belivers your all going to hell, no matter how much you pray, for ye shall surely die.... the seedman


New Member
then why dont you add something to the conversation fucktard, or leave. thank you for your additions but i think they'd be more appropriate for when you play Modern Warfare 2. leave the intelligent talk to the big kids, or at least use your big-boy voice and have something to contribute. seems appropriate that YOU'RE the one sounding like the animal.

McGreen, me thinks the god zeus knows their weed use has to do with the "holes" you were speaking of.

stubborn as a horse eeeeeyyyyhhaaaaa eeeeyyyyyyhhhhaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
useless posts as usual. My parents were respectful and allowed me the right to choose when i was old enough. I only wish all were like that. The navy has been the only brainwashing ive gotten, a good one at that. I'm not a debater as im not too articulate but i love seeing replies like yours. once again just validates things.

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
oh yeah i forgot, all the progressive people left eastern washington. ha, thats why you smoke...cause you live in a fuckin hick infested shallow gene pool. yeah this thread is a waste, this asshole's just going to go back to huffing butane and fucking his sister anyways so let him have his faith.


Well-Known Member
stubborn as a horse eeeeeyyyyhhaaaaa eeeeyyyyyyhhhhaaaaaaa
What the fuck? Are you going to continue with a lame ass joke until someone acknowledges it? Repeating this over and over doesn't do much to our perception of your intelligence especially considering you haven't even commented on what atheists are supposedly stubborn about.

Tell me who is more stubborn. a) The one that alters his worldview when new facts are discovered or b) someone who clings to the veracity of tales from bronze age goat herders IN SPITE of contradictory evidence?

the seedman

Active Member
yo Lordemo, willie nelson dont have the answers for your questions a science book will contain some usefull info though...

god did not create you marijanna plant. natural selection did.


Well-Known Member
Damn, the supporters of the 'magic spirit theory of creation' sure have some good points: 420 has (more than once) resorted to arguments like 'oh yeah, well you're a fag', and the little kid above keeps pretending he's an ass. (Personally, I think he could pull it off very well without even making the sound effects).


New Member


Well-Known Member
yes, i was in the navy though, alot less intense that on he ground killing machines. I was offshore in a sub collecting info, and bootcanp was a joke, compared. Got some good instilled values out of the deal though, didnt fcuk me up too much, no PTSS. woot.