Attention Atheist

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yo snoop doberman double G

looks like just you and me ma shizzle. your right about one thing doe. Jesus was a black man

dont ya luv all those jesus movies. with some pretty white bloned haired dude playing jesus, when we all know he was dark skinned.
Sure, this thread turned into a waste of time quite a while ago, and the random pics didn't help any... but, what the hell, here's one more. I think this sums it up pretty well:

well ezah, its "true" that "God" put herbs here for that reason...but, the bible also says to obey the laws of the yeah, actually, if u wana go by the book, ur still fuckin up by partaking in illegal activities lol...

and not bein a dick, but let me ask you a serious question....if im too afriad to take my children to my local clergymen for fear he mite try n make em suck his cock, then tell me, who CAN I turn to?

not that it matters, cuz my kids probably wont go to church, but the point is still valid...the gospel is a dyin breed bro lol n ur just gunna have to get used to it. seriously, why do you expect everyone to have an open mind to YOUR beliefs when your trying to "save" them, yet not keep an open mind to anything outside the box? at least do some research...who knows, what you find might really suprise you
The most open minded people realize that nothing is provable and thusly take every moment as perfect, don't change it rather accept it. Because we are able to study and know the universe is merely a wave of possibility.

well ezah, its "true" that "god" put herbs here for that reason...but, the bible also says to obey the laws of the yeah, actually, if u wana go by the book, ur still fuckin up by partaking in illegal activities lol...

And not bein a dick, but let me ask you a serious question....if im too afriad to take my children to my local clergymen for fear he mite try n make em suck his cock, then tell me, who can i turn to?

Not that it matters, cuz my kids probably wont go to church, but the point is still valid...the gospel is a dyin breed bro lol n ur just gunna have to get used to it. Seriously, why do you expect everyone to have an open mind to your beliefs when your trying to "save" them, yet not keep an open mind to anything outside the box? At least do some research...who knows, what you find might really suprise you

I don't get the kid who keeps going on about stubborn horses.

1) It wasn't clever the first time. Repeating over and over and over won't help.
2) People who have faith in science have to be adaptable. New discoveries are a part of science. Stubborn is latching on to something that goes against all common sense, and being completely unwilling to even consider anything else. (I'm looking at you, magic spirit followers of this thread).
3) And, little boy-genius kronic bar, the phrase is 'stubborn as a mule'. If you have nothing better to do than bray like an ass, at least try to get it right.
You could look at it as if you are god, you create this entire experience so as to waste some of your time so to speak. And when you use these drugs you are brought closer to real consciousness. Like the material you see around you is merely a single layer mask into the infinite, which is behind your eyes.



I know, it's silly of me to stoop to the level of some 15 year old kid, but this thread stopped going anywhere early on anyway.
god rested on the seventh day and thats when the devil struck up his fiddle had a big shindig and created weed,

im sick of people saying weed is a creation of god, or it helps you get closer to god, you guys are fooling yourselves.

natural selection created weed. the thc is the plants defence mechanism. over million of years the plant survived as a result of its ablity to prevent insects from eating it. now as a result of this process we have marajuanna
yeh its to easy

check this out..

anyone who thinks getting wasted brings you closer to god, ???

gettin wasted = getting wasted

gettin closer to god means getting closer to god . the two are not conected dumb arse

i dont think god or jesus is ever looking down from heaven saying "he's almost ready to communicate i think he just needs a few more cones befor he's in the zone"
the big men are the opposite of a spinless coward like you, the big men put their life on the line to protect your freedoms.

Do you even know what your saying? who puts theyre life on the line to protect my freedoms? The stupid asses in afghanistan fighting to keep our old white men safe? Or the genius scientist wasting all of theyre time to prove that my life is accidental? & why am I a coward? Because I wont fall pray to your evil schemes?
god rested on the seventh day and thats when the devil struck up his fiddle had a big shindig and created weed,

im sick of people saying weed is a creation of god, or it helps you get closer to god, you guys are fooling yourselves.

natural selection created weed. the thc is the plants defence mechanism. over million of years the plant survived as a result of its ablity to prevent insects from eating it. now as a result of this process we have marajuanna

alright im gonna stop fuckin around for second and say that this has got to be the most retarded shit ive ever read on rollitup
This really pisses me off. what the fuck are you doing on this forum if you consider herb to be dope.I cannot stand you idiots that call it dope. Dope is a motherfucking white substance genius, not a 100% natural herb dumshit.

You've already made it very clear that you're very young, but it used to be really common for people to call weed dope. Slang changes, but some people still call it that. You knew exactly what he was talking about, and he was not trying to compare it to harder drugs - you totally missed the point that he was trying to make. (Big surprise from someone as bright as you).