I have near universal auto insurance. SGI, there are no private insurers in saskatchewan, but there are issuers which are the outlets for SGI and they deal with other forms for claims as well and receive some kind of kickbacks, we pay around $500 for a year for registration and licensing of a midsized sedan. $25 for our personal license. And our deductible is $700. If you pay an extra $200 for a 'package policy' your deductible is only $150.
For every point against your license you pay $25, me @ 16 points pay $400+$25. If you have +points you get a discount on your registration, my dad at 10 points get %20 discount, he is the registrar of all vehicles! And because generally all accidents are dealt with in one entity there is really no delays no getting repairs, get mine done with in a couple days usually.
Medicine at any pharmacy is only $12.00 in saskatchewan. Also doctor appointments are free, they are payed by the government per patient they see, so they have more incentive to deal with more patients. But then the government flat rates for various procedures and extraneous testing.
And small business loans are covered 30% by the government in the event of failure so banks have more incentive to lend. Billions in grants and loans are made available to any citizen with functioning planing. Low budget housing, housing subsidies, upgrade grants, tax cuts, and low interest mortgages. Yep its pretty nicely run up here. Plus the dopes good, the dope in prison is better, and no one really cares about anything. Our currency is near par, but apple products still cost more!! I haven't been the victim of crime but I am pretty laid back.
How about we just get rid of money and we function just as we ever did, but eliminate nonfunctioning jobs more efficiently? Why not just switch every restaurant to dominoes? There are so many ifs here. Lets just end the humble conjecture and do some research. I mean think of the amount of people in the financial industry that we could put too work effectively, instead of trying to fuck every john that walks through the door. Millions of jobs we could eliminate and redirect resources too. I mean food would be the prime concern of our species rather than numbers attached to plastic cards. You must agree the values of the society at large are highly fucked beyond the illustrations of dystopian civilizations.