1st HID Tent Grow- 600w


New Member
I start them in 1 gallons then at 3-5 weeks I upcan to 5 gallons....I would upcan to 5's right now, lst 'em and let 'em grow in veg 1-2 weeks then flip 'em....my 2 cents

hope it helps



Active Member
I start them in 1 gallons then at 3-5 weeks I upcan to 5 gallons....I would upcan to 5's right now, lst 'em and let 'em grow in veg 1-2 weeks then flip 'em....my 2 cents

hope it helps

Ill, thanks for the advise, do you mean at 3-5 weeks of flower, or just 3-5 weeks period? I know I should have them in 5's, and I plan on it, but do you think it's too stressful on the plants to transplant 2x in one week, versus transplanting mid flower? Sorry I have a million Q's, I'm just tryin to maximize my potential :)


New Member
I upcan at 3-5 weeks from sprout...I feel it is useless to upcan in flower as root growth is almost nil....unless you are about to reveg...I would do it now...they'll be all right IMHHO



Active Member
Looks like I"m buying 5 gal's asap. So for other growers in 5 gal buckets who don't have water filters, do you have 3 extra 5 gal buckets full of water to dechlorinate for EACH plant? seems like we should, but that would mean I have 16 5gal buckets! feels excessive, maybe I need a water filter, haha. Oh the things we do to try to keep the girls happy, all worth it still tho!


Active Member
Hey eyezla, I originally had my Grand Daddy Purple in a 1 gallon pot after she sprouted, I transplanted to a 2 gallon after awhile(noob mistake) because I had to transplant her again 4 days later! I was worried about too much stress but she did the opposite, she grew!

Can't wait to see the next set of pics!:mrgreen:


New Member
I have a filter and still have 15 milk jugs and 4 5 gallon buckets of water on hand always...lol...half bubbling half not...gotta have some thing to do...lmfao!!



Active Member
Hey eyezla, I originally had my Grand Daddy Purple in a 1 gallon pot after she sprouted, I transplanted to a 2 gallon after awhile(noob mistake) because I had to transplant her again 4 days later! I was worried about too much stress but she did the opposite, she grew!

Can't wait to see the next set of pics!:mrgreen:
Ok word, makes me feel much better, thanks for the anecdotal input!!


Active Member
I have a filter and still have 15 milk jugs and 4 5 gallon buckets of water on hand always...lol...half bubbling half not...gotta have some thing to do...lmfao!!

Ha that is awesome, it doesn't make me feel as neurotic. So how important is it to have airstones in the water jugs? I've never done it. I see its benefit, but if I didn't do that, would it significantly hinder my potential? Like I said, I wanna do all that I can to get "lamborgini" status results, but I'm also broke, and some things may just have to wait till my next round. BUT if you think it makes a big impact, I"ll smash my piggy bank tonite, lol


Active Member
OK I just gave them all a med-heavy feeding....Wanted to water once more b4 I transplant since I cant do it till tomo, but they were thirsty today.

I made a BIG mistake tho!! I grabbed the base of the stalk, and lightly tapped the rim of the container, I wanted to just get an idea of what the root looked like....Well on most of them, the bottom where the extra perlite was, was super rooted, it looked awesome, they clearly like the more "airy" part of the container.
BUT on 1 of the stinky's (the droopy one), half the rootball lifted up, the other half stayed in the bottom of the container. I think I ripped my roots in half!!! I really hope she bounces back on me


New Member
OK I just gave them all a med-heavy feeding....Wanted to water once more b4 I transplant since I cant do it till tomo, but they were thirsty today.

I made a BIG mistake tho!! I grabbed the base of the stalk, and lightly tapped the rim of the container, I wanted to just get an idea of what the root looked like....Well on most of them, the bottom where the extra perlite was, was super rooted, it looked awesome, they clearly like the more "airy" part of the container.
BUT on 1 of the stinky's (the droopy one), half the rootball lifted up, the other half stayed in the bottom of the container. I think I ripped my roots in half!!! I really hope she bounces back on me
Doesn't sound good....if you wanna check turn it over like you are transplanting so that doesn't occur....hopefully there is enough to keep on keeping on...or maybe its roots didn't develop well...either case it is a learning experience



Active Member
Damn eyez!!!! you fucked up lol.. but get some hygrozyme or some root exculerator by house & garden. As long as you didnt break the main root it should come back. but def get some kind of root inoculant or enzymatic stimulant. It will break down the old dead root mass and make food for the healthy roots.Good luck


Active Member
Damn eyez!!!! you fucked up lol.. but get some hygrozyme or some root exculerator by house & garden. As long as you didnt break the main root it should come back. but def get some kind of root inoculant or enzymatic stimulant. It will break down the old dead root mass and make food for the healthy roots.Good luck
I have "cannazym" and "rhizotonic" from CANNA, I think those have similar purposes? I'll need to cross ref the products you recommended. Should I bomb it with that kinda heavy, or just light doses of that stuff?


Active Member
Well she isn't dead, whew, learning experience for sure!!!! Now I just need o carve out time to transplant those puppies asap, might not get a chance till friday night :/. we shall see


Active Member
OK, plants transplanted into 16qt containers, Best I could do in a time pinch. I will take pics tomo eve :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Eyez whats cracking bro? I just got back and I got caught up. How is everything going with the grow now?




Active Member
Yea man you been doin us dirty with no pics bruh bruh lol.
haha, i feel ya, I have fully been slacking, but wait no more, here they come!!!

I am again conflicted. I want to flip them to flower, per your advice, but since I just transplanted yesterday, I feel like I should wait for about a week for transplant shock. BUT they are gettin big too, I'm worried too big. So I'm torn. WWJD??? lol, and what would you do?



Well-Known Member
haha, i feel ya, I have fully been slacking, but wait no more, here they come!!!

I am again conflicted. I want to flip them to flower, per your advice, but since I just transplanted yesterday, I feel like I should wait for about a week for transplant shock. BUT they are gettin big too, I'm worried too big. So I'm torn. WWJD??? lol, and what would you do?
If I recall correctly your tent is 4x4x7? Or somewhere in the ballpark? How tall are they including the containers? I would let them veg more or Sup Crop, seems like you have room bro. But if you want to finish them up cuz of time restraints then switch them. Its up to you but IMHO I would still let them veg some more time. You plants are looking real good after the transplant. They dont look to stressed or stunned at all. Its all up to you and what you want to do. I wish I had a bigger tent like yours. LOL but they look good bro, keep it up.
