I Perceive You In Real Life As.....

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
no, I just think it would be silly for me to draw in bigger boobs. d :)
That's only cause your a girl. But as a guy I assure you not only would it be not silly drawing in bigger boobs on Raggedy Ann there, it's the logical choice. It will make her clothes fit better. :)

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I love my Rage problems. I'm gonna hold on to my rage and in the middle of a dinner service start cutting people. Lol....

Seriously though I put peanut butter on oreos...and then finish. It's that good.

We need to get our chop and dice on.


Pickle Queen
Kodank great job!! great read , keep em coming this is funny shit, but i think a few people migh pm "safety words"


Pickle Queen
Lol, I probably wouldn't.. I've got a busy life, and usually end up throwing numbers out..
lol i was refering to when u asked your g/f to join you at the gym lmfao I'm pretty much married, my man is great!!
Oh so you play women like that eh ?? lol who writes numbers down anyways lol i always add it to my phone right then

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I was happy, and sad, that no one, after all the trash-talking (about me that is), has taken an honest go at me...


Well-Known Member
I was happy, and sad, that no one, after all the trash-talking (about me that is), has taken an honest go at me...
thirties, looks like a young Humphrey Bogart and lives in a brownstone apartment next to an elderly Chinese woman and a laundromat ?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Kodank great job!! great read , keep em coming this is funny shit, but i think a few people migh pm "safety words"
Safety words? Pff. Your always safe with me.

Also people..you do not have to confirm or deny anything...if factual....this is all from my imagination. I just wonder what all you do outside of the internets. It's fun to guess.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
thirties, looks like a young Humphrey Bogart and lives in a brownstone apartment next to an elderly Chinese woman and a laundromat ?
Slowly crawling in the the 30's...a couple away just yet...Handsome, you betcha! I still get Id'd though...And I got mostly mexicans and koreans in my hood...


Well-Known Member
Someone guess me :)
carl burnette is about 5'10, 180lbs, drives a dark red Mazda, gets angry when it rains and looks a little bit like Carlson from the Fresh Prince, only shorter. His diet consists mainly of anteater snout and human horn and he constantly needs bitches by his side to relieve the aphrodisiac pressure. And he wants to be on CSI when he grows up.



Well-Known Member
carl burnette is about 5'10, 180lbs, drives a dark red Mazda, gets angry when it rains and looks a little bit like Carlson from the Fresh Prince, only shorter. His diet consists mainly of anteater snout and human horn and he constantly needs bitches by his side to relieve the aphrodisiac pressure. And he wants to be on CSI when he grows up.

LMAO. That's awesome. Carlton though, not Carlson. I laughed the hardest at "get's angry when it rains"