1000 watts Rdwc 4x4


Active Member
ph was 5.3, hadn't checked it in a week. ppm is dead on, hasn't moved a single notch from where we left it.

ph 6.0, 1600ppm, 78f res.

chiller. someday. roots still looking fine.


Well-Known Member
Keep that pH solid at 6.0, if the PPM's aren't dropping the plants aren't feeding, and the SFV eat heavily in DWC.


Active Member
if the ppm is stable and the water level is dropping then you're precisely balanced. If the plants weren't feeding then the ppm would be rising as they drank water leaving nutrients behind. Hell yeah they are eating heavily though. Really budding like crazy. they are going to need cages i bet. i didn't let them veg long enough to develop a solid stem.

worth noting that roots have become whiter since adding airstones.

will probably flush it tomorrow unless it's still pegged at 1600. if so i'd hate to fuck up such a nice balance. we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Come to think of it sometimes the PPM's would sit, but usually 1 SFV would drink but 1-2 gallons in less than 2 weeks. I have seen PPM's drop from 1200 to 750 in that same time. But this is all in one single bucket and could be very different than your situation, as long as they keep getting fatter and frostier than everything is gravy. The SFV is pretty versatile and can be harvested anywhere between 8-10 weeks. I've found getting too close to the 10 week mark results in a less potent smoke, but it is so freaking heavy. I personally like the to harvest around the 9 week mark, give or take a few days. It still fattens up between week 8 and 9, but not much if at all after week 9, as far as I've seen.


Active Member
perfect, thanks. in reward, the following ppm setting is just for you.

flushed out the res, did not flush the remnants. fuck it, it's staying in the bucket.
refill with about 35 gallons straight out tha hose
180ml protekt
210ml cal/mag
420ml liquid karma
280ml big bud
560ml each sensi a & b (ph perfect)
ph 6.1, 2000ppm

no ph adjustment needed. the 2k ppm is a little higher than i was aiming for (1800), but wanted to see what would happen just using the 4ml/l that the label calls for.
let's see what they think!

will give the juice a day or two of running through the system to air out some chlorine (pfft chloramine whateva i do what i want) then i'll add in some fresh heisenberg tea.

meanwhile in the canopy, everything looks great and the gangsta lean has begun. going to stake a few of them up tonight.


Active Member
just had to stake one. damn! thought it had a slight lean. it was at about 45 degrees, and weighing triple what i figured it did. good stuff from the sfv!


Active Member
added 2 gallons of Heisenberg Tea, freshly brewed in a nice new 5 gal bucket. simply brew tea, turn valve, laugh as hordes of tea soldiers descend directly onto the battlefield through a 1/2" line. give em hell, boys.

ph is dead on 6.0, ppm drifting up some. will bring down ppm as we top off. matter of fact this is probably the last res of juice we'll use before final flush so the ppm can just keep dropping over the next 3 weeks.

buds are looking great. wish i could get in here at the right time for a pic! will be adjusting the light schedules here for summertime this week so access during dark hours should become easier on my schedule.


Active Member
adding a couple cups of tea every day or two. also picked up some snow storm ultra. just gave a light foliar feeding with lights off for 20 minutes or so. have heard foliar with this stuff is awesome but im really trying to be careful being so late in flower already. you can add it to the rez but it's known to cause plants to force feed like crazy immediately. bad idea at over 1800ppm.


Active Member

just after lights off. seeing some yellow start to creep in. figuring this is about normal for going into week 7, but if jozikins is still around here maybe he can let me know if otherwise via the filthy longhair underground cryptocommunications network.

notice again, the plant in the front right. much smaller than the others. it's still producing though. curious to see the output from the runt.
this is also the plant i've been using to check roots on daily, so perhaps i've been judging the wrong sample. other samples are a pain in the ass to lift out so .. oh well.

legend has it that we will see a noticeable difference in trichs just a day after applying snow storm.
also we might have turned all the leaves yellow and crispy.
we'll see!

we are still at around 2k ppm and 75f res. begin dropping ppm tomorrow to be down under 1.2k a week from now.


Active Member
no problems with the plants after the foliar last night, far as i can tell anyway. will kick my own ass if something molds up but should be good. it does indeed look a little frostier today. if i am still up in another couple hours i will snap some update pics.

added a good gallon of tea again today. having this stuff brewing damn near for free right next to the res is fucking awesome. i dont think there should be any consquences from adding too much tea unless it got really ridiculous (who, me?). if anything, i will start adding less molasses to the tea or maybe use a little table sugar or something. the carbs in the tea that haven't been eaten by the microbe hordes are about my only worry.


Well-Known Member
Leaves are yellowing just in time. It's just there way of tell you that they are 2 weeks away. Keep ph between 5.7-5.9 until flush, then bring it up to 6.2-6.3 slowly. I think you might be able to drop the lamp back down again too. SFV get's an amazing crest going on, looks like fox tailing but it's tough as rocks.


Active Member

pulled out 7gal out of the res, replaced with 10gal RO.
ph up to 5.8 or so.

so we're a couple days past a light foliar feed with snow storm ultra. whatcha think?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if pH perfect just mixes perfect or if it is supposed to stay perfect. Either way, nutrients need to be fresh to keep a pH balance, old nutrients that are supposed to be balanced will lose the effect. Technaflora keeps pH really well when fresh, so does the H&G, but if you are getting dusty nutes from a warehouse you won't get that benefit.

Your SFV is beautiful and frosty, but your leaves show signs of heavy stress from over feeding. Your cola's should be fatter than they are right now with that light, usually a large SFV cola can engulf a 22oz bottle of beer, I've got these results with less than 1300ppm and only 400w over head. Not bragging. But your hot sauce is too hot.

However, I don't see anymore light stress.


Active Member
yeah i'll peak around 1500 next time with these. its my bad for being lazy. i've known the ppm needs to come down just haven't done anything about it until today.

size wise i really should have invested another week or two in veg, the returns would have been well worth it. these girls definitely want to get bigger.
need to get a damn meter for this res too. i've been flying blind most of this grow so the ph could have been low for 3 or 4 days between my lazy ass checking it manually.

i've heard other growers talk about ph perfect means throw it in and not even have to ever look at a meter. thinking this might work if you were using all AN nutrients with ph perfect labels on them, or at least all stuff in proportions on the AN calculator. i don't see how one product would be able to stabilize ph in a solution where who knows what else might be in there. was worth a shot though. with my recipe at least, ph perfect behaves no differently than the readily available formula. add nutrients, ph goes down real good a day or two later, ph it up, maybe ph it up again a bit more the next day, and it will stay just about stable from there out.

you're right about light stress. these seem to like to be a good distance under the light. the stress went away once the light got > 20" away.

add a gallon of tea. mmm mm good.