The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
Bigots hurt everyone

Itawamba County Agricultural High School is a normal high school in Mississippi. Unfortunately, its board is run by bigots, who wanted to ban a lesbian student from taking her partner to the school prom. The ACLU objected to this, pointing out the basic principle of non-discrimination - that you cannot provide a service to some while denying it to others. In response, the bigots cancelled the prom. Rather than providing the service to all without discrimination, they decided to provide it to none instead. The lesson: bigots don't just hurt gays - they hurt everyone.


Well-Known Member
The basic definition of individualism is the freedom to do as you please and at the same time recognizing that everyone else has those same freedoms. Your actions can not violate others freedoms.

I don't know of any example that I can conger up that could make being a bigot dangerous, harmful or violating others rights.
Can you give me an example?
bigot owns the only gas station around for miles. bigot refuses service to you because you are a mormon. you have to get your gas at the other station, also run by a bigot, who charges mormons twice for gas.

you need some lumber for the chicken coop you're building. bigot who owns the hardware store refuses to sell to mormons. you have to drive 50 miles to the nect hardware store to get lumber, and the bigot there charges mormons double.

only pharmacy in town that sells antibiotics refuses to sell to mormons. you have to drive several towns over to find someone who sells the same, and they also refuse service to mormons. you have to drive a couple hundred miles to find a pharmacy owner who sells antibiotics to mormons. he is a bigot and sells it at triple.

should i go on? are you this fucking blind as to how bigotry could hurt someone?


Well-Known Member
Bigots hurt everyone

That you example? Hardly a good enough reason to violate every living American Property right over. THis is just a policy conflict and just another shining example of why education shouldn't be in the hands of the Government.

Itawamba County Agricultural High School is a normal high school in Mississippi. Unfortunately, its board is run by bigots, who wanted to ban a lesbian student from taking her partner to the school prom. The ACLU objected to this, pointing out the basic principle of non-discrimination - that you cannot provide a service to some while denying it to others. In response, the bigots cancelled the prom. Rather than providing the service to all without discrimination, they decided to provide it to none instead. The lesson: bigots don't just hurt gays - they hurt everyone.
Really, that you example? Hardly a good enough reason to violate every living American Property right over. THis is just a policy conflict and just another shining example of why education shouldn't be in the hands of the Government.
CanI get a better one? But don't make up some crazy implausible scenario please.


Well-Known Member
you cut yourself deeply and are bleeding horribly. you need gauze and antiseptic right away or will die. the guy at the local store is a bigot and refuses to sell to mormons. you pass out behind the wheel on your way to the next place that does sell to mormons, your car goes out of control, and kills another motorist.

i could play this game all day, but i have to clean the bathroom now. glorious life of a house hubby.


Well-Known Member
Really, that you example? Hardly a good enough reason to violate every living American Property right over. THis is just a policy conflict and just another shining example of why education shouldn't be in the hands of the Government.
just a policy conflict is all. nothing to see here....move along.

gays have no right to expect to be allowed to a prom. they should realize that as gays, they are immoral and have no right to attend prom just the same as the rest of the students.


King Tut
you cut yourself deeply and are bleeding horribly. you need gauze and antiseptic right away or will die. the guy at the local store is a bigot and refuses to sell to mormons. you pass out behind the wheel on your way to the next place that does sell to mormons, your car goes out of control, and kills another motorist.

i could play this game all day, but i have to clean the bathroom now. glorious life of a house hubby.
LOL! The sky is falling!!!!


Well-Known Member
Really, that you example? Hardly a good enough reason to violate every living American Property right over. THis is just a policy conflict and just another shining example of why education shouldn't be in the hands of the Government.
CanI get a better one? But don't make up some crazy implausible scenario please.
Lets say I'm a bigot that hates woman...I see your wife in the store and tell her how much of a stupid bitch she is..I also tell her that if she has a child thats a girl to keep that little stupid bitch in the kitchen where her ugly tail belongs..I then tell your wife to turn around so I can see if she has any ass back there because I hear white woman don't have any butts....I then see your mother and tell her I smell fish and ask her how often she cleans her pussy and offer to buy her a douche...I then walk away was I hurtful..yes I there a law to stop what I just did ...yes it is...


Well-Known Member
LOL! The sky is falling!!!!
thanks to civil rights, this scenario is illegal rather than legal.

but go ahead and mock the hardships certain segments of our population had to endure not but 50 years ago.

the scenario i describe may not have happened, but other hardships fell on these innocent souls under the ron paul version of civil rights.


Well-Known Member
Lets say I'm a bigot that hates woman...I see your wife in the store and tell her how much of a stupid bitch she is..I also tell her that if she has a child thats a girl to keep that little stupid bitch in the kitchen where her ugly tail belongs..I then tell your wife to turn around so I can see if she has any ass back there because I hear white woman don't have any butts....I then I see your mother and tell her I smell fish and ask her how often she cleans her pussy and offer to buy her a douche...I then walk away was I hurtful..yes I there a law to stop what I just did ...yes it is...
Were talking hurt feelings... NObody has a right to have there feeling protected.
YOU don;t have a right to not be offended. Thats a fact.
Being a bigot doesn't violate anyone rights.
YOU can't give me a scenerio were someone own personal issues violate others rights because thats impossible.


Well-Known Member
if a bigot was allowed to say and do what you think they should have a right to do, you would be surprise at would and could I think I showed how a bigot could be harmful and violate someones space and rights
I don't know of any example that I can conger up that could make being a bigot dangerous, harmful or violating others rights.
Can you give me an example?


Well-Known Member
if a bigot was allowed to say and do what you think they should have a right to do, you would be surprise at would and could I think I showed how a bigot could be harmful and violate someones space and rights
They have full right to say what they want, but not do what they want. Protected by the Constitution. If you disagree, you disagree with the Constitution. Therefore, you are not a proponent of the America our founding fathers intended to be, and therefore you shouldn't be in that country.


Well-Known Member
Were talking hurt feelings... NObody has a right to have there feeling protected.
YOU don;t have a right to not be offended. Thats a fact.
Being a bigot doesn't violate anyone rights.
YOU can't give me a scenerio were someone own personal issues violate others rights because thats impossible.
have you ever heard of verbal abuse ???? its a crime and if you have witnesses its even easier to yeah feelings can be protected...and are you really saying a bigot or racist ( own personal issues) have never volated the rights of others.??? I really need to show you an example of that..WTF...why the phuck you think we passed laws to stop that a lost case son


Well-Known Member
They have full right to say what they want, but not do what they want. Protected by the Constitution. If you disagree, you disagree with the Constitution. Therefore, you are not a proponent of the America our founding fathers intended to be, and therefore you shouldn't be in that country.
no you can't say what you want...verbal abuse,defamation of character,slander,libel all things covered under do not have the right to just say what ever you want...and stop with the founding father shit those clowns needed some guidance act like they were some kind of fuckin god...they were still men with bad teeth...and at the time they wrote the constitution they didn't have my kind in mind..


Well-Known Member
i do not want to eat at the same lunch counter as a mormon :fire:

they are substandard humans and immoral. they should be segregated and made to attend separate but equal schools.



King Tut
thanks to civil rights, this scenario is illegal rather than legal.

but go ahead and mock the hardships certain segments of our population had to endure not but 50 years ago.

the scenario i describe may not have happened, but other hardships fell on these innocent souls under the ron paul version of civil rights.
Ron Paul wants to follow the Constitution. Show me anything in that document that would be read as white rights only. i don't know it verbatim since i took the test in 8th grade, 23 years ago. Is there anything that would deny equal rights to all? i don't think so. Ron Paul would enforce what is in the Constitution. The Constitution didn't create salvery or racism. Men did that.