The Tea Party Downgrade

I learned anything over 760 and you good ...all us are put together 760-800-830..all safe risk
Sure. But I have such a high score and don't even have any loans, no credit cards of any kind and don't even have a job.

BTW if anything over 760 is considered top end, then why even go higher than that? There is a reason.
Sure. But I have such a high score and don't even have any loans, no credit cards of any kind and don't even have a job.
well you have a payment history, a credit history,you had to have used a credit card or retail doing something to get it that high..had to in the last 5 have to have some form of credit
Sure. But I have such a high score and don't even have any loans, no credit cards of any kind and don't even have a job.

BTW if anything over 760 is considered top end, then why even go higher than that? There is a reason.

I dont see it, but it would not hurt to do so I suppose
I heard the S & P are actually Gods and never make mistakes. They are incorruptible, angelic, and by far the most reasonable voice in everything including things they have never remarked upon as of yet. Bow down to them nao!
well you have a payment history, a credit history,you had to have used a credit card or retail doing something to get it that high..had to in the last 5 have to have some form of credit
Last form of credit is when i paid off that capital one credit card back in 2001. Since loans of any kind. Home..paid off. cars..paid off. I just pay my insurance and my taxes and my internet, those are my only expenses other than maintenance. No electric bill, I sell my electric to the Utility, no water bill, got my own well. No sewer or trash bill.
I'm grateful the tea party tried to resist the debt ceiling increace I only wish they were successful, I hope they get a balanced budget ammendment passed.
Let me like the Ryan plan...

No, I like my plan.
But I think the Ryan plan is better than what we got.
I am for ending debt and deficit.
I have a plan and a party I call the keg party, You can post in my keg party thread if your interested and I can explain how to solve our problems.
No, I like my plan.
But I think the Ryan plan is better than what we got.
I am for ending debt and deficit.
I have a plan and a party I call the keg party, You can post in my keg party thread if your interested and I can explain how to solve our problems.

the ryan plan grows the debt and deficit.

how do you like those apples?
No, I like my plan.
But I think the Ryan plan is better than what we got.
I am for ending debt and deficit.
I have a plan and a party I call the keg party, You can post in my keg party thread if your interested and I can explain how to solve our problems.

LOL ..I will tomorrow I got to hit the bed and you would only keep me up laughing..but post your plan anyway so I can read it to start off my day...Take your "meds" before you do
the ryan plan grows the debt and deficit.

how do you like those apples?

I think the plan was a turd, but maybe not as smelly as some other turds, maybe not as smelly as the one we got but still a turd, I like my plan better
My understanding it was due to too much fuckin gridlock from congress in a fiscal crisis...Create by THE TEA PARTY...

Screaming louder and using profanity doesn't add any weight to your proposition. But it does reflect on your intelligence.
So, if it was the gridlock, how is it that only one side is to blame?
Screaming louder and using profanity doesn't add any weight to your proposition. But it does reflect on your intelligence.
So, if it was the gridlock, how is it that only one side is to blame?

go to google.

type in debt ceiling deal, or downgrade, or the like.

click on news.

set the time frame from 7/1 - 7/28.

tell me who even the most conservative papers credit with stalling or blocking any deal.

man do you know how excellent your credit should be making 250,000 a year..spend only 50 every year and you are a million in pretend like you can understands investments...How much do you think you can make in 5 with a solid investment..??? I can tell the people with no money or investments...not trying to be funny...but it shows when they talk...but in fairness I would say hey lets do the ones that make 500,000 a year and up...would that be fair ???

Well i can tell the people that are uneducated cause it shows when they cant follow rational reasoning like We are not a two party system. There are two predominant partys that perpetually play the mass media against each other in order to distract from the actual issues, and when new groups form like the green party of the tea party come to town ( because the populous are tired of being ignored) the two predominant partys discredit them by claiming that they are extremist republicans or communist democrats, when in fact the people being descredited are actually moderates trying to save what scraps of our country we have left.

Then there are the blind who sit and watch TV and when the glorious leader says we need to do this, and congress better play ball, you become fooled into believing that the president actually has the right to be ordering congress around. I bet you think the patriot act is for your protection, or that X-rays at the airport stop terrorists, or that government has your best interests at heart,

Have fun with your retirement investments, just remember if you really are a vet, YOU HAVE NEVER PRODUCED ANYTHING IN THIS ECONOMY, your retirement income, your VA business loan, all of which was a gift from my tax money,
You may have a couple laundromats, but that is no demonstration of economic understanding.
THE PROBLEM WE HAVE RIGHT NOW IN OUR ECONOMY IS THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS TO BIG AND WASTES MONEY, there is only one fix to that, put government on a diet, We do not need as many troops as we have, America historically has always had a small standing force, We do not need to pay CIA to keep tabs on churchs and organizations on our shores, we do not need any of this BS we waste money on, subsidizing corn, subsidizing babies, falsely inflating the price of sugar, allowing the oil companies to keep down more efficient technologies like the ogler engine which injects vaporized gasoline into the cylinder thereby lowering the energy cost of ignition and increasing overall efficiency ogler had a car that did 100 mpg in 1940, how about instead of tax the rich get rid of corporate civil rights and make people accountable for their own actions.
LOL ..I will tomorrow I got to hit the bed and you would only keep me up laughing..but post your plan anyway so I can read it to start off my day...Take your "meds" before you do

I'm to drunk, I will post it in the morning, I need help with spellcheck can someone tell me how to get this windows 7 computer to do spell check for free like my old one with XP did
I'm to drunk, I will post it in the morning, I need help with spellcheck can someone tell me how to get this windows 7 computer to do spell check for free like my old one with XP did
Its not the OS you need to tell to check spelling, its the browser. Which browser you using? I use firefox.