How does religfious belief carry on ?

I am with heisenberg's thinking on this one. I am not convinced he was sincere in asking the question he did. My conclusion is he started this thread to ploy and troll the hell out of faith based people. He has no interest what so ever as to why religion has persisted. Correct me if I am wrong, But I believe the majority of this thread has nothing to do with what was original asked. Happens more time than not on these kind of forum. Classless Sativa, and dishonorable. Religion people don't troll you non believers, so its WHO of U to return the equal!

Not that you deserve it, but some food for thought. Take a look at the sky at night and tell me what you see. And I will call you A LIAR cause you CANT prove THERE ACTUAL PHYSICAL EXSISTENCE.

You are obviously looking for faith in something. Faith in something you can physically touch would'nt be a faith at all. The single most critical aspect of ANY GoD is based around ABSOLUTE BELIEF in said GOD. You say you set a Challenge for anyone to prove his existence? Are they not all "higher powers" for a reason? In the christian faith, its well accepted that no man living or dead could ever nor will ever prove his being, other than when he walked his planet in the flesh. That is GODS JURISDICTION. He calls the shots of when, where, whom, why....Not the created, but the creator that runs the show.

And for the last time, get this FACT THROUGH YOUR cellular wasteland known as a brain. JUST BECAUSE no human alive or dead, can prove his actual being ( to your standards of proof--which I am sure are askew and illogical ) ,DOES NOT IN ANY FASHION FORM OR MANNER DEDUCE THERE IS NO GOD. Just because you can't prove something in life does not mean its not valid or true. You cant see the air you breath to keep your retarded arse alive, you cant touch it, taste it....yet you (may) know its there.( ever hear of the 12 wonders of the world--or the top 7 ancient religious artifacts that still stump scientist-creationist alike)

So, to make this transparent as possible. Prove god does NOT exist.( Ill give ya the answer cause I know u will never get it correct) YOU CANT, PERIOD. Just as much as a faithful person can't prove the verca. Perhaps thats the means to end for you to find god. Which reminds me, we dont find god, god finds us.

Lastly, The one thing I can say gives more prudence is that I can point in any direction for 360 degree's and say this is the creation of a creator. Not of A HUMAN( which has to be created in order to exist , they dont just pop in momma's belly without creation....THAT IS FOR SURE, A FACT! Moreso, I can point to the stars and say, out there is something, not nothingness. Science and basic mathematics proves its impossible to create anything from nothing. 0+/-0=0. You cant create something as vast as our universe ( which we have no idea how large it really is, or if there is even a way to calculate its capacity. ) from nothing. One of the first things the bible gets out the way off that bat is that before god, there was nothing. Simple :) Since god or an unknown date in which "everything just happened", there is more than the human mind can conceive!

More so, I can proclaim with substantial history that the kingdom of god is within those stars. Moreso, I can prove that in human history it has been noted and recorded by millions of people that Jesus Christ, of Nazareth did indeed walk the face of this planet. Its hard to get around that one faithless. Moreso, he's the ONLY person to EVER PROCLAIM EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS PROCLAIMING. Odd eh? He even proclaimed his timed death. He predicted the future, he performed miracles that still happen every single second of every day. If you are yet to see birth, you would know that offspring are true miracles. You think billions and trillions of microscopic atoms and cells just became smart one day and decided to start forming together to form tissue, then muscle, then organs? For both humans and non humans alike. We are huge complex miracles that don't just happen. We must be created in order to have life on earth. The proof is in the pudding of our very being. Even Your scourge was CREATED...DIDNT JUST HAPPEN....Sadly Momma and Daddy did it, and created you. I would imagine a GOD is the designer and the creator of the ones now recreating. If you ever read of how truely complex DNA and RNA are, you would know that things of that complexity are impossible to "just happen" the probability of that are beyond computing, you are far more likely to be able to predict the exact second of your death(suicide does not count)...which has'nt been done yet, unless you count Jesus. ...if you study dna, you will see that every last atom, every last cell, had a ton of thought, design, and effort put into it, by something far greater than us mere humans. There is so complex of an intellectual design with the very fabric of each human being that it would be impossible for us to be what we are today without intellectual design in our DNA composition.......that seems more logical than oohh ya know some things were zoomin around in outter space one day and just by chance whamo everything just happened ,earth was born and we eventually flew out of apes and monkey Im thinking and ah here ya are :)

There is nothing about our lives nor the universe that is able to be summed up as " well it-ya just happened kids"..Nothing within this universe will ever be so simple for a reason. God is obviously not a simple person. Hes GOD. God proclaimed one very crucial thing that so many people like yourself fail to see. And in this case it what he did'nt say that carries the most power. He proclaimed he HAS A PURPOSE. He did not say it would be a purpose we are aware of or would understand. He said to trust him. Thats it. And in a world so full of "nothingness" what would you have to lose to have even the smallest amount of faith. Its through a God that all things are possible...evil, pain, suffering, disease, creation, destruction and anything under or beyond the sun!
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours"

I don't mind people believing in God, as long as they realize that's all it is, a belief. I had some idiotic Christian woman tell me that it was my "opinion" that god didnt' exist, after she'd said "i dont know" when I asked her if there was actual evidence of him. Well no... it's not my opinion... it's science and logic. If there's no evidence of it, it's blind faith, called blind for a reason. Which is ok of course, I mean I can believe in unicorns if I want I guess; but to act like science is an opinion is really offensive to me.
In 1000 years Religion will be a thing of the past.

I'm ashamed to live in such a religious country....Europe is starting to figure it out.
MixedMelodyMindBender said:
Not that you deserve it, but some food for thought. Take a look at the sky at night and tell me what you see. And I will call you A LIAR cause you CANT prove THERE ACTUAL PHYSICAL EXSISTENCE.

clouds? science knows about. stars? science knows about. the moon? science took us there. whats your point?

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
The single most critical aspect of ANY GoD is based around ABSOLUTE BELIEF in said GOD. You say you set a Challenge for anyone to prove his existence? Are they not all "higher powers" for a reason? In the christian faith, its well accepted that no man living or dead could ever nor will ever prove his being, other than when he walked his planet in the flesh. That is GODS JURISDICTION. He calls the shots of when, where, whom, why....Not the created, but the creator that runs the show.

Seems a bit odd that an almighty supreme being chooses to hide away. Although that makes sense I suppose, as then he doesnt need to take responsibility or accountability for any of the atrocities that go on in the world. Absolute belief as you put it, should best be reserved for things we know about. I have absolute belief that tomorrow the sun will rise and then it will set, I don't have absolute or indeed any belief in something which sounds like the creation from man in order to control people.

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
And for the last time, get this FACT THROUGH YOUR cellular wasteland known as a brain. JUST BECAUSE no human alive or dead, can prove his actual being ( to your standards of proof--which I am sure are askew and illogical ) ,DOES NOT IN ANY FASHION FORM OR MANNER DEDUCE THERE IS NO GOD.

Yes, but is that really your argument for basing your entire lifelong belief? That nobody can prove otherwise? That seems pretty flawed and redundant to be honest. So i'm gonna pray to a giant imaginary penis in the sky because nobody can tell me hes not there? That sounds like a child putting his fingers in his ears and going lalalala im not listening.

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
Just because you can't prove something in life does not mean its not valid or true. You cant see the air you breath to keep your retarded arse alive, you cant touch it, taste it....yet you (may) know its there.( ever hear of the 12 wonders of the world--or the top 7 ancient religious artifacts that still stump scientist-creationist alike)

Yes we 'know' its there, but not because of a hunch........... slight difference is we know that it contains 78 percent co2 and 20 percent oxygen. You cant even tell me whether god has a beard or not.

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
So, to make this transparent as possible. Prove god does NOT exist.( Ill give ya the answer cause I know u will never get it correct) YOU CANT, PERIOD.

Ok, but again - why would we need to prove something doesn't exist, when the omen of proof is on you? If you tell me something exists, I say ok, prove it to me. Agnostic Atheism is being able to say "I don't know" but being pretty positive there is no god. Sure, we dont know, but theres about a 1 in 10000000000 chance he is real considering all the possibilities of whats really out there.

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
You cant create something as vast as our universe ( which we have no idea how large it really is, or if there is even a way to calculate its capacity. ) from nothing. One of the first things the bible gets out the way off that bat is that before god, there was nothing. Simple :)

So you basically just managed to undermine your own argument in two sentences. If 'something' cant come from 'nothing', then how on earth does "supreme god" come outta nowhere? Did he take the magic taxi straight from oblivion going towards something?

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
More so, I can proclaim with substantial history that the kingdom of god is within those stars. Moreso, I can prove that in human history it has been noted and recorded by millions of people that Jesus Christ, of Nazareth did indeed walk the face of this planet.

ok thats a big claim, I for one would like to see this evidence that jesus existed and the millions that recorded it, lol.

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
He even proclaimed his timed death. He predicted the future, he performed miracles that still happen every single second of every day. If you are yet to see birth, you would know that offspring are true miracles.
According to what, the Bible? That was written by people who sacrificed cows and didnt know what an atom was? Come now.

MixedMelodyMindBender said:
You think billions and trillions of microscopic atoms and cells just became smart one day and decided to start forming together to form tissue, then muscle, then organs? For both humans and non humans alike. We are huge complex miracles that don't just happen. We must be created in order to have life on earth. The proof is in the pudding of our very being. Even Your scourge was CREATED...DIDNT JUST HAPPEN....Sadly Momma and Daddy did it, and created you. I would imagine a GOD is the designer and the creator of the ones now recreating. If you ever read of how truely complex DNA and RNA are, you would know that things of that complexity are impossible to "just happen" the probability of that are beyond computing, you are far more likely to be able to predict the exact second of your death(suicide does not count)...which has'nt been done yet, unless you count Jesus. ...if you study dna, you will see that every last atom, every last cell, had a ton of thought, design, and effort put into it, by something far greater than us mere humans. There is so complex of an intellectual design with the very fabric of each human being that it would be impossible for us to be what we are today without intellectual design in our DNA composition.......that seems more logical than oohh ya know some things were zoomin around in outter space one day and just by chance whamo everything just happened ,earth was born and we eventually flew out of apes and monkey Im thinking and ah here ya are :)

Oh dear just as it was going so well you get onto Intelligent Design. I don't know where to begin with this one really.

What makes me laugh is when Christians talk of Intelligent Design, they do it whilst mocking the *THEORY* of the big bang. As if those scientists are absolute morons for believing in it. Then they go on to say a much more likely occurence is that a magical man in the sky, that also came out of nothing, created it all in 6 days, THEN TOOK A BREAK BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING TIRED? HAHA! No, that's really good. I'm not saying I believe in the Big Bang because it's a theory, i'm just saying id probably rather believe in anything rather than that fucking story.

Intelligent Design is nothing but another attempt to make God seem more human-like. If 'god' was real, do you think he would have arms, legs and a beard? I mean cmon. Next youre gonna give me the one about the banana being SO PERFECTLY MADE it must have been by a designer hahaha. What about grapefruits? Yeah they're so ergonomic too.

How does religious belief carry on when every argument arrives at the same point ? ..........prove your god exists ? And then the argument simply gets side tracked , if any god existed it would be simple to prove ,
if someone has one single piece of evidence a god exists then lets see it , other wise its belief without evidence , wich is absolute obsurdity,this major point gets brushed aside but i wont let it go .

I still haven't seen any hard evidence that our planet just exploded into existance. By the way, did you join RIU just to talk about and against religion? Are those nutes in your avatar just a guise to coverup the fact that you are an antichrist troll that makes pennies on the hour for laying layers and layers of hot B.S. on the religious community? Show us exactly how mankind came out of a lizard that came out of the ocean that came out of a 1 cell organism. My only mistake is expecting a solid answer. Goodbye
clouds? science knows about. stars? science knows about. the moon? science took us there. whats your point?

Seems a bit odd that an almighty supreme being chooses to hide away. Although that makes sense I suppose, as then he doesnt need to take responsibility or accountability for any of the atrocities that go on in the world. Absolute belief as you put it, should best be reserved for things we know about. I have absolute belief that tomorrow the sun will rise and then it will set, I don't have absolute or indeed any belief in something which sounds like the creation from man in order to control people.

Yes, but is that really your argument for basing your entire lifelong belief? That nobody can prove otherwise? That seems pretty flawed and redundant to be honest. So i'm gonna pray to a giant imaginary penis in the sky because nobody can tell me hes not there? That sounds like a child putting his fingers in his ears and going lalalala im not listening.

Yes we 'know' its there, but not because of a hunch........... slight difference is we know that it contains 78 percent co2 and 20 percent oxygen. You cant even tell me whether god has a beard or not.

Ok, but again - why would we need to prove something doesn't exist, when the omen of proof is on you? If you tell me something exists, I say ok, prove it to me. Agnostic Atheism is being able to say "I don't know" but being pretty positive there is no god. Sure, we dont know, but theres about a 1 in 10000000000 chance he is real considering all the possibilities of whats really out there.

So you basically just managed to undermine your own argument in two sentences. If 'something' cant come from 'nothing', then how on earth does "supreme god" come outta nowhere? Did he take the magic taxi straight from oblivion going towards something?

ok thats a big claim, I for one would like to see this evidence that jesus existed and the millions that recorded it, lol.

According to what, the Bible? That was written by people who sacrificed cows and didnt know what an atom was? Come now.

Oh dear just as it was going so well you get onto Intelligent Design. I don't know where to begin with this one really.

What makes me laugh is when Christians talk of Intelligent Design, they do it whilst mocking the *THEORY* of the big bang. As if those scientists are absolute morons for believing in it. Then they go on to say a much more likely occurence is that a magical man in the sky, that also came out of nothing, created it all in 6 days, THEN TOOK A BREAK BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING TIRED? HAHA! No, that's really good. I'm not saying I believe in the Big Bang because it's a theory, i'm just saying id probably rather believe in anything rather than that fucking story.

Intelligent Design is nothing but another attempt to make God seem more human-like. If 'god' was real, do you think he would have arms, legs and a beard? I mean cmon. Next youre gonna give me the one about the banana being SO PERFECTLY MADE it must have been by a designer hahaha. What about grapefruits? Yeah they're so ergonomic too.


Oh great, another empirical study on how God doesn't exist. You win the Internet!

Did you go to the school for the Insanely Retarded? You're brain is hazardous to society so please, put a diaper on your head.
im not religious or anything but if you actually look at the bible theres alot of wisdom in it any question you have in life is pretty much there and thats a fact. try and read it and if you dont understand ask a preacher they can explain it to you.
In 1000 years Religion will be a thing of the past.

I'm ashamed to live in such a religious country....Europe is starting to figure it out.
what does religion hurt? if you have been to a good church you can feel what the pastor is saying imagine the land and chaos without it.
Problem is Smooth, the kids are too afraid of Preachers thanks to the Satanic News Media that reported on all those pedophilic acts that happened in the church. The fools here don't want to get butthurt, so they instead keep believing in nothingness or magical theories of B.S. so that they can say Fuck You to those that believe in anything other than what they want us to believe in. They think pretending is the same thing as having spirit in something. These are the same dumbasses that confused school spirit with just pretending. Obviously kids, you need to go back to sunday school
what does religion hurt? if you have been to a good church you can feel what the pastor is saying imagine the land and chaos without it.

I think more chaos would come without having the police around. Dumbasses that believe an explosion and 1 cell organisms are our creator would convert into a bunch of bloodthirsty landpirates and rape and steal everything
clouds? science knows about. stars? science knows about. the moon? science took us there. whats your point?

Seems a bit odd that an almighty supreme being chooses to hide away. Although that makes sense I suppose, as then he doesnt need to take responsibility or accountability for any of the atrocities that go on in the world. Absolute belief as you put it, should best be reserved for things we know about. I have absolute belief that tomorrow the sun will rise and then it will set, I don't have absolute or indeed any belief in something which sounds like the creation from man in order to control people.

Yes, but is that really your argument for basing your entire lifelong belief? That nobody can prove otherwise? That seems pretty flawed and redundant to be honest. So i'm gonna pray to a giant imaginary penis in the sky because nobody can tell me hes not there? That sounds like a child putting his fingers in his ears and going lalalala im not listening.

Yes we 'know' its there, but not because of a hunch........... slight difference is we know that it contains 78 percent co2 and 20 percent oxygen. You cant even tell me whether god has a beard or not.

Ok, but again - why would we need to prove something doesn't exist, when the omen of proof is on you? If you tell me something exists, I say ok, prove it to me. Agnostic Atheism is being able to say "I don't know" but being pretty positive there is no god. Sure, we dont know, but theres about a 1 in 10000000000 chance he is real considering all the possibilities of whats really out there.

So you basically just managed to undermine your own argument in two sentences. If 'something' cant come from 'nothing', then how on earth does "supreme god" come outta nowhere? Did he take the magic taxi straight from oblivion going towards something?

ok thats a big claim, I for one would like to see this evidence that jesus existed and the millions that recorded it, lol.

According to what, the Bible? That was written by people who sacrificed cows and didnt know what an atom was? Come now.

Oh dear just as it was going so well you get onto Intelligent Design. I don't know where to begin with this one really.

What makes me laugh is when Christians talk of Intelligent Design, they do it whilst mocking the *THEORY* of the big bang. As if those scientists are absolute morons for believing in it. Then they go on to say a much more likely occurence is that a magical man in the sky, that also came out of nothing, created it all in 6 days, THEN TOOK A BREAK BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING TIRED? HAHA! No, that's really good. I'm not saying I believe in the Big Bang because it's a theory, i'm just saying id probably rather believe in anything rather than that fucking story.

Intelligent Design is nothing but another attempt to make God seem more human-like. If 'god' was real, do you think he would have arms, legs and a beard? I mean cmon. Next youre gonna give me the one about the banana being SO PERFECTLY MADE it must have been by a designer hahaha. What about grapefruits? Yeah they're so ergonomic too.

tl;dr the light at the end of the tunnel for you is your mouth? You sir, are really quite arrogant.

"[...]they didn't even know what an atom was?"

If you are as smart as you'd like to 'believe', how the hell could you have such a hard time with that one.
I think more chaos would come without having the police around. Dumbasses that believe an explosion and 1 cell organisms are our creator would convert into a bunch of bloodthirsty landpirates and rape and steal everything

Why don't I do that now? What would suddenly change inside my mind if I went from simply believing there's no god to knowing there's no god?
Why don't I do that now? What would suddenly change inside my mind if I went from simply believing there's no god to knowing there's no god?

Well then pat yourself on the back, or your ass if you want, because you just did a real half-assed job on THOROUGHLY trying to discover such sad news. I believe you copied your results from someone that is twice as lazy as yourself :) the light at the end of the tunnel for you is your mouth? You sir, are really quite arrogant.

"[...]they didn't even know what an atom was?"

If you are as smart as you'd like to 'believe', how the hell could you have such a hard time with that one.

What is your point? No I don't have a hard time believing they didn't know what an atom was, funnily enough that wasn't the point. The point was I find it hard believing Christians would take the word of people with none of the fundamental scientific knowledge that we have now, yet expect them to give them the answers for their whole entire existence. Then again science was always religions enemy, too many facts.

I think more chaos would come without having the police around. Dumbasses that believe an explosion and 1 cell organisms are our creator would convert into a bunch of bloodthirsty landpirates and rape and steal everything

If you're talking about evolution it's probably best not to use hilarious words such as "creator", which conjure up lots of fairytale images of a bearded man with little human moulds. Personally i'd feel safer around people who dealt with the world as it was. Can you imagine what would happen if all those people who claimed to have seen the light and have angels talk to them suddenly had that ridiculous idea ripped out of them? It'd probably be enough to turn catholics into child rapists... oh wait.

Well then pat yourself on the back, or your ass if you want, because you just did a real half-assed job on THOROUGHLY trying to discover such sad news. I believe you copied your results from someone that is twice as lazy as yourself :)

If you wanna see laziness try getting the entire rules for how you live your own life from a 3500 year old book. I don't actually need a book to tell me not to kill people, apparently some Christians are stupid enough to need that kinda guidance.
ah, who believes in religion?

not very bright people.

im tempted to say, "comon guys, stop fucking with the retards" but i wont , cause im nice lol.

"my parents believed in this book made up from quotes from the stoneage and thats why i do it, cause my parents are that wise"

"this dude in a black frock (driving a benz) told me to fear god and give him some money, so i did"

"i was really desperate to stop being a drunk and this was easier than keeping on knocking myself out by hitting my head on the wall repeatedly"
I still haven't seen any hard evidence that our planet just exploded into existance. By the way, did you join RIU just to talk about and against religion? Are those nutes in your avatar just a guise to coverup the fact that you are an antichrist troll that makes pennies on the hour for laying layers and layers of hot B.S. on the religious community? Show us exactly how mankind came out of a lizard that came out of the ocean that came out of a 1 cell organism. My only mistake is expecting a solid answer. Goodbye

I really want to know if you have ever read about evolution or studied it. I don't think you have and I think you are too SCARED to.

This is a great resource I hope you take an honest look at it, if you don't then that's fine but you have decided to lie to and cheat yourself. Even if you still do not believe it, at least you will have the knowledge to make a decent argument other than "I still don't see evidence of fish and lizards coming out of the sea" and then attacking people (you think we can't see right through this? 1. It shows you are very uneducated about the theory. 2. You have no other way of defending your arguments except to insult someone.)

I can explain theories of what was before and how our universe formed, theories backed up by evidence. Yes there are still unanswered questions and these theories probably bring up more questions than it answers, but that's science. Now of we just stopped investigating and said "well shit! We don't have answers of what was before the ever expanding inflationary field that lead to our universe! Let's just say it's God." That would be lazy and unintelligent. Here you go: I wrote this on another thread but it applies here. It's a simplified version of a leading BBT. There is evidence to support this theory. it helps to explain the general uniformity of our universe such as uniform temp, energy, matter....This theory is also supported with mathematics.

Matter was not in an infinitely dense point, theory points more to matter being energy before the big bang. E=mc^2. I will explain.

Before our universe, and still today, there was/is an inflationary field containing extremely high energy levels, a uniform and constant POTIENTIAL energy, and negative pressure (therefore repulsive gravity). This field is similar to an electromagnetic field. You can't see it or feel it but you know it has energy because it does work. So now we have our inflationary field that has a very high potential energy and is expanding faster than the speed of light. How did the university come from this?

Any system with potential energy will exploit an opportunity to release it. This opportunity comes in the form of quantum uncertainty. Energy fields like all things in a quantum universe are subject to this. Quantum uncertainty among an energy field means the fields values will under quantum jitters or up and down fluctuations in it's value. This isn't seen in our everyday life because they are too small to notice. Yet with the incredible amount of energy harbored in the field, these fluctuations would be much larger. Simply put, one of these jitters would knock the field down it's potential energy curve. The resulting decrease in energy and negative pressure ends the encredible expanse.

Now this energy isn't lost, it is converted to matter. E=mc^2. This all happens in the order of about 10^-35 seconds. In thislook time the tiny area of potential energy would expand by a factor of about 10^30. What we have left is a region in space that is no longer expanding at the rate of the inflationary field, full of matter, uniform temp for example a Universe.

Back to evolution. If evolution is not true you would have to believe that there was once 10x as many species on earth and 90% have died out leaving us with what we have today. Some of which, the now existing ones, just happen to have no EARLY fossil records. So they just appeared a few million years ago. Then you would have to say, many of these species are incredibly similar to the still existing species with slight differences (all of this is seen in fossil records) but have NO genetic lineage. Oh one problem, studies of similar species mRNA (I think) shows an outstanding similarity.

OK, so now I have given you some solid answers as you expect. I have linked a great resource for you, what you choose to do with it is up to YOU. Now in order to avoid a double standard I want a solid answer. Why is there a genetic lineage between similar existing and extinct species, more importantly why do we humans have a DNA link with species as old as dinosaurs if we never had a common ancestors? If evolution does not occur, why do we have genetic variation?
All I know is that from an early age I believed in Jesus. 6 years ago I was reading the Bible to find out why God took His wrath out on His son rather than on us.
In about 2 days of reading on and off I just knew in my heart of hearts that God IS. I turned from my wicked ways (repented - or "changed my mind" which is what repent means)
and I instantly recieved the promised HOLY SPIRIT and I was filled with the glory and love of God that I never even knew I could recieve. I was "BORN AGAIN". For real.

I felt the tangible prescence of God on me and in me. It felt like I was a brand new person and all the ugly stuff inside of me was gone and I felt so pure and holy. There was POWER running through me like a wild fire of electric love. I cant explain it with words to good because it transends words. It was the truth of the BIBLE coming true in my heart and life. That was all I needed to know that I know that I know that Jesus was sent by God to be the Lamb of God that was slain to take away the sins of the World. He took away my sins through taking my punishment on Himself and now Im forgiven and can enter his Holy Tabernacle in Heaven itself and touch the Lord when I Worship(sing with my whole heart) and Pray and feel and be refreshed by his presence as his love and power refills me. I love the Lord so much and want to be like Him in every way. Its too bad Im not. Its too bad that I make mistakes sometimes and people are right there to point fingers and try to debunk the fact that God IS. Im not perfect but He sees me through the perfection of Christ thankfully and doesnt look at my faults anymore.

NO person can tell me GOD doesnt exist because Im a new creation and God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit live within me now.
Im just asking whomever please read the book of John and Romans. Easy read. Read it for yourselves. Thats where the power from God comes. Its not just words in a book. They are living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword, Deviding soul and spirit, bone and marrow, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Jesus said that He will, in no wise, turn anyone away who comes to Him with a humble heart. I did and I recieved the PROMISE. My whole life is changed now for the better. No matter what man does to me, I will be welcomed with open arms into the Kingdom of Heaven. Not for what I did and didnt do. NO! Not by works, but by the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me and died on the cross so that I can be restored back to the Father. Its soooo awesome to feel Him right here when I need Him. He will except all man on earth that come to Him. He is faithfull, and has the most Godly intentions to care for me and my life. He is the author and perfector of my faith and will be faithfull to bring it to the end. YOU TOO.
5000joints: I don't doubt your feeling of God's presence but I do doubt it's source. Your brain can do so many things, including trick you. Evidence of this is seen in Schizophrenics who truly believe their paranoid delusions. I'm not going to go into all the fun and interesting hormones and chemicals that can do this but it is a fact that they can.

Also, take Muslims, there are as many if not more Muslims than Christians. They will all tell you that they have felt the same thing as you. So will Jews, Hindus, and even from the past the Greeks and Egyptians. There is a common feeling of their God's presence, but each has a different God. How could you ever say or know you have the right God.