Well-Known Member
It was started by mothers...if the dads cared as much they could have gone to the first meeting and they would have called it SFADD Sad Families Against Drunk Driving...There is also DAMM...Drunks Against Mad Mothers....you're question is not well thought, like you heard the term and wanted to rant or what? I am a woman and dont' understand a lot of the women's movements...I mean sometimes it feels like I am on the top in a lot of ways... I don't like that the words girl and girly are synonomous with weak... and women don't make as much in high paying jobs as their male counter parts..but other than that I feel like I got the long end of the stick on the which sex is better...I mean if I get pulled over they let me go with warnings instead of tickets and if I break down someone will stop and help me...since I don't work in the business world the issues dont really affect me negatively, although I can see the issue business women have...as for MADD...I dont' that is considered a woman's organization...