Blue Wizard
Well-Known Member
Fuck dude just sneak a goat and a couple chickens when they get close. you'll be set for a couple weeks.
Mhm, I reckon.
The thing with the goats was like 2 or 3 years ago, apparently the owners got a lot of property damage complaints and they are now penned. I'm getting my own chickens this year, I've got most of the land cleared where I'm going to build the coop and run.
We had chickens when I was younger and I sort of miss that, my step grandmother had a large flock, I really loved the peacocks and her little japanese bantams. It wasn't until years later that I found out she was also raising roosters for cock fighting in mexico.
From what I heard she bred a lot of good fighters and was very successful but it just made me feel kind of sick, I mean she wasn't a blood relative but I was as close if not closer to her than my biological grandmothers.