America's "gun problem"


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but you'll get arrested. "holding" a woman, even if she just hit you, is assault. Best bet is to just walk away, if you can. Then kill her when no one is looking.
I've buried both my parents, two wives, and two children...
Because using an axe just wears me out. All that chasing and swinging. Sometimes the shits can outrun me. Lost 6 of them that way just this last year. Also, drive-bys become nearly impossible with a bladed instrument. You exercise your power over life and death with every breath you take.
voice of experience.


Well-Known Member
Let me clarify the point I am making. Gun control laws won't make a damn bit of difference. Chicago, New York, Washington DC have the strictest gun laws in the country and they have not made a damn bit of difference.

The only thing that gun control laws will do is cause currently law abiding citizens to become criminals, and make criminals of our political class because they will have failed to obey the US constitution.
And where do they get the guns in Chicago New York and Washington DC?

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
You spoke to his answering service
I got the direct connection
My god can kick the living shit out of your god and my god says that you are a fool and that your god isn't real. If you raise your weapons of justice against me my god will neutralize them and turn them into lizards that will bite you with poisonous teeth.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yes I absolutly agree gun laws wont make a difference except for those who get caught violating them

any other questions?
Just one. How do you square any gun law that limits ownership, and accessibility of "arms" with the second amendment?

I am not naive enough to believe that SCOTUS won't try to authorize such laws, but I can read well enough to understand what the second amendment says. When the hoplophobes succeed in corralling all the sheep, respect for the law takes a huge hit and rightly so.

Gun control laws have failed to control gun ownership all across Europe. I linked to studies done by European governments that show universal disregard for gun bans in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, etc. Evidently, Europeans are not the mindless, government worshiping, fools that many Americans picture. If you can't get Europeans to obey gun bans, how are you going to convince Americans, with a clearly written second amendment, to do so?

Somebody else pointed out that McVeigh (Oklahoma city) was a response to perceived out of control federal government. With forty percent of the US population being gun owners, and a clearly written second amendment, and a culture of ownership of arms, and a fundamental distrust of "government", and a clear understanding that violence in the US is restricted to large urban areas with already unconstitutional gun control laws, how do you think attempts to thwart the constitution are going to play out in the US?

Abandoning the rule of law is a dangerous path.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I often wonder who do all of these guns protect us from? Are we arming ourselves to protect us from each other? Do people really believe that guns will protect us from tyranny? If our government wants to fuck with us will these guns be a valid defense against the fucking U.S. Army? Why does a person need to have guns and if they are for self defense then defense from whom? Your nieghbor?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I often wonder who do all of these guns protect us from? Are we arming ourselves to protect us from each other? Do people really believe that guns will protect us from tyranny? If our government wants to fuck with us will these guns be a valid defense against the fucking U.S. Army? Why does a person need to have guns and if they are for self defense then defense from whom? Your nieghbor?


Real world examples of people standing up to their armies.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Sure. Are you saying that the U.S. Army is on par with the armies of Syria or Libya and that a couple of handguns in your trembling fists will protect you from a force that regularly kicks the collective asses of anybody that it wants to. These are real world examples of your ability to watch the news. Who are you guns protecting you from?

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Not to mention prevention of foreign invasion.

"There would be a gun behind every blade of grass."
Please mention in more detail how these guns will protect us from foreign invasion. Do you imagine a bunch of us Americans standing on the beach, in a line, aiming our motley collection of guns in the general direction of the ocean waiting for the enemy to walk out of the surf into range. Maybe we can get the people in San Diego with guns to hide behind the grass blades and shoot the foreign invaders as they stagger onto American soil. If our own military can't stop a foreign invasion then do you expect that you and Smith&Wesson will be able to pick up the slack. Who are you guns protecting you from?
Do you have any idea of how many people that own guns and are not in the army it would scare you its like people you that want to take our right away. Only way is from our cold dead hands you need to remember that they work for the people.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Do you have any idea of how many people that own guns and are not in the army it would scare you its like people you that want to take our right away. Only way is from our cold dead hands you need to remember that they work for the people.
Who are your guns protecting you from. It is a little difficult to understand what your point is but I believe it has something to do with gun ownership. I am not looking to take away any of your rights, I am only asking questions.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Please mention in more detail how these guns will protect us from foreign invasion. Do you imagine a bunch of us Americans standing on the beach, in a line, aiming our motley collection of guns in the general direction of the ocean waiting for the enemy to walk out of the surf into range. Maybe we can get the people in San Diego with guns to hide behind the grass blades and shoot the foreign invaders as they stagger onto American soil. If our own military can't stop a foreign invasion then do you expect that you and Smith&Wesson will be able to pick up the slack. Who are you guns protecting you from?
Clearly, there are some Americans who are not up to the task.
Ok getting a little petty now grow up. our guns protect us from the crazys and from our goverment and anybody else that threatens us better to have and not need than not to have at all.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Sure. Are you saying that the U.S. Army is on par with the armies of Syria or Libya and that a couple of handguns in your trembling fists will protect you from a force that regularly kicks the collective asses of anybody that it wants to. These are real world examples of your ability to watch the news. Who are you guns protecting you from?
A relatively small band of irregular forces gave the American army all it could handle in Iraq. In VietNam, a small band of irregular forces ultimately defeated the US army. A couple hundred years ago a small band of irregular forces fought the world's super power and defeated it. That revolutionary war spawned the United States. You ought to read up on it.

Secondly, the American military is populated by Americans. They are also able to read the second amendment. They also understand our culture and know a bit of our history. Having been in the US army, I can tell you first hand that most of them think like me. Did you serve in the US military?