Tobacco Companies Taking Over Cannabis?

diet coke

Active Member
More tomatoes are grown in America by home gardeners than are produced commercially. Yet there is a robust commercial market for tomatoes and tomato products of all types: canned, vine-ripened, organic, sauces, soups, ketchup, etc. At the same time, small-scale specialty cultivators do well selling their produce at Farmers’ Markets, and home gardeners with extra tomatoes share the bounty with neighbors as gifts, in trade, or through informal sales. Marijuana could be handled in the same way. Commercial growers can thrive side-by-side with home and specialty cultivators.


Ursus marijanus
My main concern is that they will add these chemicals just like tobacco to get us addicted, and then selling it at extremely high prices. This was what the government had been planning since 06 they have been taking weed, growing it, and stashing it away. Once legal, they say okay, you can smoke it but only if you buy it from us. Now they want to sell tue rights so they don't have to deal with...paper work? Media? Who gives a shit

So the tobacco company comes in has everything, still is not legal to grow, the Feds are taking out dispensaries and patients houses, while everyone is feared from the white market so they go to the smoke shop. And BOOM! They make all the profits
What chemicals? The addictive principle in tobacco is nicotine, and nicotine is the reason tobacco was domesticated from the git-go. cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What chemicals? The addictive principle in tobacco is nicotine, and nicotine is the reason tobacco was domesticated from the git-go. cn
i believe he is referring to some documents that were leaked from several major tobacco companies wherin they discuss adding extra nicotine (they tell the regulators it's a flavouring...) with the express goal of increasing uptake by "consumers" and then reducing the levels to cause greater sales as smokers attempt to get their jones, just like any street pusher does when deciding how hard to step on his coke.

unfortunately this all gets lost in the shouting and screaming about "chemicals" and other such non-sense in the anti-tobacco press.


Active Member
That's the thing though. They're going to buy out everyone, while still trying to take out every grower in the state and make it so there's no where to get it but them. Once this happens one out of two things is going to happen 1) were going to be buyin hay weed for a high price 2) were going to be buying the tits for a REALLY high price.

The only people I see this not effecting are patents.. But what about civilians? Were all screwed
These companies purchase tobacco from local growers, i'm sure weed would be the same.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
No, the tobacco companies are not getting involved in marijuana. I have no idea why the Huffington Post would even post such nonsense. I first read about this back in the early 90s when Rolling Stones mag posted an article about this subject. I guess some just assume since both products are smokable that the tobacco industry would automatically be involved in the marijuana industry if it ever became legal. All myth.


New Member
These companies purchase tobacco from local growers, i'm sure weed would be the same.

These companies grow their own. Just because they pay other people to grow it, does not mean they're "buyin it from growers"

Different companies put different things in their tobacco to get you addicted to their BRAND. Do you know how easy it would be for some "local grower" to piss off a huge company by selling their product and calling it the same name? That's what we call 'Trade-Mark infringement' I myself have been addicted to camels for years. That's my brand


New Member
No, the tobacco companies are not getting involved in marijuana. I have no idea why the Huffington Post would even post such nonsense. I first read about this back in the early 90s when Rolling Stones mag posted an article about this subject. I guess some just assume since both products are smokable that the tobacco industry would automatically be involved in the marijuana industry if it ever became legal. All myth.

How can you take something like that from the 90s and apply to everyday life? And out of all ROLLING STONES?? C'mon that's like reading high times trying to learn how to grow.. Do you still think the world will end in 2012? Because I do.


Active Member
These companies grow their own. Just because they pay other people to grow it, does not mean they're "buyin it from growers"

Different companies put different things in their tobacco to get you addicted to their BRAND. Do you know how easy it would be for some "local grower" to piss off a huge company by selling their product and calling it the same name? That's what we call 'Trade-Mark infringement' I myself have been addicted to camels for years. That's my brand
Several of my family members raise tobacco and things have changed as far as the buying process since they started in the 70's. Now tobacco is auctioned in their area, it is no longer contract farming. There is absolutey no way that a company could supply the tobacco demand within their own means (without independent farmers).


New Member
Several of my family members raise tobacco and things have changed as far as the buying process since they started in the 70's. Now tobacco is auctioned in their area, it is no longer contract farming. There is absolutey no way that a company could supply the tobacco demand within their own means (without independent farmers).
I don't see how they couldn't? Grossing hundreds of millions annually. That's like saying Bill gates can't afford making apple PCs. So he buys Sony's and slaps and apple on it.


Active Member
I don't see how they couldn't? Grossing hundreds of millions annually. That's like saying Bill gates can't afford making apple PCs. So he buys Sony's and slaps and apple on it.
One day weed may be in a Camel pack but independent farmers would still raise it bro, Camel does not own all the land their tobacco is grown on. I was just pointing out the fact that if marijuana goes that far the major companies will be dependent upon local agriculture to raise their product.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
These companies grow their own. Just because they pay other people to grow it, does not mean they're "buyin it from growers"

Different companies put different things in their tobacco to get you addicted to their BRAND. Do you know how easy it would be for some "local grower" to piss off a huge company by selling their product and calling it the same name? That's what we call 'Trade-Mark infringement' I myself have been addicted to camels for years. That's my brand
most tobacco companies buy their tobacco on commodities markets or contract farmers to grow it for them.

tobacco companies are run by businessmen, and businessmen make shitty farmers.

they buy tobacco on a world market, and currently american grown tobacco is the most expensive and most prized.

shitloads of medium to low grade tobacco is grown in turkey and eastern europe, and thats a large reason why american cigarettes are so expensive outside the us when compared to the local schwag.

trademarks are there to protect the "Branding" of companies.

without trademark protection the "Camels" you buy off the back of a truck would not be the smooth turkish and domestic blend you have come to know and love, but rather a shitty nasty rat pizzle heavily ammended with lawnclippings coyote weed and "indian tobacco" which is not actually tobacco at all, but does contain nicotine. it smokes like burning monkey hair though, and it's as bitter as day old piss as a chaw.

trademarks protect YOU as much as they do the company, ensuring that the object you pay for is the object you get.

you can buy off brand, no name mystery smokes if you wish, but when you do, you know what your paying for.

otherwise i would be selling "Genuine Kamels" myself.

fuck i miss Lucky Strikes. those fuckers were badass.