That is one of the reasons I dont really believe in god's heaven or hell though.
His word is final, but will chance his mind when he doesnt like how his underlings behave.
In my opinion it seems to be a wrathfull/resentfull god too, once you get sent to hell, there is no going back.
These are the characteristics of a tyrant I believe, and not an all loving god.
In the real world we have all these rules, which apparently become worthless once you enter heaven. (no sex for example)
Seriously, one of the worlds most practiced activities suddenly gets erased.
I could imagine, a couple having entered heaven, having loved the sprituality of their intercourse, which can now only hold hands, getting upset.
(I would imagine this being a severe let down)
This piece of Corinthians 2:9, suggestes that nooone has seen, heard or conceived it (heaven), yet, there have been people whom apparently been brought there and back and shared their experiences as you described them (rather detailed too).
Or am I totally missing something here ?