WARNING!One bulb 42w warm CFL grow!WARNING

Okay everyone!

Here it is!!!!

So I am currently I guess what you all would call a newb, although I feel far from a newb, I have had the knowledge for some time, just lacking experience. Soooo Let me begin here,

I am currently attempting a BlackJack grow. It will be my first indoor attempt and I will be doing so with limited resources. To begin I received my seeds last Friday, I put seeds strait into a damp paper towel not too wet just damp and let it sit in a plate in my drawer. Woke up the next day and the paper towel was extremely dry. I added a sufficient amount of water to keep the paper towel moist, this time placing in a plastic zip-loc bag and letting sit on my cable box (warmth) and sure enough within about 18hrs had a huge tap root sticking out of that sucker.

Next this is where it starts to get funny, due to the fact I am attempting a low budget, work with what you got grow,
I gathered a large box for a carseat maybe about 30inches in height, 1.5ft x 1.5ft. Also have a 42w 2700k cfl lamp. . . PLEASE , I know I need to upgrade 6700k . . again I wanted to work with what I have for now until I see some error in my babies which call for drastic measure. Also another reason for this thread is because I could not find any like it on-line. Now I used a metal food tray as a hood for my lamp. Covered my box in white paper and a tiny strip of dull aluminum foil going around the box one time. I made sure to keep aluminum foil on dull side and very strait, so it doesn't create hot spots. I didn't seem to have any plastic cups to put my seedling in so I cut a 12oz water bottle top off removed the paper and began in there with MIRACLE GRO!

Now after only 1 day my baby was already sticking up about an inch and a half and looking healthy as hell! (to me at least)

I am worried about this grow and excited at the same time, very exited to see the results and let other newbs know what kind of yield they should be looking forward to on a low budget grow.

For now after the first day or day and a half I have put an additional small box inside the big box, so that the white walls in the small box can use all the lighting and lumens more efficiently. (until I am forced to transplant) I would guess it is 8inx6in box.

I also take my plant out of her environment to let the box cool for a couple hours and let her get some direct sunlight on my window sill. :)

So far for 3-4 days old she seems to be happy.

The plan is to let this be as simple and inexpensive as possible. I purchased fox farm organic soil and some miracle gro moisture control from walmart for $6 and some change. Which I am going use to transplant my baby in about ten more days.

Also I added a tiny bit of epsom salt to a bottle of water today. Since the leaves were turning upwards, and watered a few hours later and she back looking healthy.
I will not be planning to add nutes during Veg since I am using miracle grow. And I will try to get away with only molasses during flower. Unless it absolutely calls for it.

Any ways hope you guys stay tuned and enjoy my project!



New Member
Lowe's has floodlight CFL's with 4100 lumins for $39.99. They are square and give off almost no heat. They are great for Veg. since they are at 6500*K
Lowe's has floodlight CFL's with 4100 lumins for $39.99. They are square and give off almost no heat. They are great for Veg. since they are at 6500*K
Hmmm, I will look into getting a 500-6500k here sometime soon, maybe after first two weeks. Only if absolutely necessary since, I am doing a low budget work with what you got grow!
But I figure I will at least need a couple y sockets and some 6500k's to get a decent small yield. Please stay tuned and all tips and advice is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
your using 1 42w CFL? I'd HIGHLY recommend you add as much wattage as you can afford if you want to get a decent yield and make this next 4-5 months worth your time and money


you can veg with a 2700k if needed the 5000-6500k range just works better. the 2700k is for flower. but youre deff gonna need more wattage. I do 2x65W 2" above the plant and a few more 18&23W around the plant to help. the main thing is keep the lights as close as possible without burning cause cfl has poor light penetration. good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
I was honestly just trying to do a test run, but I can agree, I would hate to waste 3-4 months of my time on nothing. TBH as long as I can get some good quality bud I won't be very disappointed. Since as of right now I am only $7 dollars into the project. I will keep a journal just to see where we can go from here. I do have a hole cut in the box and have a fan running at the bottom outside of the box. To push the hot air up and have a small hole in the side to act as a exhaust lol. This is truly a "poor man's grow" haha.

Although if she stays healthy and does good I may have to look into taking better care of "Miley" lol

Anyways meet MILEY folks.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is all the warning shit in the title about? makes the thread feel retarded.

The style of writing feels like it's all being made up too. Like a mismatch of grow cliches and nods to rollitup forum subjects of contention.

Apologies if this is not the case.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is all the warning shit in the title about? makes the thread feel retarded.

The style of writing feels like it's all being made up too. Like a mismatch of grow cliches and nods to rollitup forum subjects of contention.

Apologies if this is not the case.
Im confused
you can veg with a 2700k if needed the 5000-6500k range just works better. the 2700k is for flower. but youre deff gonna need more wattage. I do 2x65W 2" above the plant and a few more 18&23W around the plant to help. the main thing is keep the lights as close as possible without burning cause cfl has poor light penetration. good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
Do you have 65w equivalent or 65w cfl? and do they need some type of attachment or go directly into lamp socket?
What the fuck is all the warning shit in the title about? makes the thread feel retarded.

The style of writing feels like it's all being made up too. Like a mismatch of grow cliches and nods to rollitup forum subjects of contention.

Apologies if this is not the case.

WOW DUDE -_- ... thanks, lol I don't even know what your saying, but I know it wasn't good. And I happen to like my warning title.. which I put in their because I couldn't seem to find any one who has done a project like this. And I think there could be very good reasoning as to why not. But I will be the first thanks very much. :)


New Member
Sounds interesting . I hope you make it to through flowering. Ive heard on many forums you can yeild one gram per watt on cfls... That would be amazing to get 48 gs out of one cfl lol! i know you are doing poor man but i advise getting a ph probe for like 15 bucks and a ph test for liquids at about 7 bucks. If you run into any problems you will need them. My first lady took a dump 5 weeks in flower ... Yeilded like 10 grams on a two month veg... All because of low ph . by time i got a probe it was on its way out. Still some of the strongest smoke though with no yeild . Good luck
Sounds interesting . I hope you make it to through flowering. Ive heard on many forums you can yeild one gram per watt on cfls... That would be amazing to get 48 gs out of one cfl lol! i know you are doing poor man but i advise getting a ph probe for like 15 bucks and a ph test for liquids at about 7 bucks. If you run into any problems you will need them. My first lady took a dump 5 weeks in flower ... Yeilded like 10 grams on a two month veg... All because of low ph . by time i got a probe it was on its way out. Still some of the strongest smoke though with no yeild . Good luck
Hey thanks, for the tip. Yeah I will more then likely go to home depot sometime shortly to get a ph probe and a timer here shortly. I will more then likely end up getting a 6500k cfl and a y socket and complete my grow with 2 42w one 2700k and one 6500k, we will see.

REAL QUICK, I have a 3 gallon pot about 12inches tall, and 30inch box. Any one have any advice on how soon to switch to flowering so I don't out grow my box? I am strongly considering topping and lst. But any advice on this portion would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
REAL QUICK, I have a 3 gallon pot about 12inches tall, and 30inch box. Any one have any advice on how soon to switch to flowering so I don't out grow my box? I am strongly considering topping and lst. But any advice on this portion would be appreciated.
Very early, I dont know much about the strain but either way you can expect at the very LEAST a 25% stretch, but usually will be 50% and even 75% in those Sativa dominants.

Look into 12/12 from seed threads, people do good things...
