Inhumanity is an absolute. Either we all have humanity or none of us do. No court imprimatur can justify inhumanity because no one can know the sum total of a human. There are no scales or justice that can see into every niche of the human, not yet at least.
Just what I was thinking. Especially with crimes like his, I'm sure the other inmates knew what he did and made his life hell
Inhumanity is an absolute. Either we all have humanity or none of us do. No court imprimatur can justify inhumanity because no one can know the sum total of a human. There are no scales or justice that can see into every niche of the human, not yet at least.
so, we either shit on everyone or only shit on a few. because the same turd will hit some people harder than others, shitting on everyone does not seem the humane choice. the only civilized option is to set up a system to pick and choose.
.....snip......... the only civilized option is to set up a system to pick and choose.
ITA! give the prick some kind of real punishment before he ate it. That's what he deserved!
the sick bastard
ITA! give the prick some kind of real punishment before he ate it. That's what he deserved!
the sick bastard
Given the totality of this thread, and the content thereof, your like seems a bit arbitrary, with this post and all. You are playing the exact same position as he played, in calling for his torture and rape. Does that make you a sick bastard? Or just a sick voyeur that gets off on the whole prison sex and torture fetish?
A lot of the comments about what "would have happened..." They wouldn't have, had he been in G-Pop. I know, I was in a maximum security penitentiary. We had people like him walking around. They were untouchables. The paid protection, they were left be. Your fantasy is backwards. He's a rapist and murderer. Those are the people that generally do the raping, in prison.
Would you mete out the punishment and how would you be after that?
um neither. Eye for an eye. In retrospect, I can see why you would think that I was calling for his torture and rape. The way I feel about it? you heard someone I love or care about, you best be prepared for some shit coming to you. Whatever you did to that guy, I get it. Some folks might think that makes me insane. Maybe it does. I just know that being human garbage is exactly what it is, I could see myself going that far over my child or someone else very close to me. If I didn't think that the justice system would do anything that is. But then, our justice system is so fucked up, criminals have more rights than victims anymore.
True. Very true. I did not read the entire thread and did not know that was who I was speaking to. The victim should absolutely have the say, I am a victim of a violent crime. My brother is a CO at a maximum security prison for the "worst of the worst". This is my reference material for the topic. He had to go to a class to learn how to "treat inmates with respect". Most of them respect him but he has had at least 1 that I know
tried to kill him just because he didn't like the way he "looked". I've heard nightmare stories and I can only say that there are some "inmates" who should have been euthanized from the start. I am all for a free and peaceful society. That's all I really want in my lifetime. Just don't ever see it really happening.
I want to be very clear here. So you are saying that because we have broken humans in a broken system we should execute the humans and not fix the system? Did you actually just say that? I'm pretty loaded here so help me out.
I've heard this argument before... It was a while ago, and stated a lot more charismatically, but, I've heard it before. A way to separate people, some arbitrary border. Then, we'll starve one group, for benefit of the other...
Lot of dead bodies that way... what do you say, big ovens to get rid of them?
Found a reference for it...
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.