Thank you tea party patriots!

1. invent definitions based on your own "special" understanding
2. insist that they must be correct
3. repeat "communism", "marxism", "bolshevism" and anything else of the nature ad nauseum.
4. ???

you're less about having a debate and more about bleating your own definitions for things in order to re-litigate the cold war, as if communism creeping into american society were some type of valid concern.
lol, as if a batshit insane tea partier stands a chance against most democrats.

ask o'donnell or miller or buck or engle or mourdoch or "legitimate rape" guy how that worked out.

the senate is in our control because you teabaggers are revolting to americans.

You wouldn't know a tea bag if it squat on your face. So, you ain't yapping at one. My point was, DEMS or TEAs, the PUBS are going down.

Define flush. If the DEMS flush TEA, same thing, either way. Goodby, PUBS and DEM's new challengers are TEA.

Play dirty, get dirty. The false fake clean of the PUBS is over. They can't fight dirty. You break it you own it and you own the ones you piss off. They are the new Opposition.

I don't take sides. The PUBS tried to take the dirty high road. The TEA will take the down dirty low road. They are after the PUBS as well. Careful what you wish for.

Good politics again. Most Americans find it all quite revolting. And only the far zano, blame the tea party or the black caucus.

A Pox for all and I hope all become disgusted and wake the fuck up.
It is generally, but I actually think many aspects of socialism would be beneficial to our long term economic well being.

How do you feel about a persons ability to determine what their own well being consists of and leaving them alone? Socialism doesn't usually "let" people not participate does it?

Isn't socialism in that regard just like all the other stupid isms? Somebody ELSE determines your life for you...
Both racist and an attack on me

Now if you rephrased that:
Stupid shit head racists would say "Your wife is a slanty eyed, yellow, lady-boy"

Then that would be racist now wouldn't it?
So you're blubbering over sentence structure?

I was just pointing out if you attack others for using racist terms it's somewhat hypocritical to use them yourself.

I personally think getting butthurt over words merely gives them more power.
Who said Marxism was moderate? Germany doesn't have a Marxist government.

so you assert Germany is not a "Democratic Socialist State" then...
stop dodging the facts, either it is or it is not. if it is, then yes, you have a Marxist Government, if not, then demonstrate how that are not, cuz they sure are dominated by the socialist parties...

And that's the direction the right wants us to head in.

so "the right" (nameless faceless boogeyman) is trying to push you into Fascism, a form of socialism, but it is being resisted by the Eco-Socialist Green party, the Deomcratic Socialist party, and the Left Socialist party. man germany is more fucked up than anyone suspected.

how long before your next Reichstag Fire?

So on your planet there is nothing in between free market capitalism that is bordering on anarchy and Soviet communism? Awesome. Must be an exciting planet.

theres lots of things betwen the anarcho-extreme strawman of entirely fictional anarcho-lasseiz faire capitalism, and the entirely real marxist total control economy of north korea. but youre too stupid to understand that, since you are clearly too stupid to understand that Socialism is Marxism without the revolution and the bullets. or did you forget thats how mussolini and hitler came to power? by the ballotbox, not violent revolution.

I guess no one has told you the good news. The Soviet Union fell. We no longer have to fear them. Unless there are time traveling Soviets I don't consider this to be a serious concern.
and when it fell it landed on the Communist International, the Workers World Party and the cvariuous marxist regimes still creaking along on the path to self-destruction like north korea and cuba?

wow i had no idea world socialism was so weak and feeble. i guess nobody is standing out by the student union handing out poorly mimeographed newsletters and copies of "Quotations from The Chariman" any more.

ohh wait... they still do that.

And yes, it is possible to be a moderate with out being a communist.

"moderate" and Communism are entirtely different things. there is no "Moderate Communism", it either is, or it is not. just as you cannot be "Moderately Dead" or "Moderately Pregnant".

socialism swings in a broad arc, and various stages and tactics of that arc could be charitably described as "Moderate", such as: "Moderately Evil", "Moderately Anti-Liberty", "Moderately Dictatorial", "Moderately Retarded" or "Moderately Insane"

but the ultimate goal is 100% NOT MODERATE.

just like a serial killer with his latest victim chained up in a soundproofed basement, he starts slow, just "Moderately Raping Her", then "Moderately Flaying Her Skin" then "Moderately Sewing Together His Girl Suit" then "Moderately Seeking Another Victim".

thats how marxism works. check your history, germany has been doing the marxist dance for some time, and only the powerful indoctrination of german schools can convince the next generation to once again embrace the marxism that nearly destroyed their parents.
Totally. After the economy collapsed due to lack of government oversight, clearly what we need is less government. Keep up the crazy! It's doing great things for the democratic party.
The economy "collapsed" due to government mandating foolish lending practices.
How do you feel about a persons ability to determine what their own well being consists of and leaving them alone?

Not sure what you're asking. I guess I feel good about it.

Socialism doesn't usually "let" people not participate does it?

No more or less so that capitalism.

Isn't socialism in that regard just like all the other stupid isms?

No. That's just how we discuss socialism in America.

Somebody ELSE determines your life for you...

We have that here now. Democratic socialism gives you more choice, not less.
The economy "collapsed" due to government mandating foolish lending practices.

Do credit default swaps or the derivatives market exist in your fantasy? According to the findings of the bipartisan Financial Inquiry Commission, during the housing bubble over leveraged banks packaged subprime mortgages into securities and passed them onto consumers the world over. They misrepresented/lied about the credit worthiness of these investments. It was the under performance of these securities that caused the "collapse" you speak of. This was able to happen because of financial deregulation not because anyone was forced to make loans. The conservative yarn you are spreading is known as the big lie by the rest of us.
Do credit default swaps or the derivatives market exist in your fantasy? According to the findings of the bipartisan Financial Inquiry Commission, during the housing bubble over leveraged banks packaged subprime mortgages into securities and passed them onto consumers the world over. They misrepresented/lied about the credit worthiness of these investments. It was the under performance of these securities that caused the "collapse" you speak of. This was able to happen because of financial deregulation not because anyone was forced to make loans. The conservative yarn you are spreading is known as the big lie by the rest of us.

Does Barney Frank exist in your world?
Does Barney Frank exist in your world?

are you also a believer in the little known truth that barney frank single-handedly controlled both chambers of congress and the presidency from 2000-2006?

i mean, all the history books and liberal media outlets say that the GOP had control of the house, senate, and presidency during that time. but that's all just a lie.

it was barney frank who pulled the strings during that time.

hell, barney frank even led us into iraq. he's super sneaky like that.
Germany is loosely fits your description. Below average in government size, large health economy and would survive just fine without the US.

Want me to really make your head explode? There is a such thing as libertarian socialism.

This is where I have to set it straight because "liberal socialist" has me puzzled also but I'm quite comfortable with libertarian socialist. I'm thinking somebody made a wikipedia page recently so that they could push Krugmanomics while not appearing to be an Obama shill. I didn't read very far, but I think it actually does try to encompass contradicting ideas.

What you need is a political compass, and to please pick from the four quadrants.

"Liberal socialism" seems to me to occupy the upper left quadrant with Uncle Joe in Bat Country.

Don't stop in Bat Country.
This is where I have to set it straight because "liberal socialist" has me puzzled also but I'm quite comfortable with libertarian socialist. I'm thinking somebody made a wikipedia page recently so that they could push Krugmanomics while not appearing to be an Obama shill. I didn't read very far, but I think it actually does try to encompass contradicting ideas.

What you need is a political compass, and to please pick from the four quadrants.

"Liberal socialism" seems to me to occupy the upper left quadrant with Uncle Joe in Bat Country.

Don't stop in Bat Country.
Those fuckers are hungry...
Not sure what you're asking. I guess I feel good about it.

No more or less so that capitalism.

No. That's just how we discuss socialism in America.

We have that here now. Democratic socialism gives you more choice, not less.

Democratic socialism increases a persons choice? How?

I'm not defending "what we have now". If you think changing from one form of government to another when BOTH employ coercion as the underpinning of their very existence, you are wasting your time. You are arguing over WHICH pile of shit is the prettiest. I'm recognizing that ALL coercive governments are essentially the same to the individual that wants self determination and responsibility.

Socialism relies upon coercion and forced participation...just like ALL the other isms. How does that possibly bring an individual freedom?

How can you feel "good" about a system that lets a majority of people that don't even know you make your everyday choices for you? Wouldn't it be better to have a society where the market is free and naturally flowing ? Where people interact on a consensual rather than forced basis?

You don't see the "gun in the room" when you champion socialism?
As long as thr banks were making a buck you never heard them cry wolf
The banks didn't make money on those bad loans. They did cry wolf. You just ignored them, while the media accused anyone sounding the alarm of racism. The government heard them and bought up billions, perhaps trillions, of those loans and changed regulations so the banks could unload them on unsuspecting investors, too. All in order to continue the governments social agenda (buying votes). Then when it all went south, they blamed it on the "racist Republicans". Meanwhile, the Democrats who were in charge of the debacle were the first and loudest of those pointing fingers. Barney Frank was arguably the worst at blaming Republicans, yet he was the most guilty. Just as the executive branch has done their very worst to make the recent shutdown as painful as possible, while they blame it on the "racist Republicans". Hiring guards and putting up barricades at normally unmanned parks involved spending more money than leaving them open. But they needed some "horror" they could blame on "racist Republicans".
Do credit default swaps or the derivatives market exist in your fantasy? According to the findings of the bipartisan Financial Inquiry Commission, during the housing bubble over leveraged banks packaged subprime mortgages into securities and passed them onto consumers the world over. They misrepresented/lied about the credit worthiness of these investments. It was the under performance of these securities that caused the "collapse" you speak of. This was able to happen because of financial deregulation not because anyone was forced to make loans. The conservative yarn you are spreading is known as the big lie by the rest of us.
The liberal yarn you are spreading is known as the big lie by the rest of us. Barney Frank, a Democrat, ran the Senate Banking Committee, they agency directly responsible for changing regulations that caused it to happen. It was the Senate Banking Committee that not only allowed it to happen, but encouraged it. They even mandated it.