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  1. PersonalJesus

    which should i get

    agreed... 165cfm should be enough for your space... Whats your carbon filter rated at? Make sure it has a higher rating than your fan or else you will have alot of noise and risk collapsing the filter, I'm told.
  2. PersonalJesus

    Need some info

    any day now... I've had some plants show at 1 1/2 weeks and I've had others that took like 3-3 1/2 weeks. patience is a virtue you will need as a grower
  3. PersonalJesus

    Simple watering question, drain or not to drain

    Store owners are some of the worst places to get advice... unless you know and trust them. Basically, their job is to sell, sell, sell. If you go into lockout and your plant(s) take a turn for the worse, where are you gonna go to try and get something to correct the situation? the grow store...
  4. PersonalJesus

    New to Autoflowers... Advice please

    So I got an autoflower as a freebie, a Blueberry from G13 Labs... Everything is going fine, I threw her in my veg area with my photo-plants and she took off under the 18/6 light cycle. Fast Forward 6 weeks or so... Blueberry is now super frosty and smells dank as all get out. Here is where it...
  5. PersonalJesus

    Purple Nasty bag seed..Here ya go Harley

    You shouldn't sprinkle sugar on your plant like that... can't be healthy... LOL Seriously, looks wicked dank!
  6. PersonalJesus

    girl scout cookies yellowing of new growth please help!!!!

    How close is your lights?... clones don't need much light when they are small and sensitive Only a guess because that HPS makes everything look yellow
  7. PersonalJesus

    Check out my ladyyy! (picsss)

    Hey Ladies... Get Funky!!! Couldn't resist quoting the Beastie Boys, being a total 80's kid and all... Looks like you got a decent looking plant there, keep it up!
  8. PersonalJesus

    Hello everyone

    Welcome! Best advice I can give someone starting out is... Go buy a book, or three... anything by Cervantes, Rosenthal, Frank are all a good place to start. Matter of fact, Cervantes has an awesome "basics" book I picked up about 3 years ago. I've read it cover to cover about 80 times...
  9. PersonalJesus

    Simple watering question, drain or not to drain

    remove that water!!! one of the major reasons to water/feed until you see 20-30% runoff is to prevent the salts in the nutrients from building up in your medium and causing your plant(s) to go into "lockout"... If you rinse away those salts with your runoff, why would you let your plant(s)...
  10. PersonalJesus

    feeding question

    I always pH my nute solution... I could be incorrect but I believe that neutralizes the soil ONLY, you still wouldn't want to pour nute solution with a wicked crazy pH on your plant(s)... Example, if your soil pH is around 7.0 and you pour in some nute solution thats lets say is 4.0... even when...
  11. PersonalJesus

    Help with starting to grow

    HotRod... never pullin' punches I think the difference you see in your final product will be worth the $40-$50 spent on some decent nutes... You don't wanna go through all that trouble, all summer long, just to find out that your plant(s) were lacking something and now you got a harvest of all...
  12. PersonalJesus

    Serious situation,came home to smoke alarm and carbon minoxide alarms

    Hells Yeah!!! New Englanders up in this RIU thing... I'm in southern New England... you?
  13. PersonalJesus

    Help with starting to grow

    First off... stay as far away from MiracleGro as you can... MiracleGro is formulated to work on a very wide variety of plants, you want some nutes that are geared more towards our chosen plant. Also, you will want a "complete" nute line-up, GROW, MICRO, and BLOOM... at the very least. If you got...
  14. PersonalJesus

    any ideas on the strain?

    whenever I hear grapefruit... I think of C99
  15. PersonalJesus

    After topping...

    Wait until you see noticeable growth... that shows you the plant has recovered and you won't be putting any undo stress when you flip to 12/12
  16. PersonalJesus

    would like help for first time grower

    Best tip I can give you is to soak it in like a sponge... buy a book, watch some videos on YouTube and learn, learn, learn
  17. PersonalJesus

    Harvest ?

    My auto Blueberry is a week or two ahead of yours... I wouldn't think of chopping anything down without a full 8 weeks of flower
  18. PersonalJesus

    Superthrive. Does it Work?

    i use a different B vitamin supplement and never had a problem... with that said, I've seen more than one plant do some really funky things because of SuperThrive
  19. PersonalJesus

    Help!! Plants dying!

    pictures would be a great help... very hard to say whats happening going by just your post
  20. PersonalJesus

    The Science believers

    Right On brother!