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  1. S

    Actual bud...

    Hi there, I agree mate, I'm trying to find out this information too. If you're going to post a link Mogie, can you make sure it's a useful one? Ta! I've been flowering for just over 2 weeks and all I have are lots of white hairs! If anyone can help then I need to know this too! Hope you...
  2. S

    plants starting to bud under 24 hr lighting

    i've grown some beautiful plants under 24 hour lighting, but i keep my lights on during vegetative as it helps the heat in my grow room. I'm in a cold climate so its necessary for my plants to grow well... not done mine any harm...
  3. S

    budding 12/12

    about the sound thing? surely...?
  4. S

    My Very First Grow

    Hi all, yeah I know it's been a few days since I posted my journal so here goes... after running another thread after a mild panic attack of droopy leaves and ill-looking plants, I'm pleased to say they have fully recovered their droop-time thanks to help from 'babygro' and his words of...
  5. S

    Contest entry:Partner in Crime

    LOL - It is Falcor, not valcor! (take note Battosai) ... and anyway, that's what i've been saying from the start, IT IS FALCOR! Glad it made you laugh Meat... ps... plants are cool now! I''ve made them nice and warm and they've started to bud and no droopage! - COME ON!!!!!
  6. S

    Contest entry:Partner in Crime

    yeah? glad to hear it! surely you can see what i mean tho?
  7. S

    Contest entry:Partner in Crime

    Does anyone remember the never-ending story? It's Falcor the luck dragon as i live and breathe...
  8. S


    Well regardless of wilting problems, they have both definite signs of being female... check out pic showing white hairs. Also below are new pics of both of them 36 hours on from the last pics in this journal... have they improved??? Babygro, would really appreicate your views (no disrepespect...
  9. S


    Yes of course it's cold, but unfortunately I'm not enjoying a warm winter! I guess it could be the shock of that. This is about the coldest it's been so far this year in the uk, but am hoping it will warm up a bit... my garage does shelter a lot of the freezing temperatures and the room is well...
  10. S


    up to now ive been fine with the watering, check my photos and you'll see that theyve pretty much been healthy all along... max temperature:70° with lights on, min... well around 45° lights off... not ideal i know and probably a shock to them... Watering every 3 days or so... am testing...
  11. S

    Seeds germinated, one quick question

    Hey... my first ones died... i went away, read lots, took advice and i now have 2 beautiful plants that are looking female and unfortunately have drooped a little one week into flowering. Lots of love and attention should sort them... that's all you need... love them and they will love you...
  12. S


    if it's still moist at the base of the pot but dryer towards the top what then? surely the roots will bring the water up? arrrrrggggggghhh so frustrating this watering lark especially as i'm trying to avoid damaging the roots with all the cold here!
  13. S


    it's so difficult to tell as i've not had any trouble with watering up to now... my moisture meter is saying they're not dry and to the touch they are pretty damp too so if anything, it's entirely possible that they may be suffering from an overwater than an underwater... i'm a uk grower and...
  14. S


    I'm one week into flowering and my plants leaves (both of them) have gone all droopy... any ideas from the pics what it could be? mogie, i have checked a ton of links on this site already before you post them to me! I'm just looking for personal expertise from anyone who has seen something...
  15. S

    Droopy leaves

    this has helped me a little, i'm only a few days into 12/12 and mine have started drooping a little too... cross fingers they'll be fine
  16. S

    My Very First Grow

    my grow room is a hand built box big enough for 2 plants only made out of white melamine which has a door on front and ventilation for suckin air in and blowing it out... it is in my garage! p.s. thanks for the compliment! Hope you enjoyed it! I guess more than anything it's been really useful...
  17. S

    Male or Female???????????

    Angelina Jolie aint lookin so good these days huh?
  18. S

    My first plant, help!

    I'd advise you get urself a moisture wand and a ph wand. This way you'll know exactly when to water and how much to give them, plus you'll be able to make sure the ph level of your water and soil are perfect throughout your grow... they are not expensive items and were my most useful...
  19. S

    My Very First Grow

    but i remain optimistic for now... i truly hope they are... both plants are getting fuckin huge!
  20. S

    My Very First Grow

    Will keep an eye on them! cross fingers