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  1. Humple

    Changes at Timber Grow Lights

    Yeah, at heart I'm really just a big softy.
  2. Humple

    Changes at Timber Grow Lights

    Yodaweed fancies himself an authority on all things, and he has a very bad habit of trying (and failing) to prove that. On a scale of 1 to 10, his self-awareness probably measures in at around -11... ...Or the whole thing is an act and he's actually pulling off some kind of long-game troll. I'm...
  3. Humple

    3000k vs 4000k

    No one takes you seriously when you say nonsense like this.
  4. Humple

    QB324 grow

    Stellar results. (Though I'm sure you expected as much, having already grown under LED yourself.) Glad to hear your friend is happy; saving on electrical costs has to be relieving when growing in a place where the law isn't exactly grower-friendly. It's just a shame that despite mounting...
  5. Humple

    HLG or chilLED

    Either one produces way more light than you need in a 2x2, but you can dim them, and if you ever up-size your space, you'll have a head-start. Personally, if it's between just those two options, I can't say which is "better", so go with whatever fits your pocketbook, or whatever tickles your...
  6. Humple

    Lukios Secret Garden pt II

    Peaky Blinders is my favorite gangster show ever, bro! Watched every season multiple times. Although season 3 was a bit weak compared to the others... But season 4 came roaring back with a vengeance!
  7. Humple

    Changes at Timber Grow Lights

    As far as I know, yes. Though last I knew, neither had been updated with the LM301B.
  8. Humple

    Changes at Timber Grow Lights

    Oh for fuck's sake. Say it isn't so! Not him again... Seems I already have the person to whom you're speaking on my ignore list, but if nofuckstoresearchslungpar is back, I feel for everyone else on the forum.
  9. Humple

    Changes at Timber Grow Lights

    No argument from me that most people think 288 when they hear "board", but you know I have to toss the little guys into the ring too. In my semi-educated (just enough to get me in trouble) opinion, HLG should have migrated their focus to the 120/132 some time ago. Seemed like the obvious...
  10. Humple

    Lukios Secret Garden pt II

    Pukka, eh? I've picked up a little British slang from watching (too many) BBC productions, but I hadn't heard that one before!
  11. Humple

    Changes at Timber Grow Lights

    Let's qualify this. By "boards" I presume you mean QB288s. I have yet to see a PPFD map for the "light-ceiling" style of build being done with the QB120/QB132. No need to hang them high. And it would be difficult to argue that those boards are overpriced compared to COBs. I know that you...
  12. Humple

    Best leds , with no budget

    Excellent news. Really looking forward to seeing how the ChilLEDs perform. You've made @coreywebster and me happy men.
  13. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Some of us keep the drivers in the tent by design because we need the heat! Nice setup!
  14. Humple

    GPW? Should we start focusing on GSQM instead?

    I could be missing something, and maybe it's my turn to be obtuse today, but why would it not be manifestly superior to train a plant in such a way that a maximum amount of light is reaching a maximum number of bud-sites? Is the assumption that - all else being equal - the plant will yield what...
  15. Humple

    Lighting a 3.5x4.5ft with f-series strips

    At less than 16 square feet, that is way more light than you need (or will likely ever be able to use in that space). A single 480H driver would be more appropriate, but if you want a little more headroom, you could go for two 320's. Parallel has become the common preference around here. Lower...
  16. Humple

    Solskin Simulation 4x4 vs Actualisation

    We weren't provided with the dimensions of the fixture. The board layout could be heavily biased toward the edges?
  17. Humple

    Light Upgrade for 2x2, need help.

    Yeah, I watch Loki's YouTube videos now and then. Haven't seen him post any yield numbers though.
  18. Humple

    Light Upgrade for 2x2, need help.

    If you get a ChilLED, please let us know how it grows. No one on the forum has one, and I'm very curious to find out if the added monos really make a notable difference. Thus far, I remain unconvinced, but open-minded.