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  1. S

    What kinda soil do you recommend?

    ROOTS ORGANICS. It is as plug and play as it gets. i can pull 3-4 oz off a 36'' no effing problem with just whats in the bag. Never mind the simple liquid guanos added weeks 4-7 of flowering. It comes in a 25lb bag which is enough to sustain even the longest outdoor grows. Out doors simply...
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    Anyway to move indoor clones raised on 18/6 outdoors and veg with 12hours(+/-)?

    Honestly you need to look up your local meritime. See exzactly when the sun rises and sets. no matter what you should alwasy introduce a plant very slowly into the outdoor world. Leave it on a back porch or under a very shaded tree for half the day then bring it in. Do this for the first...
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    Yellowing and dying leafs.

    Not sure my friend. Marijuana was never intended to be bonsai size. You can train it toperary style wich will allow the plant to start relativly short but extremely wide branched and bushy. Sorry my friend ive alwasy gone for size and weight in a plant. looks like your going the opposite...
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    How much will i yeild? PICS!

    No way to tell my friend. yeild has to do with genetics, light output, nutrients, training, height, hydro/ organics, and your ability to grow. About a million things could determine your weight. Not to mention different strains can have different type buds. Some can bea mean and thick and...
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    Yellowing and dying leafs.

    This my friend could be from an array of problems. It looks like your container is rather small. And watering every other day surely will wash the nutrients out. Rule of thumb is to have at least one gallon fo soil per month the plant will be in the pot. So my friend your are over due. Go...
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    Anyone Use Roots Organic Soil And Nutes?

    I have used and it is without a doubt my favorite organic soil. I was a hydro guy, but your cant beat the simplicity and taste of the organic method. The soil out of the bag was enough for me to achieve 3-4 oz plants consistantly. On my next go i will be adding pure blackstrap mollases and...
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    Medical strains

    Can any one please tell me the name of a strain in which i could purchase to help with my muscle and nerve pain? I am looking to start my own medical grow. However id like to know firsthand from soneone wiht the same troubles what strain works good. Im looking for somehting that i am able to...
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    Noticed this ....can someone explain..

    MADPROFESSOR This is because you finally have circulation. Im sure you've noticed that after a rainy day when the sun comes out and the clouds give way the grounds acts as if nothis has happened. It soaks up the water and liek nothing happened. The same is in your closet. Circulation is...
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    TGA medical?

    Hello everyone! After years of time spent in many a closet, or wooded area i have decided to grow some emdical for my back spazm and nerve flares. I want to grow some TGA gear i heard some of their stuff is medical. If not i am still seeking relief. Anyone know of strains readily available...
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    You can for sure make a new strain. But it wont be stable. You have to look at it liek people. You and your brother or sister are different right? Everytime parents make a kid for the most part its different. Fortunatly for plants there is no such thing as incest. We simply call it back...
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    Med help!

    Hey guys After five years or growing pot and succesfully being able to constantly pull sucessful I have decided to turn my skills into the power to create my own medecine. I have severe muscle spazms and nerve pain. I am seeking a powerful narcotic type of smoke for relief. I would like to know...
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    mother plants keep dieing

    ROWLMAN! Without a doubt 100% you should always keep your mother in a seperate resevoir! That is unless you have a system in which strictly mothers are in. Remember mothers should get a bit of leach before you take clones. Too much nitrogen WILL slow down the cell synthesis it takes to...
  13. S

    when to move seedlings from starter medium to growing medium?

    Ditto MONKEYBONES!! That is one hundred percent right. Pure organics allows for the plant to decide on when and how much nutriets it needs. Soil is the most natural element so naturally it gives the plant to choice to use nutrients or not. Deff ease into hydro or chemical fertilizers! I...
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    Medical Help

    Hey guys After five years or growing pot and succesfully being able to constantly pull sucessful i have decided to turn my skills into the power to create my own medecine. I have severe muscle spazms and nerve pain. I am seeking a powerful narcotic type of smoke for relief. I would like to...
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    mother plants keep dieing

    How much are yout taking off for clones? If your triming a four foot mother down to two main stems with a little afro on top i'd say you have gone too far. On the other hand if thats not your problem. Are you leaching for too long before you take clones? What abouy pests and airborne...
  16. S

    when to move seedlings from starter medium to growing medium?

    It depends man. For the most part you want to continue to handwater untill you 4-6 large taproots sticking out of the bottom of what ever your using. Usually about this time the edges of the larger new leaves will have started to turn a bit yellow. This shows nitrogen defficiency. Which...
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    Florida Initiatives - We Need Your Support

    Im already on the ball my friend i have mass amount of copies and i am assembling a street crew for this week. Im also planning on getting the radio statons involved. Keep me posted on your work...maybe we can collaborate. i live in the tampa area maybe we should meet up? peace, StickeeGreens
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    Florida Initiatives - We Need Your Support

    besides the petition what can a do to help? any chance i can contact someone who could give me a petition to go door to door? i live in the highest old people population in the state, as well as mu uncle owns 4 cancer centers and condones marijuana usage. I will go door to door if i can get...
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    Space Bomb 50MM Macro Day 52 Photoshoot

    Which phenos do you like the best after you have smoked them. Im in the process or ordering both spacebomb and vortex. Im looking for the most sativa pheno out of vortex...and indica out of space bomb...which do you recomend? any help is a great plus! Peace, StickeeGreens
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    Breedbay anyone?

    they got a name number or website?