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  1. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    Our 3-10-1 Bat Guano is alkaline, I believe about pH 10. Teas made with it need an acidifier.
  2. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    Since you gave her a full dose last time, we'd just give her water once the soil starts drying out. Then at the following watering, give her a fertilizer that's high in Phosphorus. All of our P comes from solid ferts that either need to be mixed into the soil or made into teas to fertilize...
  3. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    For your light schedule, roots grow fastest at night. As long as you want more root growth, continue having a dark period.
  4. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    Nutrient amounts go hand in hand with light levels so less light means they can make use of fewer nutrients. The size it is in the pics is exactly where we transplant seedlings from cups of inert seed starter soil into 3-liter containers of nutritious vegging soil. Undamaged, healthy plants...
  5. Mother's Finest

    Need nutes soon

    Potassium is usually the primary flowering nutrient and good sources of it can be hard to find. This is what we use: If it's all you can get, Muriate of Potash is a chemical source of K that can be found at some dept stores. I believe the...
  6. Mother's Finest


    How to top a plant? You cut off the top. There doesn't need to be anymore to it. Use sterile cutting instruments and leave at least one, preferably two nodes on the plant.
  7. Mother's Finest

    Read my leaves

    All-over plant drooping that's the worst at the bottom, without much if any leaf discoloration is usually overwatering.
  8. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    You can adjust the pH downward with acids like lemon juice or vinegar. Imho you should use an alkaline fertilizer, garden lime or pH UP to adjust the pH the other way. Fish Emulsion is slightly acidic. When mixed with pure water, the solution often ends up at near the correct pH for these...
  9. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    We don't mean that they aren't growing, just that they don't appear to be growing in normally. If you're confident with your pH tester, the other possibilities that could be affecting your problem are too much watering, too little light, overfert and/or just that the little guy is still...
  10. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    We think you're little one is doing very well all things considered. That shiny, somewhat stunted leaf growth often occurs when there isn't enough light or when the pH is too high. Try to increase the available light without increasing heat. If you can get ahold of a secondary way to check pH...
  11. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    We don't understand why you referenced our post in your reply. We certainly didn't say anything about you.
  12. Mother's Finest

    noob looking for the answers potential dying/ sick plant

    Peat and similar soilless mediums need a more acidic pH than regular soil, about 5.9. At least one pH tester is the only tool a grower really needs. In a pinch, cheap testers like capsules, strips &/or drops can be found for as little as a few bucks.
  13. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    Pay no attention to anyone who takes the time to tell you to find the info yourself but doesn't bother to use that time in any helpful way. Not everyone can avoid being an asshole. Welcome to the forums
  14. Mother's Finest

    Yellow under leaves, short stem, help?

    It looks like it may need more light &/or has a pH problem. How did you check the pH? There are many different testing methods that can each yield slightly different results.
  15. Mother's Finest

    sog vs scrog which one yeilds better

    Sog can potentially yield more because of more stems and roots transporting more nutrients.
  16. Mother's Finest

    Organic to Chemical question.

    If anything it's more often the other way around. Switching to organic may cause healthier plants and better yield. Your question basicly seems to be the old organic vs. chemical argument that won't be settled as long as both types of fertilizer are on the market.
  17. Mother's Finest

    best purple strain anyone?

    Personally, I never cared for any purple weed but judging from what I've smoked, JoC's suggestion of GDP would be a good way to go.
  18. Mother's Finest

    noob looking for the answers potential dying/ sick plant

    Welcome to the forums. Be sure to let the soil dry well between waterings. What are they being grown in? Try to post some pics.
  19. Mother's Finest

    do you know what is damprid

    Damprid is anhydrous Calcium Chloride. We've used it to dry plants in an enclosed location. As long as it doesn't touch the plants, using it to dry air is perfectly fine. It turns into a translucent slime as it absorbs water so be sure to have it in a pan of some sort.
  20. Mother's Finest

    Light Cycles?

    Why are real men always defined by what they don't do, instead of what they do do? There need to be more manly do do's. sorry off topic