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  1. Ghost-tsohG

    My 3week old plant!how am i doing?PICS

    it looks pretty good so far, i dont think you would be able to grow a plant very big in a suitcase. useing computer fans is a good idea but you will need about two or three 150-200W CFL's they run about 60 bucks or so (give or take 10 dollars) otherwise you are doing great (if you dont absolutly...
  2. Ghost-tsohG

    New Indoor setup

    under the house is actually extrodinarily clean, there are a bit of spiders but in the animal kingdom, they are my friend so cool for them, i checked the temp and its stays at a steady 75-80 degrees the setup hasent been setup becasue i want to make sure i get the okay from all you proz out...
  3. Ghost-tsohG

    New Indoor setup

    *update* the industrial sized flouro is a 60 watt and has an industrial plug thingy, so i can screw it into any old socket i hate lights, plant should evolve to grow in the dark... also, plants need at least 72000-80000 lumens correct?
  4. Ghost-tsohG

    New Indoor setup

    grrr, my budget doesn't have those in mind lol, but i did come across an industrial sized flouecent, im starting to think that i sohuld just get some tubes instead, are those a bit cheaper and more efficient or no? i love this site to death but i have always had some problems with lighting. im...
  5. Ghost-tsohG

    New Indoor setup

    Thank you very much
  6. Ghost-tsohG

    New Indoor setup

    So me and my friend are going to start a small grow for the first time. We are going to start off small for safety and experience reasons so here it is... we have about 4' under the house where the furnace and water heater are. We believe that if we use 9 CFL's (26 watt ea.) We could grow two...
  7. Ghost-tsohG

    An Easy and Cheap DYI CFL Setup!

    i would use string or something of that nature to get it as close to the plants as possible
  8. Ghost-tsohG

    Super stealth grow Idea

    now that i think about it, you could take the lighting element out but keep a single rack for some sodas, that way, if someone wants to 'buy' a soda, they could. increasing your stealthyness. if i was a cop and inspected your house and bought a soda from that machine, i would never think to look...
  9. Ghost-tsohG

    Super stealth grow Idea

    Wow, that is a perfect idea. if it were me i would knock everything out exsept the colling unit. this is already intigrated with alot of fans so you could easily switch some of those to exhaust and to intake air ( you could probably take a few carbon filters to those fans as well ) as for you...
  10. Ghost-tsohG

    Brand new setup...

    to clone, you want to cut a healthy stem from the mothers at a 45 degree angle. cut it in half vertically about an half-inch to an inch. then carefully scrap the outside "bark" , dip it in rooting powder and stick into a rock wool cube. some people let them veg for a week to catch root and...
  11. Ghost-tsohG

    Closet Grow

    i will be using flouro's dont know which wattages yet, but i have like 3 fixtures for diffrent length tubes. im going to be getting a job very soon so i will be able to go out and buy everything i need. i also plan on ordering some white widow? is this a good strain, im looking for something...
  12. Ghost-tsohG

    Closet Grow

    im have almost everything set up, im waiting on a clone and some lighting. i will be growing a purple strain (not sure which one). my question is how to i make a clone take root and where can i get rooting powder? thanx -Ghost
  13. Ghost-tsohG

    feeding into the veins

    LOL brings a new meaning to "Medical Marijuana"
  14. Ghost-tsohG

    Closet SoG?

    well my plan was to have 4 mother plants (one for each stage) when they are full grown (2-3 feet) i would trim one and start the flowering cycle for those, then after the two week period of those flowering i would then clip the second mother and start those on its 2 week cycle now we have the...
  15. Ghost-tsohG

    SWEET Graphic

    i found this graphic while surfing for a cool sig to use (i would make my own but i dont have photoshop :cry:) very good for those with the "Mr. Ganja" status.
  16. Ghost-tsohG

    Closet SoG?

    is a closet a good place for sea of green, i have about 7 feet in height and 2 feet in width and 5-6 feet in length. im looking for a setup that has proven to work and has ended in good results. i want maybe 2-4 mother plants and that rest to be clones. thanks -Ghost
  17. Ghost-tsohG

    does this design look like it could work?

    or you could do a mini Sea of Green. just plant a bunch of small plants under a few lights and wait till they get to high to handle (it doubles in size during flowering, so be careful) also, you could low stress them and grow them out bushier. if your lucky you could get an ounce a plant. in a...
  18. Ghost-tsohG

    Sweet, im very lucky

    YAY! im very happy. i have a friend who is growing a plant but his friend bailed on him! so now, i get to grow his PURPLE HAZE plant and he is supplying EVERYTHING i need to grow it. any suggestions on how to grow purple haze? im new to growing so higher strains of bud may prove to be difficult.
  19. Ghost-tsohG

    Carbon Filter Help

    okay, i moved my operation into the closet ( why did i even try wit that stupid box growing idea) how loud does a grow room get ( i still live in that room) also how big of a carbon filter would i need for a 7' 6" H x 4' 4" L x 2' W and how much would that be?
  20. Ghost-tsohG

    lighting setup help

    cool drawing, and i understand it haha!