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    electric bill, are they watched by anyone

    I have not been arround long but this is the third or fourth time I see this question come up. We should add it to the 101 frequently asked questions and we can all just add our two cents to it then people can just check it out via link we post when people ask. :D Anyways, I've worked for a...
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    Helicopter stalking

    Am looking forward to pics. :D
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    "gene splicing" college credit

    I agree.. This may be the strain that legalizes this stuff.. Who knows, who ever writes the laws will take one hit of this grass fall on their ass then forget to vote and allow this law to pass. :D
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    "gene splicing" college credit

    I'd give those a try... You going to sell some?
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    how to determine plant sex?

    There is a wonderful section known as the newbie section. And in this section there is a great AAQ's section put together by some of the brightest growers on this forum. I suggest you take a look at it before you get to much into posting. Here is a link...
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    The Safe Streets and Communities Act - Effective Nov 6th 2012

    I'm not.. Otherwise I wouldn't be excited about the progress made.
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    I broke my lady

    Isn't the only difference going to be some popping and taste? I was under the impression that non flushed the high was still the same..
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    The Safe Streets and Communities Act - Effective Nov 6th 2012

    Woooot. just need to destroy two of my plants to get within that maximum of 5. Now I know this doesn't make it legal. But decriminalization is a step in the right direction. :D Thanks for the post. Made my morning.
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    stems purple??

    I'd say your baby is fine.
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    quantum t5 bad boy question

    Actually.. Since you are here. Random question. My buddy was thinking of expanding to a way bigger setup and has been looking into ways to make it more cost effective long run. I suggested maybe getting a phase inverter and getting his lighting under 3phase. That would cut longterm run prices...
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    quantum t5 bad boy question

    Oh, yeah.. Would not have gone with anything less then 14.
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    quantum t5 bad boy question

    Geez. What is with the questions then? Making me type all that shit out man. I'm kinda high and have several of each key. Make my life hard. :P I was an electricien for years. I'm now a lineman for a small utility in northern ontario.
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    quantum t5 bad boy question

    Well the wire he used was the 5feet or so that came with the fixture I believe that is #18awg (american wire gauge). The rest we used some old #12awg wich is what he had lying arround. All his lights together push about 4 amps. He had a similar issue with his panel being full so what I did was...
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    quantum t5 bad boy question

    Yes.. I did a current (AMP) check. No changes. However I can switch over to mA rather that just Amp is you would like a more specific check. However, if it didn't read a difference on the Amp setting anything the mA setting finds will be so small that it will be entirely non relevant. Cool?
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    quantum t5 bad boy question

    As far as extending the wires goes if you've ever changed a balast in a regular fluro light in a comercial building ect.. The new balast comes with wires about 5 feet long. So it can handle that no problem. I never worried about it but since you asked I went over to my friends house to do some...
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    quantum t5 bad boy question

    I'm not familiar with that light exactly but I have a friend who was having a similar issue. His light allowed me to pull the balast right out extend the wires going to it and put it above the cieling. It took a little work but once I extended the wires going to the light sockets We built a box...
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    Bigger roots, bigger fruits

    Is there some sort of chart or guide to follow depending on the crop? Aso, would you be willing to link to where this "guys" info can be found? Would be greatly appreciated, you have peaked my curiousity.
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    Will weed sprout roots get tangled?

    Answer your question... YES they will get tangled too. Now like everyone else said, seperate those things or you will have many problems down the road. Put them each in their own cup. If you don't have any go get some. You don't want to mess arround when it comes to your babies man..
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    BEST TOP NEWS STORY ~Mosaic Virus in Cannabis~

    Even if you do that. Apparently it can be in the seeds themselves. So you can detroy everything, start over and get a seed that is infected. The entire problem starts all over again. Atleast that is from what I understand.
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    electric cost. am i calculating this correctly? seems high

    Nice Sheet. Any time saved can go into growing/smoking/cooking. :D