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    CFL Questions

    I have not used CFLs long but so far they seem great. I just built a fixture that is made with CFLs 7 cool white and 7 soft white cfls built into this fixture. The fixtures total size is 3 feet by 2 feet. My plants have been loving it.
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    How can I get my system to water itself?

    If I put more fans on.. Would that dry out the rockwool a little more? Nobody has any ideas?
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    no clone gel on veggies?

    Liability reasons? Everyone wants to cover their ass these days. It's probably to prevent stupid people from thinking.. ""Oh, well if it's good for my plant and is all natural I might as well use it to dunk these here chips in.."" People these days. Just like McDonalds coffee cups need to say...
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    How can I get my system to water itself?

    Yes.... Now how about some real answers? I don't own any hotwheels. :P
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    From 1000Kw room to a 4000k room. BIG Transformations for the best.

    Glad to hear it. I got really interested when I started reading this.. Then saw the last post was god knows when. Was kinda bummed. Anyways, you should post pics of everything. I love seeing peoples setups. always gives me ideas. (Not like I'm going to get anything as big as you got going, but...
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    Should have said something in the OP about only wanting to hear from people who live in Florida.
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    How can I get my system to water itself?

    I setup a flood and drain system yesturday morning. Hooked it all up and then had it water my plants at 4:00PM for 15 minutes when the lights came on. Then I let it drain. I was told the rockwool is supposed to get near completely dry before you water again. Well 4:00PM came around again today...
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    Something about knowing you might get caught is one of the main reasons I'm doing this. My entire life is a risk. :D Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse. ;D Oh, and I love weed. :P
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    Think this girl is crested ??

    I guess I'm not... I turned my monitor and it was upsidedown entirely.. Our monitors must work differently. :P
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    What seed bank is best

    Is it actually possible to buy clones? If so, what kind of store has them?
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    What seed bank is best

    Clones are so hard to find. Clones is exactly what I want.
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    Is my plant healthy?

    As for everything else... Pics help.
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    3 month old lsd plant over night falls over:/

    Don't feel to bad. I'm having a horrible time growing as well. My seeds don't even sprout 90% of the time. Haha. I'm thinking of just givin' it up and just going back to buying my dope from kids in the park.. :P
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    grow cabinets

    Yeah, something that cannot be expanded and only 3ft is less then desireable. Besides, half the fun is building your own space.
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    From 1000Kw room to a 4000k room. BIG Transformations for the best.

    I know this is a hell of a thread bump but is this still going on? If so I'd really like to see more. Has it been moved?
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    Yellowing Leaves

    How long does it take for the leaves to get back to normal once you put them on the nitrogen/mag?
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    Question for Canadian Growers (Hydro bill tipping off police)

    I reckon there are exceptions to everything. However I strongly believe there is way more to it then that. Police likely had the utility look into it and that gave the police enough for reasonable cause for entry.
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    Question for Canadian Growers (Hydro bill tipping off police)

    Yeah, because they can't get it from us (the utility) until they have brought us the warrant. But even then, It is one of the last things they will use as evidence due to the fact that it is worth little as proof. They will only use your electricity bill if their they absolutely need it for...
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    Some other dudes plants (PICS)

    Well, they should share more often and maybe spend some time on the site to help inform newbs like myself. Those plants look great.
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    Trying to get started. NEED HELP

    You really should provide more details. Maybe the type of seeds, how many T5's you have. One two footer wont do it for you. Also, 12 plants... You will need good ventilation ect. You doing soil or hydro?