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  1. U

    help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

    Watch the other three videos. He teachers soil/hydro and he specifically goes into how to make hash with the left over after you've harvested your bud.
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    help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

    I'm also a newbie. But Best way to learn is to help. :D I think that the only way you can tell they are female is the start them flowering. However, you don't want to grow a full plant then get it to start flowering then realise it's male. Waste of time. And flowering then forcing them back...
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    help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

    Alright, I figured just telling you wasn't very nice because somtimes it's hard to find videos if searching the web isn't your strong point. So here. The next three go together.
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    help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

    I learnt the basic grow stuff from Youtube. Basic grow room and lighting ect.. There is this video called Mr.Green watch those. They help get you started.
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    seedling with seed shell stuck to it

    I had a piece of the shell on one of my little plants and it was preventing it from surfacing the rockwool. So, I let it just hang in there because I figured it was taking natures course. I finally took it off this morning and was all dead under it. Not sure why this happened. I'm a newbie...
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    King Kush, 13 days after sprout

    Alright, I've now moved the light within 5 inches of the plant. Should I get even closer yet? Maybe more light? I bought a bunch of CFLs I will wire up some boxes with some regular lampholders later today and put all those in as well. You think that will help with stretching? Also, noticed...
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    King Kush, 13 days after sprout

    Stretching to much? Umm, I'm using one T5 Cool White fluro 39 watt. It is 10inches from the top of the plant.
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    King Kush, 13 days after sprout

    13 days since I saw the plant come out of the rockwool. This is what it looks like. I out a drip regulator next to it and some toothpics to give you perspective on the size. Is it behind schedual? My buddy I got the seeds from said that it should be way bigger then that by now. He said his were...
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    Can you slow growth but still have healthy plants?

    Thanks for all the good tips. However I woke up with morning with a different issue. 3 of my little plants are tipped right over on a 90 degree angle at ground level. My thoughts, this girl at a shop near my place said that I should let my cube dry out from time to time. She said it's good for...
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    Can you slow growth but still have healthy plants?

    Anyone have a good link to topping and trimming??
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    Can you slow growth but still have healthy plants?

    Using 1 coolwhite 3foot fluro bulb. (T5) Going to add that my entire setup is non soil. Might switch to soil to learn then back to my hydro setup someday.
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    Can you slow growth but still have healthy plants?

    I got into this thinking it would grow a little faster then it has. I guess noobs such as myself don't grow plants nearly as fast as the pros. I now face a problem. I am going away for work for 4 months, can't have full grown plants at this site. I also would prefer not to restart when I get...
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    veggie stage and question

    When is a plant no longer a seedling? I thought seedling meant once it was out of the seed it was no longer a seedling. I'm told otherwise. My first plant ever is about 2'' high now. It's about 7 days old. The first sigh of sprout was on Friday June 29th and today, (Wednesday July 4th) it is...