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  1. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica first time Grow!

    yea i would, but i just dont have the room and money atm. Sorry im really high right now but have u put ure plants into flower?
  2. stilltokin

    Big Bud Grow

    im really low on money so what I do is I veg all my plants under 150watts of cfls and then flower em with a 400watt hps. It saves lots of electricity coz in flower u only need twelve hours of light (as u already know) have a good smoke
  3. stilltokin

    hello to all and a merry christmas come tomorrow

    yea welcome, and same to you, haha yes I sure will have a goood Christmas bongsmilie
  4. stilltokin


    also depends on the lights your using. what have u got?
  5. stilltokin

    Smoking oxycontin???

    or do some shrooms, I have absolutely no problem with those, and they can give u some mad trips.
  6. stilltokin

    Smoking oxycontin???

    why do pills. when i was a kid I saw heaps of my friends getting fucked of em and ruining their lives, it just always scared me. Moderation wont last long as I found out with Sweet sweet jane:weed:. If you are gonna do stupid shit like that than at least save up ure money and buy some acid, way...
  7. stilltokin

    Mary Chiva's Papaya Aurora Indica Grow Journal

    hey mary I finally got my AI seeds in the mail yesterday from Nirvana and started germing em(paper towel). Checked on them today(im growing three) and absolutely no signs of a taproot:cry:. Oh well they might just take a while longer like ures did at the start. What do u think? i wish u further...
  8. stilltokin

    I broke in my new pipe today

    haha good one, for some reason it looks like their bounconcing up and down faster and faster the longer u starte at em. Maybe its just coz im really baked, i dont know.. :confused:
  9. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica first time Grow!

    that sounds good, seeds arrived ten minutes ago:mrgreen:. So I've got three germin in paper towel now. Hope they will grow as fast as yours but I think its hard to do that in non hydro, although ive heard good things about coco. Well i'll see this is my first grow in coco and heard its similar...
  10. stilltokin

    I broke in my new pipe today

    oh and thanks for the rep DudeLebowski
  11. stilltokin

    I broke in my new pipe today

    yea here in Australia we spin our weed with bacci too but I still DON'T (even though everyone looks at me weird haha) Yea joints, blunts and glass bongs is all I need in life. I really dont like that taste a pipe gives u its so dry and tastes like metal :shock:. Whatever you like have fun with...
  12. stilltokin

    I broke in my new pipe today

    nice, but I prefer a nice glass bong, nothing beats that
  13. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica first time Grow!

    thats good, im trying em in 50% perlite and 50% canna coco. So well see how that goes I might start a journal from when they start to really take off. Are they slow at the beginning or what week would u say they started really growing? good luck and rep for high speed plants haha
  14. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica first time Grow!

    subscribed, fuck...beautiful plants their growing incredibly fast. I put in an order for a pack of AI last week so they should be here some time this week, perfect for christmas.
  15. stilltokin

    3 week flowering 3 plants pics

    i think he ment 250 watt hps not cfls. Correct me if im wrong. But a small Hps would be really nice
  16. stilltokin

    When do u know ur plants flowering?

    lots of little white hairs on the stems. If u see balls ure fucked haha(means its male)
  17. stilltokin

    Who has best NL genetics

    i think were talking about NL not WW, not trying to be rude
  18. stilltokin


    yea im in Australia and they call em cool white here 6500K
  19. stilltokin


    na your wasting ure money with that shit. Just get a 100watt(real watts) cfl for veg and then get two or three more for flowering. Cool white for veg and warm white for flower