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  1. stilltokin

    Quick individual snacks?

    if u have alot of bud, then just buy a brownie mix and dump the bud into it and bake it.
  2. stilltokin

    We Got Ourselves A LandCruiser - and I Got Drunk...

    yea i was talking to gryphonn haha sorry
  3. stilltokin

    Lots of pictures of my buds!!!

    oh i didnt know u had that many plants, sorry im soo high, then i rekon you will get about 21 o's have fun..bongsmilie
  4. stilltokin

    We Got Ourselves A LandCruiser - and I Got Drunk...

    yea true but he had cones and beers. Were in Australia u from? Im in NSW
  5. stilltokin

    Lots of pictures of my buds!!!

    I rekon u will get 9 or 10 ounces. Im really high right now so im not that sure haha. beautiful grow!
  6. stilltokin

    purple indica

    i just ordered aurora indica, hopefully getting em this week(from nirvana) Ive heard some good things about it and its meant to have a shit load of thc. look it up on Nirvana
  7. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?

    hey hackel, any updates on ure babies?
  8. stilltokin

    help me out take a look

    what does replacement mean? is it equivalent or what? haha sorry i live in Australia and there just called equivalent to.. fucking Australia is so far behind haha
  9. stilltokin

    Are my container too small?

    you can still transplant now if u wanna just make it really nice and stress free and give em some superthrive when their transplanted. Just a tip--get northern light next time, it would be perfect for that shaped room and its also a nice strong indica. good luck everything is looking nice!
  10. stilltokin

    help me out take a look

    hey, yea that looks better already but u got the wrong colour spectrum of cfls, oh well those will still work(u got the ones for flower, daylight 6500K for veg) good luck
  11. stilltokin

    10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar

    ok sweet, cant wait to see the pics
  12. stilltokin

    What strains have the largest buds??

    yea big buds great for commercial growers but dont u want something with a bit of a taste. Ive seen some huge buds from PPP and thats some of the nicest weed ive smoked. good luck whatever u take(PPP is also very dank weed so it sells good and u get heaps of it)
  13. stilltokin

    10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar

    Well I havent changed, ive still got some Sativas outside but i wanted to try a nice indica indoors because they just look so much nicer and more thc content and ive got a decent sized room aswell. I heard someone say once that if you veg for too long u risk getting hermies, that would suck...
  14. stilltokin

    Indoor CFL Poppy Grow

    Hey Duster, I live in Australia and if theres some of the most strongest poppies here then i will go out looking haha:mrgreen:. It would suck if you got caught with that grow, cultivating opium doesnt sound very good.... but i wish u the best of luck (ive never tried opium myself and i bet its...
  15. stilltokin

    10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar

    nice, ure bubblebomb sounds yummy too. Ive just put in an order for a packet of aurora indica seeds from Nirvana. For veg ive got 150 watts of cfls and for flowering ive got a 400watt hps. What are you planning to flower with? This will be my first indica in my life. Ive been growing big sativas...
  16. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?

    hey, i have recently ordered a pack of AI because ive grown Sativas all my life(outside) and I wanted to have a nice sturdy indica indoor grow. Im gonna be using 150 watts of cfls for veg and then my 400hps for flower. Looks like a beautiful plant----good luck with that nute burn that plant is...
  17. stilltokin

    10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar

    there nice for only ten days, i could only do that in two weeks. What lights, soil etc u growing with? looking good
  18. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?

    subscribed..sorry for showing up so late
  19. stilltokin

    You know your too stoned when.......

    you know your too stoned when you go to clean your new glass bong because your friend dribbled all over it and u cant hold it properly and smash it.........:sad:
  20. stilltokin

    How effective are cooltubes???

    i dont know the answer to that but am interested because im looking at buying a cooltube too.