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  1. stilltokin

    Acid Flashbacks and Back Cracking

    yea i start twitching and my whole body just feels tight. But apart from that acid is the nicest thing.......
  2. stilltokin

    Mary Chiva's Papaya Aurora Indica Grow Journal

    hey mary, sorry for showing up so late but I'm definitely watching ure grow as I have just ordered a batch of aurora from nirvana. Which one of ure two strains u reckon have been nicer to grow....? hope u get massive buds
  3. stilltokin

    First timer!...Hail the CFL!!!

    Hey, nice plants man deffinately a lot of bud sites there. Ive got two 100 watt cfl's aswell. Are ure ones those huge motherfuckers that screw into an hps/MH fitting? They are so sick anyway good luck
  4. stilltokin

    18 plants 400hps

    this is just a suggestion but im telling you if you put two 1000 watt hps in there your gonna have some major bud. trust me it would be worthwhile with the electricity and everything.... good luck whatever you do
  5. stilltokin

    how much bud can 1 plant produce

    well those bulbs might work for vegging but please dont tell me your gonna use them for flowering......
  6. stilltokin

    Will i yeild a oz or not???

    90 percent of their wet weight? Isnt it more like 70 percent coz if it was 90 than we would have to grow fucking a lot of plants to be able to smoke anything. Yea i may sound like a smartass but if your gonna be one than I will. peace
  7. stilltokin

    How Many Plants!!

    what the fuck is a 1K bulb?
  8. stilltokin

    hoping at least an oz.

    yea i rekon youll get an ounce. Nice grow
  9. stilltokin

    My first grow

    yea that 250 hps would be good. if you buy an hps ballast, make sure to get a metal halide conversion bulb that fits into the ballast for vegging.
  10. stilltokin

    Upcoming PPP Plant--on it's way now, need advice on this plant!

    sweet, keep us updated if you can
  11. stilltokin

    My first grow

    alright alright, good luck then. Got any questions or whyd you post? peace
  12. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    oh ok i get it, yea thats a good idea but too late for me now. i see almost everyone mixing their coco with perlite. Mines 100% coco and seems to hold water for a long time which could be good when the little thing gets big with billions of roots dont you think?? peace
  13. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    Thanks alot for all this info but may I ask what is this wicking? Ive been growing for a while and have never heard of this. Thanks to you guys I now know when to water and how much. The only problem I'm having with my seedling is that the cotyledons have already turned yellow and there are a...
  14. stilltokin

    AK47? harvest

    beautiful jealous haha. I was wondering if your from Australia because everyone here spins their weed with bacci and im literally the only one out of a big group of friends that dosnt spin it. It makes it tastes like fucking shit i rekon. peace
  15. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    ok thanks for all the help, I picked up a bottle of rhizotonic and will use it once the coco is a bit dry. I will mix 8 ml of rhizo with 2 litres of water(said on the bottle). So I hope this can help my little girl out as she is growing incredibly slow. she also has some purple spots on the...
  16. stilltokin

    last dance with maryjane!

    good luck peacemane420. Ive tried quitting before but its nearly impossible for me as I need it to fall asleep so without mary I have sleepless nights and I totally unfocus on work. So mary actually dos me good, besides the drug tests.....:cuss:
  17. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    Ok ill try and get my hands on some rhizotonic or something similar. Im gonna also swap my nutes for the canna A&B nutes as they look more professional than mine. Are they any good? peace
  18. stilltokin

    Feminized PPP - Week 5 of 12/12

    beautiful buds, ive currently got a ppp fem seedling and its growing very slow(from nirvana). Its a week old and only about and inch or two tall. Did you ever have this problem? peace
  19. stilltokin

    Can someone please tell me what my plant is trying to say?

    the plant dosnt look too bad i mean its still growing some nice buds. I love the look of an outdoor sativa bud, their always surrounded by lots of light green slender leaves. Good luck peace
  20. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    yea i think that might work well, I am however tight on money at the moment so I probably cant afford it yet. peace