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  1. stilltokin

    Noob' from Switzerland

    yea i dont think theres anything better than blazing on the chairlift and watching the mountains covered in snow. Im trying not to think about it too much coz i want to go skiing so bad....:neutral: peace
  2. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    thanks alot guys! I really apreciate your help and am starting to learn the ways of coco lol. thanks againbongsmilie
  3. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    ill post a reply tommorow on your post as Im just too fuking baked right now. laters
  4. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    are you sure? ive seen posts were ppl have said that you should water untill there is 10 % runoff. My nutrients are only available at my hydro shop as they make these themselves, ive got some veg nutes and flowering and then ive also got a bud booster which is also from the shop. So yea sorry...
  5. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    ok thank you so much for that info. However it is still not entirely clear to me but I know that I will get it right after some time. I have already got the seedling in its main big pot so i cant transplant it anymore-sorry. I have been giving the coco 2 litres of water a day. Dont know the size...
  6. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    alright ok, so your saying I should water it like soil? So let it dry out completely before giving it a heavy watering? Or is there something I missed? thanks alot
  7. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    yea ok thanks for that info but a little of topic....any one out there??:sad:
  8. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    yea i got that dvd when i bought my bag of canna coco. Dosnt really answer my question though(i might have missed something in the dvd), no offense. That dvd is more commercial than anything else. Any help is apreciated..... thanks alot
  9. stilltokin

    Confused with coco

    Alright I am very new to coco and have looked everywhere on the internet but just can't find an answer to my question. How do you water coco? Ive read that you can water it non stop as long as you have proper drainage which I definitely have. But my little seedling is only a week old and i...
  10. stilltokin


    mmmmmm looking good
  11. stilltokin

    is this wrong????

    lol why the fuck did u post that shit here. This is a marijuana forum not a sex ed forum haha. Well have fun whatever you do peace
  12. stilltokin


    well thats good, at least one female. why did u flower so early? that girl is tiny but the buds are still nice. peace
  13. stilltokin

    Using CFLs and Metal Halide???

    yea that would be alright but i would suggest you get a hps conversion bulb which plugs into a mh ballast. Coz hps is obviously better for flowering. And chill out dude wait a bit for replies, ppl on here arent exactly the most fastest ppl if you know what i mean hahabongsmilie peace
  14. stilltokin

    10 pounds a month

    start off my getting a strain which has huge yields. That will help haha good luck and with 10 pounds a month for commercial ull be making some nice dough. peace
  15. stilltokin

    Lowryder #2 + Diesel Ryder HPS 600 watt grow project (THE BEGINNING)

    im gonna watch this grow. Your gonna have a shit load of chronic! Im so jealous coz i can only have 3 plants max..... whats it like watering all those plants by hand?? good luck
  16. stilltokin

    Anyone here have dreads?

    I really want to get some, but I think dreads look so much better on a black guy peace
  17. stilltokin

    Noob' from Switzerland

    I really want to be in switzerland right now for the snow. I just love it too much, been skiing or snowboarding much? peace
  18. stilltokin

    2/ 32 watt fluorscent tubes

    how many plants? 1-2 plants I would say yes but your growth will be incredibly slow. Get some cfls with at least 50 watts or something. good luck
  19. stilltokin

    100 watt cfl or 400 watt metal halide?

    Actuall watts heres a link to it (I'm in australia) peace
  20. stilltokin

    any legit places to order seeds?

    I agree, ordered off them three times and their stealth is hard to beat! peace