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  1. B

    What do you think is wrong with this plant. Very Odd.

    sounds to me like you need a water filter......check out "boogie blue" Chlorine filter...i think there around 45 bucks. also looks like they might be snapping back from transplant shock.... try adding a b1 supplement and try foliar feeding some CAL MAG. hope this helps ;)
  2. B

    What deficiency is this?

    try some CAL-MAG before its too late!
  3. B

    Is LED bud denser?

    led's will produce more yield than cfl's or flourescents and about the same resin production. but it produces less than an HID light with hps or mh would. if your trying to save electricity than LED's might be for you...but i always go with HID's. if you used both in conjunction with each other...
  4. B

    Best Hydro Nutes?

    Grow More is the best bang for your buck...but if you want to brandname and more simple check out House&Garden.
  5. B

    LED side lighting.

    yes extra light with multiple spectrums will increase yeild and resign production. there is a t5/LED fixture called AgroLED wich is reallly cool and has both t5's and LED's in the same fixture. this way your getting the blue spectrum from the t5's and the red spectrum from the LED's Sunlight...
  6. B

    bubble bag help plz

    the three bag works just fine with the dry ice method....25 73 and 220 micron. thats what i use....the key with dry ice though is not to over shake your bag because the leaf hardens with dry ice and becomes really dont want leaf matter in your keif. i use Monster mesh bags that i...
  7. B

    3.5 weeks into flower not sure what is happening any help much appreciated

    either you did something weird and they are finishing early or you have a calcium Magnesium deficiency...Try Using CAL-MAG From Botanicare or CALiMAGic from General Hydroponics....another thing might be that your feeding to strong of nutrients...Check your ppm in your res...if you dont have a...
  8. B

    Ortho Deer B Gone? Worth it or no?

    what he Said^^^^
  9. B

    Help...cannot get rid of spidermites

    With any pesticide/miticide use EZ wet as a wetting agent as it kills mites on contact and is great wetting agent derived from kelp. Forbid 4F is a solution if nothing else (organic) is working. .5-1.0ml per gallon. Treat 1-2 times and NEVER see them again. Mighty wash works, but it needs to be...
  10. B

    Quick question

    it is okay for the first couple weeks of flower. you can flower with MH but your yield will be significantly less compared to flowering with HPS...however your resin production is more with strictly MH....the best thing that works for me is having reflectors with HPS bulbs and then have self...
  11. B

    Can i still use compost tea if its been sitting Ina bag for a week or so ?

    if it's still a dry mix...yes you can......if you have already mixed it with water it is no good. hope this helps ;)