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  1. B

    has anybody used a dust shroom by horti-control??

    yes they work great! i have one myself. it comes with extra oil to lube the filter with(yes its weird but thats how they work). my grow room is bug and pollen free. i say get it. or you can use a HEPA filter which are great as well.
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    Bag Space Question

    i like Geopots as well...especially the G-lite Series...i would not go bigger than 3 gal pots....if your doing a "see of Green" style you can fit about 20 plants really close together...other wise if your going to top and want more grow space i would do 12 to 15 bigger plants. also i would veg...
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    New grower needs help with light setup 4 plants DWC set up

    i would get 1000watt "Raptors" has good coverage or if you want a lower profile light check out the "Radiant" AC reflector. i bought mine at they have pretty good prices
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    Removing the heat

    you probably need a fan that is around 750 need this power to push the hot downward since heat rises.
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    Proper Venting and such with cool tube

    yes it will should be good to go.
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    sealed room with internal ozone generator

    no the co2 will not could do that but you will never deprive the room of oxygen...because the plant itself makes oxygen which is a necessary for roots
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    400 mh heat over 600 air cooled heat

    your Yeild Should be 20 to 30% more than a 400 watt no matter how many plants you have....the 600 is far more of an intense light.
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    400 mh heat over 600 air cooled heat

    You are very welcome sir :)
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    4 week old Grape ape drooping after i switched to "veg room"

    most likely humidity would not cause this....the ones in the DR 40 will definitely snap back..they dont look to bad. the rihno looks great! good job :)
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    floranova a&b or dynagro

    ide go flora nova
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    400 mh heat over 600 air cooled heat

    it depends on the size of your room and how many lights but yes a 600 watt air cooled reflector should keep your temp down below 80. you could do the 400 watt air cooled but your yield will be less compared to a 600 watt. aslo when using aircooled reflectors remember that 5 to 7% of lumens is...
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    Dreaded white spots

    try using Azamax or Liquid Lady bug. or SaferGrow mildew cure.
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    need help, im stumped.

    do a flush and also a CAL MAG Foliar spray...this might help.....sounds like maybe your too close to the light as well. and im assuming your PHing your water after you ad the nutes. if not this could be your ph problem.
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    4 week old Grape ape drooping after i switched to "veg room"

    it could be a number of things but i doubt it's the light intensity...could be not enough water or maybe youre over watering. if you transplanted before moving under the different light then maybe its just a little transplant shock.... try using a B1 supplement and maybe a cal mag foliar...
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    Enough Organic nutes for soil???

    sounds good enough...i would still check the ph just in case
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    Noticed new growth - not in 12/12 still 24/7 Pre-flower???

    just looks like regular new growth to me. i usually veg for three weeks sometimes two before i flip to 12/12
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    AzaMax ok to use on flowering plants?

    if you have fungus gnats in your soil try using EZ Wet from growmore.
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    AzaMax ok to use on flowering plants?

    i wouldn't use pass week dont want the azamax poison to be on your finished buds and you dont want to wet the buds as you may get mold. anytime before week 5 of flower is okay.
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    Whats Next? Top Off, Clone, Prune???

    i would prune and clone....its to late to top. also i would try watering less but more often...its good if the plant needs to be watered every 3 want the soil to be dry but not too dry. turn your prunings into clones. dont cut off the top unless its not receiving any light. i would...