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  1. B

    freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet . there is not a lot of accurate information on it . from what i am seeing professions say watching you...
  2. B

    Running hps 13/11 to increase yield

    i found this article . i trust there experience .
  3. B

    good reading . i actually learned something . how to get dense buds

    hey thanks dg . learned another thing to try . i read this . looks good . i am trying this asap .
  4. B

    any trick to check for water

    omg . here we go . about the flush . why would he flush at all ?
  5. B

    any trick to check for water

    we just cant keep the water running running 24/7 ?
  6. B

    good reading . i actually learned something . how to get dense buds

    no not another bacon grease posting lol.
  7. B

    hypothetical , somebody trying to pass a pee test

    thank you . some very good info above . very good reading .
  8. B

    Running hps 13/11 to increase yield

    never did set my 10/14 up to damn lazy . so how is that 10 /14 working for you compared to the 12/12
  9. B

    hypothetical , somebody trying to pass a pee test

    very true. but if somebody does thc its in your system for 28 days . so 27 days later after you go into a party get second hand from friends smoking . you take a test and fail . idk if that little bit would show up . possible though they need to change the test . its hard to even drive...
  10. B

    Some porn

    dont let me woman in there . it would be all gone in 3 or so days ! looking nice
  11. B

    Newb 1st grow - tropical climate?

    what is the average humidity ? there .
  12. B

    hypothetical , somebody trying to pass a pee test

    thats the way . actually throw the container onto the heat vent on the way there and put it under the nut sack between legs to keep warm . this person should be able to pass the test if they had this in there system or not . they have a medical card . so when is this going to ever...
  13. B

    hypothetical , somebody trying to pass a pee test

    look at that even a fake penis . very nice . ok thanks . it will work well .
  14. B

    go ahead an pick on me lol . cheap led . i think it will do what i want .

    turned on the drop light last night . lol its not impressive at all . those led bulbs posted above will be the way to go for sure . for a cheap set up . i have those bulbs they are very bright . in my family room and out side and kitchen . the drop light is bright in a very small area but...
  15. B

    Thinking of opening my own hydroponic store

    if your near the mi detroit area pm me .
  16. B

    A new era

    yeah , i am brutal when it comes to my rating system and trust me i have a lot of help . my woman her lady friends . as long as they run around in panties they can use what ever they like . its a win win having woman half your age hanging out . we had heavy weight fruit punch . and...
  17. B

    hypothetical , somebody trying to pass a pee test

    not this is hypothetical if there a person a guy that had to take a piss test to start a job . and they wanted to pass this test . they dont watch you pee . just have to leave the door open, and dont flush . so what would be the option of bringing some body pee in with you keep it warm...
  18. B

    go ahead an pick on me lol . cheap led . i think it will do what i want .

    we will see how bad or good the light is . if it were cheaper . i would throw them into the veg room let them rock . chain link 20 or so together . i will post my results in a few weeks or less how the light works .
  19. B

    A new era

    wonder how an auto would do out doors . indoors for get it not worth running 18/6 or 24 .